Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 3.11. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle may be available here: Manual install on Windows 7 with Apache and MySQL.

Manual install on Windows 7 with Apache and MySQL

From MoodleDocs

These are instructions for installing on Windows 7 desktop using individual components rather than a one click installer. This is intended only as a testing/evaluation install via 'localhost'. Proper server configuration and security is not considered.

Step 1: Install MySQL

  • Install the MySQL database server on your PC. We will do this using the 'MSI' one-click installer for Windows. Go to and download the 'MySQL Installer for Windows'. At the time of writing this was from a very obvious graphic at the top of the screen (which I missed the first time).
  • Run the installation. This may well take some time.

Step 2: Install Apache

Step 3: Install PHP

Step 4: Install Git

Step 5: Install Moodle

Upgrading Moodle