
Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 3.10. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle may be available here: ad-hoc contributed reports.

ad-hoc contributed reports

From MoodleDocs

These are community contributed reports for the Custom_SQL_queries_report site-wide report plugin (module)
Everyone is welcome to add their own. until we find a better way to exchange reports between us.
Enjoy :-)

Detailed ACTIONs for each MODULE

SELECT module,action,count(id) as counter FROM prefix_log GROUP BY module,action ORDER BY module,counter desc


SELECT r.name,l.action, count( l.userid ) as counter FROM `prefix_log` as l JOIN `prefix_role_assignments` AS ra on l.userid = ra.userid JOIN prefix_role AS r ON ra.roleid = r.id WHERE ra.roleid IN (3,4,5) GROUP BY roleid,l.action ORDER BY counter desc


SELECT l.action, count( l.userid ) as counter , r.name FROM `prefix_log` as l JOIN `prefix_role_assignments` AS ra on l.userid = ra.userid JOIN `prefix_role` AS r ON ra.roleid = r.id WHERE (ra.roleid IN (3,4,5)) AND (l.action LIKE '%view%' ) GROUP BY roleid,l.action order by r.name,counter desc

Most Active courses

SELECT COUNT(l.id) hits, l.course courseId, c.fullname coursename FROM prefix_log l INNER JOIN prefix_course c ON l.course = c.id GROUP BY courseId ORDER BY hits DESC

RESOURCE count for each COURSE

SELECT COUNT(l.id) count, l.course, c.fullname coursename FROM prefix_resource l INNER JOIN prefix_course c on l.course = c.id GROUP BY course ORDER BY count DESC

Most popular ACTIVITY

SELECT COUNT(l.id) hits, module FROM prefix_log l WHERE module != 'login' AND module != 'course' AND module != 'role' GROUP BY module ORDER BY hits DESC

System wide use of ACTIVITIES and RESOURCES

SELECT count( cm.id ) AS counter, m.name FROM `prefix_course_modules` AS cm JOIN prefix_modules AS m ON cm.module = m.id GROUP BY cm.module ORDER BY counter DESC


select course,module,action,count(action) as summa from prefix_log where action <> 'new' group by course,action,module order by course,module,action

"Compose Web Page" RESOURCE count

SELECT course,prefix_course.fullname, COUNT(*) AS Total FROM `prefix_resource` JOIN `prefix_course` ON prefix_course.id = prefix_resource.course WHERE type='html' GROUP BY course

Total Activity of Roles:"Teacher" and "None-Editing Teacher" by Dates and by Hours

The output columns of this report table can be used as base for a Pivot-Table which will show the amount of activity per hour per days in 3D graph view.

SELECT DATE_FORMAT( FROM_UNIXTIME( l.time ) , '%Y/%m/%d' ) AS grptimed , DATE_FORMAT( FROM_UNIXTIME( l.time ) , '%k' ) AS grptimeh , count( l.userid ) AS counter FROM `prefix_log` AS l JOIN prefix_user AS u ON u.id = l.userid JOIN prefix_role_assignments AS ra ON l.userid = ra.userid JOIN prefix_role AS r ON r.id = ra.roleid WHERE ra.roleid IN (3,4) GROUP BY grptimed,grptimeh ORDER BY grptimed,grptimeh

FORUM use Count per COURSE -- not including NEWS Forum!

SELECT prefix_course.fullname, prefix_forum.course, count(*) as total FROM prefix_forum INNER JOIN prefix_course ON prefix_course.id = prefix_forum.course WHERE NOT(prefix_forum.type = 'news') GROUP BY prefix_forum.course ORDER BY total desc

FORUM use Count per COURSE by type -- not including NEWS Forum!

