
Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 3.10. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle may be available here: Essay (auto-grade) question type.

Essay (auto-grade) question type: Difference between revisions

From MoodleDocs
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** Target phrase [4] : If [First AND (Next OR Then) AND Finally] is used, award [10% of the question grade.]
** Target phrase [4] : If [First AND (Next OR Then) AND Finally] is used, award [10% of the question grade.]

{{Note| Please take note that the words you enter in the 'Target phrases' are '''exact match''' and '''case sensitive'''. In this example, a student who writes 'First' will get a 10% bonus score, but 'first' would get 0% bonus score. If you want both cases to be valid, then enter [First OR first] in the Target phrase [1]. Also note that in this case, 'Firstly' would also get a 10% bonus score, as 'First' is actually part of 'Firstly'. Also, beware that nonsensical words as 'Firstraordinarily' would also get an automatic 10% bonus score. When the teacher manually checks all the student responses, the teacher must identify these nonsensical and other errors and add them to the 'Common errors' glossary.}}
{{Note| Please take note that the words you enter in the 'Target phrases' are '''exact match''' and '''case sensitive'''. In this example, a student who writes 'First' will get a 10% bonus score, but 'first' would get 0% bonus score. If you want both cases to be valid, then enter [First OR first] in the Target phrase [1]. Also note that in this example, 'Firstly' would also get a 10% bonus score, as 'First' is actually part of 'Firstly'. Also, beware that nonsensical words such as 'Firstraordinarily' would also get an automatic 10% bonus score. When the teacher manually checks all the student responses later, the teacher must identify these nonsensical and other errors and add them to the 'Common errors' glossary.}}
* If you have previously written a [[Glossary]] of common errors, choose that glossary and choose a reasonable penalty per error
* If you have previously written a [[Glossary]] of common errors, choose that glossary and choose a reasonable penalty per error
* Save changes
* Save changes

Revision as of 19:00, 9 March 2019

This is a draft document for the awesome Essay (auto-grade) additional plugin by Gordon Bateson currently hosted in GitHub and soon to be available from the Moodle plugins database.


The essay (autograde) question type allows an essay question response to be given a preliminary grade that is generated automatically based on one or more of the following characteristics of the response.

  • the number of words in the response
  • the number of characters in the response
  • the presence of one or more target phrases in the response
  • the presence of one or more common errors in the response

The automatic grade can be overridden by the teacher later.

Additionally, the teacher can set up grading bands that offer a non-linear grading scheme. In such a scheme, the grade awarded is that of the grading band in which the word/character count falls.

The teacher can choose to provide a sample response and/or a glossary of common errors (typos).

Supported Moodle branches

3.0 and later

Unique user-friendly features

  • A 'sample response' allows the teacher to provide an example answer with the desired qualities, so that the students can click on the (Show sample) text and read what is expected from them. Clicking on the (Hide sample) will remove the sample text and allows the student to write his essay. This student-friendly feature is highly recommended for formative asssessment, but rarely used in summative assessment.
  • A 'Glossary of common errors' allows the teacher to use a Glossary activity to document the commonly made errors that students have made in the past, so that they can check their essay and avoid/fix these common mistakes.
    • In medicine, engineering and other science subjects, these glossaries of common errors can be used as a catch for misconceptions and counterindications that the students have wrongfully included in their essays, and that deserve to be penalized.

Languages available

English, Spanish, Mexican Spanish. More languages will be available through AMOS once the plugin lands in the Moodle plugins database.



