
Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 3.10. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle may be available here: User profiles.

User profiles

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 09:41, 30 April 2015 by Mary Cooch (talk | contribs) (correcting link)

Every user in Moodle has a Profile page which may be reached from the user menu top right and then clicking Profile. This page contains links to further pages allowing the user to edit their profile information and preferences, view their forum/blog posts, check any reports they have access to.

Viewing others's profiles

Users with permission to view the profiles of other users can view them by clicking on their name. If they click on the name of a user within a course, the course profile will be displayed and the full profile may be viewed (if allowed) by clicking the link "Full profile" in the Miscellaneous section:


See View profile for more information on how the profile information is displayed and Edit profile for information on updating profiles.

Site administration settings

Site policies

An administrator can force users to login for profiles and select which roles are visible in user profiles (by default teacher, non-editing teacher and student) in Administration > Site administration > Security > Site policies.

Default profile page

An administrator or manager (or any other user with the capability moodle/user:managesyspages) can set which blocks appear on the default profile page for new users.

  1. Access Administration > Site administration > Appearance > Default profile page.
  2. Select the required blocks from the "Add a block" drop-down menu. Configure each block as desired.
  3. Reposition blocks using the arrow icons in the block headers.

Adding a block to all profile pages

An administrator can add a new block to all profile pages as follows:

  1. Turn editing on for the front page
  2. Add the block to the front page
  3. Edit where the block appears and set the page contexts to 'Display throughout the entire site'
  4. Go to your profile page and again edit where the block appears and set 'Display on page types' to 'Only user profile pages'

Preventing users from customizing their profile page

By default, users can customize their public profile page and add blocks. To prevent this

  1. Go to Administration > Site administration > Users > Permissions > Define roles
  2. Edit the authenticated user role and untick the capability moodle/user:manageownblocks

User profile capabilities




See also