SELECT prefix_course.fullname, prefix_forum.course, prefix_forum.type, count(*) as total FROM prefix_forum INNER JOIN prefix_course ON prefix_course.id = prefix_forum.course WHERE NOT(prefix_forum.type = 'news') GROUP BY prefix_forum.course,prefix_forum.type ORDER BY total desc

LIST of all site USERS by COURSE enrolment

(Tested and works fine in Moodle 2.x) Reports a site global list of all users enroled in each course SELECT user.firstname AS Firstname, user.lastname AS Lastname, user.email AS Email, user.city AS City, course.fullname AS Course ,(SELECT name FROM prefix_role WHERE id=asg.roleid) FROM prefix_user AS user, prefix_course AS course, prefix_role_assignments AS asg INNER JOIN prefix_context AS context ON asg.contextid=context.id WHERE context.contextlevel = 50 AND user.id=asg.userid AND context.instanceid=course.id

Permissions Overides on Categories

(By: Séverin Terrier ) SELECT rc.id, ct.instanceid, ccat.name, rc.roleid, rc.capability, rc.permission, DATE_FORMAT( FROM_UNIXTIME( rc.timemodified ) , '%Y-%m-%d' ) AS timemodified, rc.modifierid, ct.instanceid, ct.path, ct.depth FROM `prefix_role_capabilities` AS rc INNER JOIN `prefix_context` AS ct ON rc.contextid = ct.id INNER JOIN `prefix_course_categories` AS ccat ON ccat.id = ct.instanceid AND `contextlevel` =40

Lists "Totally Opened Courses" (visible, opened to guests, with no password)

(By: Séverin Terrier ) SELECT id , category , fullname , shortname , enrollable FROM `prefix_course` WHERE `guest` =1 AND `password` = "" AND `visible` =1

Lists "loggedin users" from the last 120 days

SELECT id,username,FROM_UNIXTIME(`lastlogin`) as days FROM `mdl_user` WHERE DATEDIFF( NOW(),FROM_UNIXTIME(`lastlogin`) ) < 120

and user count for that same population: SELECT COUNT(id) as Users FROM `mdl_user` WHERE DATEDIFF( NOW(),FROM_UNIXTIME(`lastlogin`) ) < 120

List "Recently uploaded files"

see what users are uploading SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(time,'%Y %M %D %h:%i:%s') as time ,ip,userid,url,info FROM `prefix_log` WHERE `action` LIKE 'upload' ORDER BY `prefix_log`.`time` DESC

List Courses that loaded a specific file: "X"

Did the Teacher (probably) uploaded course's Syllabus ? SELECT c.id, c.fullname FROM `prefix_log` as l JOIN prefix_course as c ON c.id = l.course WHERE `action` LIKE '%upload%' AND ( info LIKE '%Syllabus%' OR info LIKE '%Sylabus%' ) GROUP BY c.id

Students in all courses of some institute

What is the status (deleted or not) of all Students (roleid = 5) in all courses of some Institute SELECT c.id, c.fullname, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.deleted FROM prefix_course AS c JOIN prefix_context AS ctx ON c.id = ctx.instanceid JOIN prefix_role_assignments AS ra ON ra.contextid = ctx.id JOIN prefix_user AS u ON u.id = ra.userid WHERE ra.roleid =5 AND ctx.instanceid = c.id AND u.institution = 'please enter school name here'

Full User info (for deleted users)

Including extra custom profile fields (from mdl_user_info_data) SELECT * FROM mdl_user as u JOIN mdl_user_info_data as uid ON uid.userid = u.id JOIN mdl_user_info_field as uif ON (uid.fieldid = uif.id AND uif.shortname = 'class') WHERE `deleted` = "1" and `institution`="your school name" and `department` = "your department" and `data` = "class level and number"

