
Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 3.10. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle may be available here: Question creator role.

Question creator role

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 10:43, 25 March 2009 by Helen Foster (talk | contribs) (question creator role warning)

Template:Moodle 1.9The role of Question creator may be used to enable students to create questions for use in quizzes.

Warning: Capabilities with XSS risks associated to them are allowed for the role of question creator. Thus, this role should be assigned with care.

Role set-up

  1. Access Administration > Users > Permissions > Define roles.
  2. Click the button "Add a new role".
  3. Give the role a name e.g. "Question creator", short name and description.
  4. Change the following capabilities (available in Moodle 1.9 onwards) to allow:
  5. Click the button "Add a new role".

Role assignment

Course administration block with questions link
  1. Follow the Assign roles link in the course administration block.
  2. Choose the question creator role to assign.
  3. Select a user in the potential users list, and use the left-facing arrow button to add it to the existing users list. Multiple users may be selected by holding down the Apple or Ctrl key whilst clicking on the users' names.

Users assigned the role of question creator will be able to access the question creation interface via the questions link in the course administration block.

Using questions in a quiz

Question created and last saved details

A teacher can assign students the role of question creator for a short period of time, then unassign them and use the students' questions in a quiz. Details of who created / last saved each question can be found at the bottom of each question editing page.

See also