Choose an essay auto-grade question to add.png

Example 1: An example English language question

  • Write a reasonable question name (e.g. "Summer vacation essay writing")
  • For a simple question, in the question text write the following:
Write a short paragraph of 50 words or more about your summer vacation.
Try to include the following phrases:
  Next OR Then
  Finally OR In the end
You will get special bonus points, if you use ALL of the above phrases
  • Type the following General feedback:
Your grade is generated automatically.
Your teacher may change the grade later.
  • Type the following combined feedback for any correct response:
Your essay has been marked as correct.
Your teacher will review this mark later.
  • Type the following combined feedback for any partially correct response:
Good try. 
Please check to see if you have written enough words.
Please include all the target phrases.
  • Type the following combined feedback for any incorrect response:
No essay was received.
Please ask you teacher about how to input and submit an essay.
  • Type the following Response Template:
Type your essay here:
  • Type the following Sample response:
This summer vacation I went back to my hometown.
First, I visited my grandparents and told them about my life in Kochi.
Then, I went to a firework display near a large river. 
There many people and lots of food stalls. The fireworks were amazing.
Finally, I went to a reunion with some of my old friends from high school.
  • For Auto.grading:
Enable automatic grading
Type of countable items: Words
Expected number of items: 50
Show student feedback to teachers and students
Do not show grade calculations
Show text statistics to teachers and students
Show text statistics for Words, Unique words, long words, lexical density and common errors
  • Do not show grade bands
  • Do allow partial grades
  • Add 2 grade bands:
    • Grade band [1] For 0 items award 0%
    • Grade band [2] For 50 or more items award 60%
  • Do NOT show target phrases
  • Add 4 target phrases
    • Target phrase [1] : If [First] is used, award [10% of the question grade.]
    • Target phrase [2] : If [Next OR Then] is used, award [10% of the question grade.]
    • Target phrase [3] : If [Finally OR In the end] is used, award [10% of the question grade.]
    • Target phrase [4] : If [First AND (Next OR Then) AND Finally] is used, award [10% of the question grade.]
Note: Please take note that the words you enter in the 'Target phrases' are exact match and case sensitive. In this example, a student who writes 'First' will get a 10% bonus score, but 'first' would get 0% bonus score. If you want both cases to be valid, then enter [First OR first] in the Target phrase [1]. Also note that in this example, 'Firstly' would also get a 10% bonus score, as 'First' is actually part of 'Firstly'. Also, beware that nonsensical words such as 'Firstraordinarily' would also get an automatic 10% bonus score. When the teacher manually checks all the student responses later, the teacher must identify these nonsensical and other errors and add them to the 'Common errors' glossary.

  • If you have previously written a Glossary of common errors, choose that glossary and choose a reasonable penalty per error
  • Save changes
  • Try it :)

Demo question

  • This is how your question looks initially:

Essay(auto-grade) question type new screen 01.png

  • If you click on the red coloured 'Show sample' text, you will then see the sample text you entered:

Essay(auto-grade) question type new screen 02.png

  • If you click on the purple coloured 'Hide sample' text, you will return to the previous screen. Delete the instructions and type an imaginary student essay, but make a few intentional mistakes (e.g. write too few words and mis-spell one word):

Essay(auto-grade) question type new screen 03.png

  • Submit and finish. See the auto-grade magic:

Essay(auto-grade) question type new screen 04.png

  • Notice that two targets phrases were correctly identified, but two were missed by the student:

Essay(auto-grade) question type new screen 05.png

  • See how the glossary of common errors correctly recognized a mis-typed 'Finaly' word

Essay(auto-grade) question type new screen 06.png

  • See the feedback. Check that it is a good feedback for the question, according to your students' level of knowledge. In this case, the student was penalized for one (common) typographical error :

Essay(auto-grade) question type new screen 07.png

  • Click on the 'Finaly' error and see corresponding entry of the glossary of common errors you selected:

Essay(auto-grade) question type new screen 08.png

  • You can browse all your glossay entries and add/remove/change as necessary:

Essay(auto-grade) question type new screen 09.png

  • Make any necessary changes to your question and try it again.
  • When you are happy with the question, quiz the students.
  • Make sure to check the students' responses and make comments or change grades if needed:
  • When the students have taken the quiz, look at the 'Attempts' link and check them one student at a time, one question at a time, by clicking on the 'Review attempt' link.

Essay(auto-grade) question type new screen 10d.png

    • If you notice one answer that deserves a comment or a change in the grade, click on the 'Make comment or override mark' link.

Essay(auto-grade) question type new screen 10a.png

Essay(auto-grade) question type new screen 10b.png

    • Make sure that you click on the 'Save' button when you have finished making comments or changing a grade.
  • Make any necessary changes to your questions in preparation for the following term.
  • Regrade all quiz attempts and inform your students about their changed grades and the feedback comments. Verify that your overrriden marks have remained as you set them (they should).
  • Keep on the good teaching work :)

