
Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 3.10. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle may be available here: ad-hoc contributed reports.

ad-hoc contributed reports

From MoodleDocs

These are community contributed reports for the Custom_SQL_queries_report site-wide report plugin (module)
Everyone is welcome to add their own. until we find a better way to exchange reports between us.
Enjoy :-)

Detailed ACTIONs for each MODULE

SELECT module,action,count(id) as counter FROM prefix_log GROUP BY module,action ORDER BY module,counter desc


SELECT r.name,l.action, count( l.userid ) as counter FROM `prefix_log` as l JOIN `prefix_role_assignments` AS ra on l.userid = ra.userid JOIN prefix_role AS r ON ra.roleid = r.id WHERE ra.roleid IN (3,4,5) GROUP BY roleid,l.action ORDER BY counter desc


SELECT l.action, count( l.userid ) as counter , r.name FROM `prefix_log` as l JOIN `prefix_role_assignments` AS ra on l.userid = ra.userid JOIN `prefix_role` AS r ON ra.roleid = r.id WHERE (ra.roleid IN (3,4,5)) AND (l.action LIKE '%view%' ) GROUP BY roleid,l.action order by r.name,counter desc

Most Active courses

SELECT COUNT(l.id) hits, l.course courseId, c.fullname coursename FROM prefix_log l INNER JOIN prefix_course c ON l.course = c.id GROUP BY courseId ORDER BY hits DESC

RESOURCE count for each COURSE

SELECT COUNT(l.id) count, l.course, c.fullname coursename FROM prefix_resource l INNER JOIN prefix_course c on l.course = c.id GROUP BY course ORDER BY count DESC

Most popular ACTIVITY

SELECT COUNT(l.id) hits, module FROM prefix_log l WHERE module != 'login' AND module != 'course' AND module != 'role' GROUP BY module ORDER BY hits DESC

System wide use of ACTIVITIES and RESOURCES

SELECT count( cm.id ) AS counter, m.name FROM `prefix_course_modules` AS cm JOIN prefix_modules AS m ON cm.module = m.id GROUP BY cm.module ORDER BY counter DESC


select course,module,action,count(action) as summa from prefix_log where action <> 'new' group by course,action,module order by course,module,action

"Compose Web Page" RESOURCE count

SELECT course,prefix_course.fullname, COUNT(*) AS Total FROM `prefix_resource` JOIN `prefix_course` ON prefix_course.id = prefix_resource.course WHERE type='html' GROUP BY course

Total Activity of Roles:"Teacher" and "None-Editing Teacher" by Dates and by Hours

The output columns of this report table can be used as base for a Pivot-Table which will show the amount of activity per hour per days in 3D graph view.

SELECT DATE_FORMAT( FROM_UNIXTIME( l.time ) , '%Y/%m/%d' ) AS grptimed , DATE_FORMAT( FROM_UNIXTIME( l.time ) , '%k' ) AS grptimeh , count( l.userid ) AS counter FROM `prefix_log` AS l JOIN prefix_user AS u ON u.id = l.userid JOIN prefix_role_assignments AS ra ON l.userid = ra.userid JOIN prefix_role AS r ON r.id = ra.roleid WHERE ra.roleid IN (3,4) GROUP BY grptimed,grptimeh ORDER BY grptimed,grptimeh

FORUM use Count per COURSE -- not including NEWS Forum!

SELECT prefix_course.fullname, prefix_forum.course, count(*) as total FROM prefix_forum INNER JOIN prefix_course ON prefix_course.id = prefix_forum.course WHERE NOT(prefix_forum.type = 'news') GROUP BY prefix_forum.course ORDER BY total desc

FORUM use Count per COURSE by type -- not including NEWS Forum!

SELECT prefix_course.fullname, prefix_forum.course, prefix_forum.type, count(*) as total FROM prefix_forum INNER JOIN prefix_course ON prefix_course.id = prefix_forum.course WHERE NOT(prefix_forum.type = 'news') GROUP BY prefix_forum.course,prefix_forum.type ORDER BY total desc

LIST of all site USERS by COURSE enrolment

Reports a site global list of all users enroled in each course SELECT user.firstname AS Firstname, user.lastname AS Lastname, user.email AS Email, user.city AS City, course.fullname AS Course FROM prefix_user AS user, prefix_course AS course, prefix_role_assignments AS asg INNER JOIN prefix_context AS context ON asg.contextid=context.id WHERE context.contextlevel = 50 AND user.id=asg.userid AND context.instanceid=course.id

Permissions Overides on Categories

(By: Séverin Terrier ) SELECT rc.id, ct.instanceid, ccat.name, rc.roleid, rc.capability, rc.permission, DATE_FORMAT( FROM_UNIXTIME( rc.timemodified ) , '%Y-%m-%d' ) AS timemodified, rc.modifierid, ct.instanceid, ct.path, ct.depth FROM `prefix_role_capabilities` AS rc INNER JOIN `prefix_context` AS ct ON rc.contextid = ct.id INNER JOIN `prefix_course_categories` AS ccat ON ccat.id = ct.instanceid AND `contextlevel` =40

Lists "Totally Opened Courses" (visible, opened to guests, with no password)

(By: Séverin Terrier ) SELECT id , category , fullname , shortname , enrollable FROM `prefix_course` WHERE `guest` =1 AND `password` = "" AND `visible` =1

Lists "loggedin users" from the last 120 days

SELECT id,username,FROM_UNIXTIME(`lastlogin`) as days FROM `mdl_user` WHERE DATEDIFF( NOW(),FROM_UNIXTIME(`lastlogin`) ) < 120

and user count for that same population: SELECT COUNT(id) as Users FROM `mdl_user` WHERE DATEDIFF( NOW(),FROM_UNIXTIME(`lastlogin`) ) < 120

List "Recently uploaded files"

see what users are uploading SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(time,'%Y %M %D %h:%i:%s') as time ,ip,userid,url,info FROM `prefix_log` WHERE `action` LIKE 'upload' ORDER BY `prefix_log`.`time` DESC

List Courses that loaded a specific file: "X"

Did the Teacher (probably) uploaded course's Syllabus ? SELECT c.id, c.fullname FROM `prefix_log` as l JOIN prefix_course as c ON c.id = l.course WHERE `action` LIKE '%upload%' AND ( info LIKE '%Syllabus%' OR info LIKE '%Sylabus%' ) GROUP BY c.id

Students in all courses of some institute

What is the status (deleted or not) of all Students (roleid = 5) in all courses of some Institute SELECT c.id, c.fullname, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.deleted FROM prefix_course AS c JOIN prefix_context AS ctx ON c.id = ctx.instanceid JOIN prefix_role_assignments AS ra ON ra.contextid = ctx.id JOIN prefix_user AS u ON u.id = ra.userid WHERE ra.roleid =5 AND ctx.instanceid = c.id AND u.institution = 'please enter school name here'

Full User info (for deleted users)

Including extra custom profile fields (from mdl_user_info_data) SELECT * FROM mdl_user as u JOIN mdl_user_info_data as uid ON uid.userid = u.id JOIN mdl_user_info_field as uif ON (uid.fieldid = uif.id AND uif.shortname = 'class') WHERE `deleted` = "1" and `institution`="your school name" and `department` = "your department" and `data` = "class level and number"

Activity In Forums

Trying to figure out how much real activity we have in Forums by aggregating: Users in Course, Number of Posts, Number of Discussions, Unique student post, Unique student discussions, Number of Teachers , Number of Students, ratio between unique Student posts and the number of students in the Course... SELECT c.fullname,f.name,f.type ,(SELECT count(id) FROM prefix_forum_discussions as fd WHERE f.id = fd.forum) as Discussions ,(SELECT count(distinct fd.userid) FROM prefix_forum_discussions as fd WHERE fd.forum = f.id) as UniqueUsersDiscussions ,(SELECT count(fp.id) FROM prefix_forum_discussions fd JOIN prefix_forum_posts as fp ON fd.id = fp.discussion WHERE f.id = fd.forum) as Posts ,(SELECT count(distinct fp.userid) FROM prefix_forum_discussions fd JOIN prefix_forum_posts as fp ON fd.id = fp.discussion WHERE f.id = fd.forum) as UniqueUsersPosts ,(SELECT Count( ra.userid ) AS Students FROM prefix_role_assignments AS ra JOIN prefix_context AS ctx ON ra.contextid = ctx.id WHERE ra.roleid =5 AND ctx.instanceid = c.id ) AS StudentsCount ,(SELECT Count( ra.userid ) AS Teachers FROM prefix_role_assignments AS ra JOIN prefix_context AS ctx ON ra.contextid = ctx.id WHERE ra.roleid =3 AND ctx.instanceid = c.id ) AS 'Teacher
Count' ,(SELECT Count( ra.userid ) AS Users FROM prefix_role_assignments AS ra JOIN prefix_context AS ctx ON ra.contextid = ctx.id WHERE ra.roleid IN (3,5) AND ctx.instanceid = c.id ) AS UserCount , (SELECT (UniqueUsersDiscussions / StudentsCount )) as StudentDissUsage , (SELECT (UniqueUsersPosts /StudentsCount)) as StudentPostUsage FROM prefix_forum as f JOIN prefix_course as c ON f.course = c.id WHERE `type` != 'news' ORDER BY StudentPostUsage DESC

Blog activity per Course (not including VIEW)

Filter activity logging to some specific Course Categories! + link course name to actual course (for quick reference) (you can change %blog% to %wiki% to filter down all wiki activity or any other module you wish) SELECT concat('<a target="_new" href="%%WWWROOT%%/course/view.php?id=',cm.course,'">',c.fullname,'</a>') as CourseID ,m.name ,count(cm.id) as counter ,(SELECT Count( ra.userid ) AS Users FROM prefix_role_assignments AS ra JOIN prefix_context AS ctx ON ra.contextid = ctx.id WHERE ra.roleid = 5 AND ctx.instanceid = c.id ) AS Students , ( SELECT count(id) FROM prefix_log WHERE `module` LIKE '%blog%' AND course = c.id AND action NOT LIKE '%view%' ) as BlogActivity FROM `prefix_course_modules` as cm JOIN prefix_modules as m ON cm.module=m.id JOIN prefix_course as c ON cm.course = c.id WHERE m.name LIKE '%blog%' AND c.category IN ( 8,13,15) GROUP BY cm.course,cm.module order by counter desc

Detailed WIKI activity (per wiki per course)

Including Number of Students in course (for reference) SELECT concat('<a target="_new" href="%%WWWROOT%%/course/view.php?id=',cm.course,'">',c.fullname,'</a>') as CourseID ,(SELECT Count( ra.userid ) AS Users FROM prefix_role_assignments AS ra JOIN prefix_context AS ctx ON ra.contextid = ctx.id WHERE ra.roleid = 5 AND ctx.instanceid = c.id ) AS Students ,m.name , ( SELECT count(id) FROM prefix_log WHERE cmid = cm.id AND action LIKE '%updat%' ) as 'UPDAT E' , ( SELECT count(id) FROM prefix_log WHERE cmid = cm.id AND action LIKE '%annotate%' ) as ANNOTATE , ( SELECT count(id) FROM prefix_log WHERE cmid = cm.id AND action LIKE '%comment%' ) as COMMENT , ( SELECT count(id) FROM prefix_log WHERE cmid = cm.id AND action LIKE '%add%' ) as 'A DD' , ( SELECT count(id) FROM prefix_log WHERE cmid = cm.id AND action LIKE '%edit%' ) as EDIT , ( SELECT count(id) FROM prefix_log WHERE cmid = cm.id AND action NOT LIKE '%view%' ) as 'All (NO View)' FROM `prefix_course_modules` as cm JOIN prefix_modules as m ON cm.module=m.id JOIN prefix_course as c ON cm.course = c.id WHERE m.name LIKE '%wiki%' GROUP BY cm.course,cm.module ORDER BY 'All (NO View)' DESC

All Courses which uploaded a Syllabus file

+ under specific Category + show first Teacher in that course + link Course's fullname to actual course SELECT concat('<a target="_new" href="%%WWWROOT%%/course/view.php?id=',c.id,'">',c.fullname,'</a>') as Course ,c.shortname,r.name ,(SELECT CONCAT(u.firstname,' ', u.lastname) as Teacher FROM prefix_role_assignments AS ra JOIN prefix_context AS ctx ON ra.contextid = ctx.id JOIN prefix_user as u ON u.id = ra.userid WHERE ra.roleid = 3 AND ctx.instanceid = c.id LIMIT 1) as Teacher FROM prefix_resource as r JOIN prefix_course as c ON r.course = c.id WHERE ( r.name LIKE '%סילבוס%' OR r.name LIKE '%סילאבוס%' OR r.name LIKE '%syllabus%' OR r.name LIKE '%תכנית הקורס%' ) AND c.category IN (10,18,26,13,28)