Activity In Forums

Trying to figure out how much real activity we have in Forums by aggregating: Users in Course, Number of Posts, Number of Discussions, Unique student post, Unique student discussions, Number of Teachers , Number of Students, ratio between unique Student posts and the number of students in the Course... SELECT c.fullname,f.name,f.type ,(SELECT count(id) FROM prefix_forum_discussions as fd WHERE f.id = fd.forum) as Discussions ,(SELECT count(distinct fd.userid) FROM prefix_forum_discussions as fd WHERE fd.forum = f.id) as UniqueUsersDiscussions ,(SELECT count(fp.id) FROM prefix_forum_discussions fd JOIN prefix_forum_posts as fp ON fd.id = fp.discussion WHERE f.id = fd.forum) as Posts ,(SELECT count(distinct fp.userid) FROM prefix_forum_discussions fd JOIN prefix_forum_posts as fp ON fd.id = fp.discussion WHERE f.id = fd.forum) as UniqueUsersPosts ,(SELECT Count( ra.userid ) AS Students FROM prefix_role_assignments AS ra JOIN prefix_context AS ctx ON ra.contextid = ctx.id WHERE ra.roleid =5 AND ctx.instanceid = c.id ) AS StudentsCount ,(SELECT Count( ra.userid ) AS Teachers FROM prefix_role_assignments AS ra JOIN prefix_context AS ctx ON ra.contextid = ctx.id WHERE ra.roleid =3 AND ctx.instanceid = c.id ) AS 'Teacher
Count' ,(SELECT Count( ra.userid ) AS Users FROM prefix_role_assignments AS ra JOIN prefix_context AS ctx ON ra.contextid = ctx.id WHERE ra.roleid IN (3,5) AND ctx.instanceid = c.id ) AS UserCount , (SELECT (UniqueUsersDiscussions / StudentsCount )) as StudentDissUsage , (SELECT (UniqueUsersPosts /StudentsCount)) as StudentPostUsage FROM prefix_forum as f JOIN prefix_course as c ON f.course = c.id WHERE `type` != 'news' ORDER BY StudentPostUsage DESC

Blog activity per Course (not including VIEW)

Filter activity logging to some specific Course Categories! + link course name to actual course (for quick reference) (you can change %blog% to %wiki% to filter down all wiki activity or any other module you wish) SELECT concat('<a target="_new" href="%%WWWROOT%%/course/view.php?id=',cm.course,'">',c.fullname,'</a>') as CourseID ,m.name ,count(cm.id) as counter ,(SELECT Count( ra.userid ) AS Users FROM prefix_role_assignments AS ra JOIN prefix_context AS ctx ON ra.contextid = ctx.id WHERE ra.roleid = 5 AND ctx.instanceid = c.id ) AS Students , ( SELECT count(id) FROM prefix_log WHERE `module` LIKE '%blog%' AND course = c.id AND action NOT LIKE '%view%' ) as BlogActivity FROM `prefix_course_modules` as cm JOIN prefix_modules as m ON cm.module=m.id JOIN prefix_course as c ON cm.course = c.id WHERE m.name LIKE '%blog%' AND c.category IN ( 8,13,15) GROUP BY cm.course,cm.module order by counter desc

Detailed WIKI activity (per wiki per course)

Including Number of Students in course (for reference) SELECT concat('<a target="_new" href="%%WWWROOT%%/course/view.php?id=',cm.course,'">',c.fullname,'</a>') as CourseID ,(SELECT Count( ra.userid ) AS Users FROM prefix_role_assignments AS ra JOIN prefix_context AS ctx ON ra.contextid = ctx.id WHERE ra.roleid = 5 AND ctx.instanceid = c.id ) AS Students ,m.name , ( SELECT count(id) FROM prefix_log WHERE cmid = cm.id AND action LIKE '%updat%' ) as 'UPDAT E' , ( SELECT count(id) FROM prefix_log WHERE cmid = cm.id AND action LIKE '%annotate%' ) as ANNOTATE , ( SELECT count(id) FROM prefix_log WHERE cmid = cm.id AND action LIKE '%comment%' ) as COMMENT , ( SELECT count(id) FROM prefix_log WHERE cmid = cm.id AND action LIKE '%add%' ) as 'A DD' , ( SELECT count(id) FROM prefix_log WHERE cmid = cm.id AND action LIKE '%edit%' ) as EDIT , ( SELECT count(id) FROM prefix_log WHERE cmid = cm.id AND action NOT LIKE '%view%' ) as 'All (NO View)' FROM `prefix_course_modules` as cm JOIN prefix_modules as m ON cm.module=m.id JOIN prefix_course as c ON cm.course = c.id WHERE m.name LIKE '%wiki%' GROUP BY cm.course,cm.module ORDER BY 'All (NO View)' DESC

All Courses which uploaded a Syllabus file

+ under specific Category + show first Teacher in that course + link Course's fullname to actual course SELECT concat('<a target="_new" href="%%WWWROOT%%/course/view.php?id=',c.id,'">',c.fullname,'</a>') as Course ,c.shortname,r.name ,(SELECT CONCAT(u.firstname,' ', u.lastname) as Teacher FROM prefix_role_assignments AS ra JOIN prefix_context AS ctx ON ra.contextid = ctx.id JOIN prefix_user as u ON u.id = ra.userid WHERE ra.roleid = 3 AND ctx.instanceid = c.id LIMIT 1) as Teacher FROM prefix_resource as r JOIN prefix_course as c ON r.course = c.id WHERE ( r.name LIKE '%סילבוס%' OR r.name LIKE '%סילאבוס%' OR r.name LIKE '%syllabus%' OR r.name LIKE '%תכנית הקורס%' ) AND c.category IN (10,18,26,13,28)

All resources that link to some specific external website

+ link to course + who's the teacher + link to external resource SELECT concat('<a target="_new" href="%%WWWROOT%%/course/view.php?id=',c.id,'">',c.fullname,'</a>') AS Course ,c.shortname,r.name ,(SELECT CONCAT(u.firstname,' ', u.lastname) AS Teacher FROM prefix_role_assignments AS ra JOIN prefix_context AS ctx ON ra.contextid = ctx.id JOIN prefix_user AS u ON u.id = ra.userid WHERE ra.roleid = 3 AND ctx.instanceid = c.id LIMIT 1) AS Teacher ,concat('<a target="_new" href="%%WWWROOT%%/mod/resource/view.php?id=',r.id,'">',r.name,'</a>') AS Resource FROM prefix_resource AS r JOIN prefix_course AS c ON r.course = c.id WHERE r.reference LIKE 'http://info.oranim.ac.il/home%'

How many LOGINs per user and user's Activity

+ link username to a user activity graph report SELECT concat('<a target="_new" href="%%WWWROOT%%/course/user.php?id=1&user=',u.id,'&mode=alllogs">',u.firstname ,' ',u.lastname,'</a>') as Username ,count(*) as logins ,(SELECT count(*) FROM prefix_log WHERE userid = l.userid GROUP BY userid) as Activity FROM prefix_log as l JOIN prefix_user as u ON l.userid = u.id WHERE `action` LIKE '%login%' group by userid ORDER BY Activity DESC

User's courses

change "u.id = 2" with a new user id SELECT u.firstname, u.lastname, c.id, c.fullname FROM mdl_course AS c JOIN mdl_context AS ctx ON c.id = ctx.instanceid JOIN mdl_role_assignments AS ra ON ra.contextid = ctx.id JOIN mdl_user AS u ON u.id = ra.userid WHERE u.id = 2

All Forum type:NEWS

SELECT f.id, f.name FROM mdl_course_modules AS cm JOIN mdl_modules AS m ON cm.module = m.id JOIN mdl_forum AS f ON cm.instance = f.id WHERE m.name = 'forum' AND f.type = 'news'

All new forum NEWS items (discussions) from all my Courses

change "userid = 26" and "id = 26" to a new user id SELECT c.shortname,f.name,fd.name,FROM_UNIXTIME(fd.timemodified ,"%d %M %Y ") as Date FROM mdl_forum_discussions as fd JOIN mdl_forum as f ON f.id = fd.forum JOIN mdl_course as c ON c.id = f.course JOIN mdl_user_lastaccess as ul ON (c.id = ul.courseid AND ul.userid = 26) WHERE fd.timemodified > ul.timeaccess

AND fd.forum IN (SELECT f.id
FROM mdl_course_modules AS cm
JOIN mdl_modules AS m ON cm.module = m.id
JOIN mdl_forum AS f ON cm.instance = f.id
WHERE m.name = 'forum'
AND f.type = 'news')
 AND c.id IN (SELECT c.id
  FROM mdl_course AS c
  JOIN mdl_context AS ctx ON c.id = ctx.instanceid
  JOIN mdl_role_assignments AS ra ON ra.contextid = ctx.id
  JOIN mdl_user AS u ON u.id = ra.userid
  WHERE u.id = 26) ORDER BY `fd`.`timemodified` DESC

Resource count in courses

+ (First)Teacher name + Where course is inside some specific Categories SELECT COUNT(*) AS count ,r.course ,c.shortname shortname ,c.fullname coursename ,( SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT(u.firstname,' ',u.lastname)

 FROM prefix_role_assignments AS ra
 JOIN prefix_user as u ON ra.userid = u.id
 JOIN prefix_context AS ctx ON ctx.id = ra.contextid
 WHERE ra.roleid = 3 AND ctx.instanceid = r.course AND ctx.contextlevel = 50 LIMIT 1) AS Teacher

FROM prefix_resource r JOIN prefix_course c ON r.course = c.id WHERE c.category IN (10,13,28,18,26) GROUP BY r.course ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC

News Forum - Discussions COUNT

Which is actually... How much instructions students get from their teachers SELECT c.shortname , concat('<a target="_new" href="%%WWWROOT%%/course/view.php?id=',c.id,'">',c.fullname,'</a>') AS Course ,( SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT(u.firstname,' ',u.lastname)

 FROM prefix_role_assignments AS ra
 JOIN prefix_user AS u ON ra.userid = u.id
 JOIN prefix_context AS ctx ON ctx.id = ra.contextid
 WHERE ra.roleid = 3 AND ctx.instanceid = c.id AND ctx.contextlevel = 50 LIMIT 1) AS Teacher

,concat('<a target="_new" href="%%WWWROOT%%/mod/forum/view.php?f=',fd.forum,'">',count(fd.id),'</a>') AS DiscussionsSum FROM prefix_forum_discussions AS fd INNER JOIN prefix_forum AS f ON f.id = fd.forum INNER JOIN prefix_course AS c ON c.id = f.course WHERE f.type = 'news' AND c.category IN (10,13,28,18,26) GROUP BY fd.forum ORDER BY count(fd.id) DESC

Special Roles

SELECT ra.roleid,r.name ,concat('<a target="_new" href="%%WWWROOT%%/course/user.php?id=1&user=',ra.userid,'">',u.firstname ,' ',u.lastname,'</a>') AS Username ,concat('<a target="_new" href="%%WWWROOT%%/course/view.php?id=',c.id,'">',c.fullname,'</a>') AS Course FROM prefix_role_assignments AS ra JOIN prefix_role AS r ON r.id = ra.roleid JOIN prefix_user AS u ON u.id = ra.userid JOIN prefix_context AS ctx ON (ctx.id = ra.contextid AND ctx.contextlevel = 50) JOIN prefix_course AS c ON ctx.instanceid = c.id WHERE ra.roleid > 6

Courses without Teachers

Actually, shows the number of Teachers in a course. SELECT concat('<a target="_new" href="%%WWWROOT%%/course/view.php?id=',c.id,'">',c.fullname,'</a>') as Course ,(SELECT Count( ra.userid ) AS Users FROM prefix_role_assignments AS ra JOIN prefix_context AS ctx ON ra.contextid = ctx.id WHERE ra.roleid = 3 AND ctx.instanceid = c.id) AS Teachers FROM prefix_course AS c ORDER BY Teachers ASC

Site-Wide Grade Report with All Items

Shows grades for all course items along with course totals for each student. SELECT u.firstname AS 'First' , u.lastname AS 'Last', u.firstname + ' ' + u.lastname AS 'Display Name', c.fullname AS 'Course', cc.name AS 'Category',


 WHEN gi.itemtype = 'course' 
  THEN c.fullname + ' Course Total'
 ELSE gi.itemname

END AS 'Item Name',

ROUND(gg.finalgrade,2) AS Grade, DATEADD(ss,gi.timemodified,'1970-01-01') AS Time

FROM prefix_course AS c JOIN prefix_context AS ctx ON c.id = ctx.instanceid JOIN prefix_role_assignments AS ra ON ra.contextid = ctx.id JOIN prefix_user AS u ON u.id = ra.userid JOIN prefix_grade_grades AS gg ON gg.userid = u.id JOIN prefix_grade_items AS gi ON gi.id = gg.itemid JOIN prefix_course_categories as cc ON cc.id = c.category

WHERE gi.courseid = c.id ORDER BY lastname For MySQL users, you'll need to use the MySQL DATE_ADD function instead of DATEADD: DATE_ADD('1970-01-01', INTERVAL gi.timemodified SECONDS) AS Time

Site-Wide Grade Report with Just Course Totals

A second site-wide grade report for all students that just shows course totals. SELECT u.firstname AS 'First' , u.lastname AS 'Last', u.firstname + ' ' + u.lastname AS 'Display Name', cc.name AS 'Category', CASE

 WHEN gi.itemtype = 'course' 
  THEN c.fullname + ' Course Total'
 ELSE gi.itemname

END AS 'Item Name',

ROUND(gg.finalgrade,2) AS Grade, DATEADD(ss,gi.timemodified,'1970-01-01') AS Time

FROM prefix_course AS c JOIN prefix_context AS ctx ON c.id = ctx.instanceid JOIN prefix_role_assignments AS ra ON ra.contextid = ctx.id JOIN prefix_user AS u ON u.id = ra.userid JOIN prefix_grade_grades AS gg ON gg.userid = u.id JOIN prefix_grade_items AS gi ON gi.id = gg.itemid JOIN prefix_course_categories as cc ON cc.id = c.category

WHERE gi.courseid = c.id AND gi.itemtype = 'course'

ORDER BY lastname For MySQL users, you'll need to use the MySQL DATE_ADD function instead of DATEADD: DATE_ADD('1970-01-01', INTERVAL gi.timemodified SECONDS) AS Time

All Ungraded Assignments

Returns all the submitted assignments that still need grading select u.firstname AS "First", u.lastname AS "Last", c.fullname AS "Course", a.name AS "Assignment"

from prefix_assignment_submissions as asb join prefix_assignment as a ON a.id = asb.assignment join prefix_user as u ON u.id = asb.userid join prefix_course as c ON c.id = a.course join prefix_course_modules as cm ON c.id = cm.course

where asb.grade < 0 and cm.instance = a.id and cm.module = 1

order by c.fullname, a.name, u.lastname

All Ungraded Assignments w/ Link

Returns all the submitted assignments that still need grading, along with a link that goes directly to the submission to grade it. The links work if you view the report within Moodle. select u.firstname AS "First", u.lastname AS "Last", c.fullname AS "Course", a.name AS "Assignment",

'<a href="http://education.varonis.com/mod/assignment/submissions.php' + char(63) + + 'id=' + cast(cm.id as varchar) + '&userid=' + cast(u.id as varchar) + '&mode=single&filter=0&offset=2">' + a.name + '</a>' AS "Assignmentlink"

from prefix_assignment_submissions as asb join prefix_assignment as a ON a.id = asb.assignment join prefix_user as u ON u.id = asb.userid join prefix_course as c ON c.id = a.course join prefix_course_modules as cm ON c.id = cm.course

where asb.grade < 0 and cm.instance = a.id and cm.module = 1

order by c.fullname, a.name, u.lastname

Wiki usage, system wide

(you can filter the output by selecting some specific course categories : "WHERE c.category IN ( 8,13,15)")

SELECT concat('<a target="_new" href="%%WWWROOT%%/course/view.php?id=',c.id,'">',c.fullname,'</a>') as Course

,(SELECT count( m.name ) AS count FROM prefix_course_modules AS cm JOIN prefix_modules AS m ON cm.module = m.id WHERE cm.course = c.id AND m.name LIKE '%wiki%') AS Wikis

,(SELECT count(*) FROM prefix_log as l WHERE l.course = c.id AND l.module LIKE '%wiki%') AS 'WikiActivity

,(SELECT count(*) FROM prefix_log as l WHERE l.course = c.id AND l.module LIKE '%wiki%' and l.action LIKE '%add%' ) AS 'WikiActivity

,(SELECT count(*) FROM prefix_log as l WHERE l.course = c.id AND l.module LIKE '%wiki%' and l.action LIKE '%edit%' ) AS 'WikiActivity

,(SELECT count(*) FROM prefix_log as l WHERE l.course = c.id AND l.module LIKE '%wiki%' and l.action LIKE '%annotate%' ) AS 'WikiActivity

,(SELECT count(*) FROM prefix_log as l WHERE l.course = c.id AND l.module LIKE '%wiki%' and l.action LIKE '%comments%' ) AS 'WikiActivity

,(SELECT Count( ra.userid ) AS Users FROM prefix_role_assignments AS ra JOIN prefix_context AS ctx ON ra.contextid = ctx.id WHERE ra.roleid = 5 AND ctx.instanceid = c.id) AS Students

,(SELECT count(*) FROM prefix_ouwiki_pages as ouwp JOIN prefix_ouwiki as ouw ON ouw.id = ouwp.subwikiid WHERE ouw.course = c.id GROUP BY ouw.course ) as OUWikiPages

,(SELECT count( DISTINCT nwp.pagename ) FROM prefix_wiki_pages AS nwp JOIN prefix_wiki AS nw ON nw.id = nwp.dfwiki WHERE nw.course = c.id ) As NWikiPages

FROM prefix_course AS c WHERE c.category IN ( 8,13,15) HAVING Wikis > 0 ORDER BY 'WikiActivity

Aggregated Teacher activity by "WEB2" Modules

The NV column shows activity without VIEW log activity SELECT ra.userid, u.firstname,u.lastname ,(SELECT count(*) FROM prefix_log as l WHERE l.userid = u.id AND l.module LIKE '%wiki%') AS Wiki ,(SELECT count(*) FROM prefix_log as l WHERE l.userid = u.id AND l.module LIKE '%wiki%' AND l.action NOT LIKE '%view%') AS Wiki_NV ,(SELECT count(*) FROM prefix_log as l WHERE l.userid = u.id AND l.module LIKE '%forum%') AS Forum ,(SELECT count(*) FROM prefix_log as l WHERE l.userid = u.id AND l.module LIKE '%forum%' AND l.action NOT LIKE '%view%') AS Forum_NV ,(SELECT count(*) FROM prefix_log as l WHERE l.userid = u.id AND l.module LIKE '%blog%') AS Blog ,(SELECT count(*) FROM prefix_log as l WHERE l.userid = u.id AND l.module LIKE '%blog%' AND l.action NOT LIKE '%view%') AS Blog_NV ,(SELECT count(*) FROM prefix_log as l WHERE l.userid = u.id AND l.module LIKE '%assignment%') AS Assignment ,(SELECT count(*) FROM prefix_log as l WHERE l.userid = u.id AND l.module LIKE '%assignment%' AND l.action NOT LIKE '%view%') AS Assignment_NV FROM prefix_role_assignments AS ra JOIN prefix_user AS u ON u.id = ra.userid WHERE ra.roleid = 3 GROUP BY ra.userid

Courses that are defined as using GROUPs

SELECT concat('<a target="_new" href="%%WWWROOT%%/group/index.php?id=',c.id,'">',c.fullname,'</a>') AS Course