Example 2: An example medical question

  • Write a reasonable question name (e.g. "Types of circulatory shock")
  • For this question, in the question text write the following:
Write a short paragraph of 50 words or more about the different types of circulatory shock. You must also write your source for this information.
Try to include the following phrases:
  Low volume OR hypovolemic
  Cardiogenic OR heart
  Distributive or isovolemic
You will get special bonus points, if you use ALL of the above phrases.
You may fail this activity if you get your information from an unreliable source (as described in the course outline).
  • Type the following General feedback:
You grade is generated automatically.
Your teacher may change the grade later.
  • Type the following combined feedback for any correct response:
Your essay has been marked as correct.
Your teacher will review this mark later.
  • Type the following combined feedback for any partially correct response:
Good try. 
Please check to see if you have written enough words.
Please include all the target phrases.
  • Type the following combined feedback for any incorrect response:
No essay was received.
Please ask you teacher about how to input and submit an essay.
  • Type the following Response Template:
Type your essay here:
  • Type the following Sample response:
Shock is divided into four main types based on the underlying cause: low volume, cardiogenic, obstructive, and distributive shock.
Low volume shock may be from bleeding, vomiting, or pancreatitis. Cardiogenic shock may be due to a heart attack or cardiac contusion. 
Obstructive shock may be due to cardiac tamponade or a tension pneumothorax. Distributed shock may be due to sepsis, spinal cord injury, or certain overdoses. 
Sourced from the wikipedia.
  • Type the following Grader information:
If the student quoted the wikipedia as the source for information, be sure to check carefully all the essay, as some parts may contain unaccurate/disputed data.
  • For Auto.grading:
Enable automatic grading
Type of countable items: Words
Expected number of items: 50
Show student feedback to teachers and students
Do not show grade calculations
Show text statistics to teachers and students
Show text statistics for Words, Unique words, long words, lexical density and common errors
  • Do not show grade bands
  • Do allow partial grades
  • Add 2 grade bands:
    • Grade band [1] For 0 items award 0%
    • Grade band [2] For 50 or more items award 60%
  • Do NOT show target phrases
  • Add 4 target phrases
    • Target phrase [1] : If [low volume OR hypovolemic] is used, award [10% of the question grade.]
    • Target phrase [2] : If [cardiogenic OR heart OR cardiac OR pump] is used, award [10% of the question grade.]
    • Target phrase [3] : If [obstructive] is used, award [10% of the question grade.]
    • Target phrase [4] : If [distributive OR isovolemic] is used, award [10% of the question grade.]
  • If you have previously written a Glossary of common errors, choose that glossary and choose a reasonable penalty per error. In this example we will use a glossary of untrustworty sources, that has several sources of information that are notoriously biased and should not have been used for this activity. Any student that used one or several untrustworthy sources of information will be severely penalyzed and the student may fail this activity (as stated in the question instructions and the course outline), because medical students should use good, trustworthy, updated lecture notes and medical books and journals, and never rely on gossip, Facebook or Tweeter for their medical knowledge. The use of Wikipedia here will be considered a gray area, and the teacher will have to read carefully what the student wrote in order to mark the essay.
  • Save changes
  • Try it :)

Demo question

  • This is how your question looks initially:

Essay(auto-grade) question type new screen 11.png

  • If you click on the red coloured 'Show sample' text, you will then see the sample text you entered:

Essay(auto-grade) question type new screen 12.png

  • If you click on the purple coloured 'Hide sample' text, you will return to the previous screen. Delete the instructions and type an imaginary student essay, but make a few intentional mistakes (e.g. write too few words and quote some untrustworthy sources of information):

Essay(auto-grade) question type new screen 13 new version.png

  • Submit and finish. See the auto-grade magic:

Essay(auto-grade) question type new screen 14.png

  • Notice that three targets phrases were correctly identified, but one was missed by the student:

Essay(auto-grade) question type new screen 15.png

  • See how the glossary of common errors correctly recognized several common errors.
    • In this case the errors were untrustworthy sources of information for this course.
    • If this was a pharmacology question we could have used a glossary of counterindications or antagonists.

Essay(auto-grade) question type new screen 16 new version.png

  • See the feedback. Check that it is a good feedback for the question, according to your students' level of knowledge:

Essay(auto-grade) question type new screen 17 new version.png

  • Click on all of the Common errors and see their corresponding entries in the glossary of common errors you selected:

Essay(auto-grade) question type new screen 18.png

  • You can browse all your glossay entries and add/remove/change as necessary:

Essay(auto-grade) question type new screen 19.png

  • Make any necessary changes to your question and try it again.
  • When you are happy with the question, quiz the students
  • Make sure to check the students' responses and make comments or change grades if needed:
  • When the students have taken the quiz, look at the 'Attempts' link and check them one student at a time, one question at a time, by clicking on the 'Review attempt' link.

Essay(auto-grade) question type new screen 10d.png

Essay(auto-grade) question type new screen 10c.png

  • Make sure that you click on the 'Save' button when you have finished making comments or changing a grade.
  • Make any necessary changes to your questions in preparation for the following term.
  • Regrade all quiz attempts and inform your students about their changed grades and the feedback comments. Verify that your overrriden marks have remained as you set them (they should).
  • Keep on the good teaching work :)

See also

  • These very powerful, but more complicated to use additional plugins:
    • Preg question type - uses regular expressions (regexes) to check student's responses (though you can use it without regexes for its hinting features).
    • Regular Expression Short-Answer question type - expects the respondent to answer an "open" question with a word or a short phrase. However, the RegExp system system gives you access to a more powerful system for analyzing the student's answers with the aim of providing more relevant immediate feedback.
    • Pattern-match question type - allow the student to give an answer of up to about 20 words, which can then be automatically graded by matching the students response against a number of different patterns expressed in the PMatch syntax. The first matching pattern determines the score and the feedback.