How many LOGINs per user and user's Activity

+ link username to a user activity graph report SELECT concat('<a target="_new" href="%%WWWROOT%%/course/user.php?id=1&user=',u.id,'&mode=alllogs">',u.firstname ,' ',u.lastname,'</a>') as Username ,count(*) as logins ,(SELECT count(*) FROM prefix_log WHERE userid = l.userid GROUP BY userid) as Activity FROM prefix_log as l JOIN prefix_user as u ON l.userid = u.id WHERE `action` LIKE '%login%' group by userid ORDER BY Activity DESC

User's courses

change "u.id = 2" with a new user id SELECT u.firstname, u.lastname, c.id, c.fullname FROM mdl_course AS c JOIN mdl_context AS ctx ON c.id = ctx.instanceid JOIN mdl_role_assignments AS ra ON ra.contextid = ctx.id JOIN mdl_user AS u ON u.id = ra.userid WHERE u.id = 2

All Forum type:NEWS

SELECT f.id, f.name FROM mdl_course_modules AS cm JOIN mdl_modules AS m ON cm.module = m.id JOIN mdl_forum AS f ON cm.instance = f.id WHERE m.name = 'forum' AND f.type = 'news'

All new forum NEWS items (discussions) from all my Courses

change "userid = 26" and "id = 26" to a new user id SELECT c.shortname,f.name,fd.name,FROM_UNIXTIME(fd.timemodified ,"%d %M %Y ") as Date FROM mdl_forum_discussions as fd JOIN mdl_forum as f ON f.id = fd.forum JOIN mdl_course as c ON c.id = f.course JOIN mdl_user_lastaccess as ul ON (c.id = ul.courseid AND ul.userid = 26) WHERE fd.timemodified > ul.timeaccess

AND fd.forum IN (SELECT f.id
FROM mdl_course_modules AS cm
JOIN mdl_modules AS m ON cm.module = m.id
JOIN mdl_forum AS f ON cm.instance = f.id
WHERE m.name = 'forum'
AND f.type = 'news')
 AND c.id IN (SELECT c.id
  FROM mdl_course AS c
  JOIN mdl_context AS ctx ON c.id = ctx.instanceid
  JOIN mdl_role_assignments AS ra ON ra.contextid = ctx.id
  JOIN mdl_user AS u ON u.id = ra.userid
  WHERE u.id = 26) ORDER BY `fd`.`timemodified` DESC

Resource count in courses

+ (First)Teacher name + Where course is inside some specific Categories SELECT COUNT(*) AS count ,r.course ,c.shortname shortname ,c.fullname coursename ,( SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT(u.firstname,' ',u.lastname)

 FROM prefix_role_assignments AS ra
 JOIN prefix_user as u ON ra.userid = u.id
 JOIN prefix_context AS ctx ON ctx.id = ra.contextid
 WHERE ra.roleid = 3 AND ctx.instanceid = r.course AND ctx.contextlevel = 50 LIMIT 1) AS Teacher

FROM prefix_resource r JOIN prefix_course c ON r.course = c.id WHERE c.category IN (10,13,28,18,26) GROUP BY r.course ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC

News Forum - Discussions COUNT

Which is actually... How much instructions students get from their teachers SELECT c.shortname , concat('<a target="_new" href="%%WWWROOT%%/course/view.php?id=',c.id,'">',c.fullname,'</a>') AS Course ,( SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT(u.firstname,' ',u.lastname)

 FROM prefix_role_assignments AS ra
 JOIN prefix_user AS u ON ra.userid = u.id
 JOIN prefix_context AS ctx ON ctx.id = ra.contextid
 WHERE ra.roleid = 3 AND ctx.instanceid = c.id AND ctx.contextlevel = 50 LIMIT 1) AS Teacher

,concat('<a target="_new" href="%%WWWROOT%%/mod/forum/view.php?f=',fd.forum,'">',count(fd.id),'</a>') AS DiscussionsSum FROM prefix_forum_discussions AS fd INNER JOIN prefix_forum AS f ON f.id = fd.forum INNER JOIN prefix_course AS c ON c.id = f.course WHERE f.type = 'news' AND c.category IN (10,13,28,18,26) GROUP BY fd.forum ORDER BY count(fd.id) DESC