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Badges FAQ

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 06:08, 13 June 2013 by Mary Cooch (talk | contribs) (change badge image size thanks to Richard Bakos)

How can teachers award site badges?

By default, teachers can only award course badges. Only users with capabilities to manage badges in the system are able to do this, so if you wish teachers to award site badges you need to create a new, global role.

  1. Go to Administration > Site administration > Users > Permissions > Define roles and add a new role called for example "Site badge awarder"
  2. Add it to the "System" context
  3. Set the following capabilities to "allow": moodle/badges:awardbadge, moodle/badges:viewbadges, moodle/badges:configurecriteria
  4. Assign this role to the teachers you wish to award site badges.

The teacher with the role "Site badge awarder" will see a link to Badges in the Administration block.

Can more than one teacher in a course award the same badge?

(copied from MDL-39189) It's not the user who issues the badge, but a role. Users with multiple roles will have an option to use both of them to issue badges. If the badge is awarded twice by different roles, both roles are displayed and criteria (ALL/ANY) is given. In some cases it will be required for a badge to be awarded by several different roles. When there are, let's say, three teachers in the course and they go to award a badge as a teacher, each of them will see the list of users who already got the badge from a teacher, so they won't need to award the badge again.

What's the difference between a backpack and a collection?

When you upload a badge to the Openbadges site you are adding it to your backpack, which is the general area you put your badges in. (Like a backpack!) You then organise them into collections (like separate little bags in your backpack) and you choose which to display on your Moodle profile. So a badge may be in your backpack and not in a collection, but it must be in your backpack before it can be in a collection. (Note the 'public' box must be ticked too.) Collections allow you to control which badges you share with people.

A users's online backpack
Drag badges into a new collection to display on Moodle

How can I change the badge image size?

Badges are by default 90 x 90 pixels but you can change the default size if you wish by editing the code according to this forum post

See also