FROM `prefix_course` AS c

WHERE groupmode > 0

System Wide usage count of various course Activities

Like: Forum, Wiki, Blog, Assignment, Database,

  1. Within specific category
  2. Teacher name in course

SELECT concat('<a target="_new" href="%%WWWROOT%%/course/view.php?id=',c.id,'">',c.fullname,'</a>') as Course

,(SELECT CONCAT(u.firstname,' ', u.lastname) AS Teacher FROM prefix_role_assignments AS ra JOIN prefix_context AS ctx ON ra.contextid = ctx.id JOIN prefix_user AS u ON u.id = ra.userid WHERE ra.roleid = 3 AND ctx.instanceid = c.id LIMIT 1) AS Teacher

,(SELECT count( m.name ) AS count FROM prefix_course_modules AS cm JOIN prefix_modules AS m ON cm.module = m.id WHERE cm.course = c.id AND m.name LIKE '%wiki%') AS Wikis ,(SELECT count( m.name ) AS count FROM prefix_course_modules AS cm JOIN prefix_modules AS m ON cm.module = m.id WHERE cm.course = c.id AND m.name LIKE '%blog%') AS Blogs

,(SELECT count( m.name ) AS count FROM prefix_course_modules AS cm JOIN prefix_modules AS m ON cm.module = m.id WHERE cm.course = c.id AND m.name LIKE '%forum%') AS Forums

,(SELECT count( m.name ) AS count FROM prefix_course_modules AS cm JOIN prefix_modules AS m ON cm.module = m.id WHERE cm.course = c.id AND m.name LIKE '%data%') AS Databses

,(SELECT count( m.name ) AS count FROM prefix_course_modules AS cm JOIN prefix_modules AS m ON cm.module = m.id WHERE cm.course = c.id AND m.name LIKE '%assignment%') AS Assignments

,(SELECT Count( ra.userid ) AS Users FROM prefix_role_assignments AS ra JOIN prefix_context AS ctx ON ra.contextid = ctx.id WHERE ra.roleid = 5 AND ctx.instanceid = c.id) AS Students

FROM prefix_course AS c WHERE c.category IN ( 18) ORDER BY Wikis DESC,Blogs DESC, Forums DESC

List all the certificates issued, sort by variables in the custom profile fields

Note: The SQL queries look intimidating at first, but isn't really that difficult to learn. I've seen in the forums that users wanted to do 'site-wide' groups in 1.9x. This is sort of the idea. It pulls all the certificates issued to all users sorted by the custom profile fields, which in my case is the Units or Depts (i.e. my site wide groups). Why certificates? I've explored with both grades and quizzes, the course admins are not really interested in the actual grades but whether the learner received a certificate (i.e. passed the course with x, y, z activities). It also saves me from creating groups and assigning them into the right groups. Even assigning in bulk is not efficient, since I have upward of 25 groups per course and constantly new learners enrolling in courses. The limitation is something to do with the server? as it only pull 5000 rows of data. If anyone figured out how to change this, please let me know. In the meantime, the work around is to pull only a few units/depts at a time to limit the number of rows. This is fine at the moment, since each course admin are only responsible for certain units/depts.

SELECT DATE_FORMAT( FROM_UNIXTIME(prefix_certificate_issues.timecreated), '%Y/%m/%d' ) AS Date, prefix_certificate_issues.classname AS Topic, prefix_certificate.name AS Certificate, prefix_certificate_issues.studentname as Name, prefix_user_info_data.data AS Units

FROM prefix_certificate_issues

INNER JOIN prefix_user_info_data on prefix_certificate_issues.userid = prefix_user_info_data.userid

INNER JOIN prefix_certificate on prefix_certificate_issues.certificateid = prefix_certificate.id

WHERE prefix_user_info_data.data='Unit 1' OR prefix_user_info_data.data='Unit 2' OR prefix_user_info_data.data='Unit 3'

ORDER BY Units, Name, Topic ASC