Badges konfigurieren

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Persönliche Einstellungen für Auszeichnungen

Nutzer/innen können auf der Seite Navigation >Mein Profil > Auszeichnungen ihre eigenen Auszeichnungen verwalten.

Einstellungen für Auszeichnungen auf Kursebene

  • A teacher can add and manage badges in their course if the administrator has enabled course badges in Administration>Site administration>Badges settings.
  • They will see a link to badges in Administration>Course administration>Badges. where badges may be managed and added.

Systemweite Einstellungen für Auszeichnungen

  • Badges are enabled by default and can be disbled in Administration>Site administration>Advanced features. (Note that disabling the feature once badges have been awarded does not prevent those badges being verifed by external backpacks.)
  • The site settings for badges are located in Administration>Site administration>Badges>Badges settings

Default badge issuer

Here you set the name and email address of the issuer. The name will appear where the badges are displayed and might typically be the name of the organisation.

Salt for hashing recipient's email address

If a hash is used (numbers and letters only) then backpack services can confirm a badge earner without exposing their email address.

Enable connection to external backpacks

This should be enabled in order to connect to, for example Mozilla Open Badges. Note that this will not work on a Moodle hosted locally/offline.

Enable course badges

Ticking this box will allow teachers to add and manage badges in their courses.


Im Zusammenhang mit Auszeichnungen sind folgende Fähigkeiten bzw. Rechte relevant: