Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 3.1. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle is probably available here: Activity results block.

Activity results block

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 11:08, 25 May 2015 by Mary Cooch (talk | contribs)

New feature
in Moodle 3.1!

  • The Activity results block displays results from graded or rated activities in a course. Watch the HQ screencast Activity results block to see it in action.
  • It may be set to display on the main course page, or on the page of a particular activity.
  • When the block is first added, a message appears:


  • This is normal, because you must then go into the block's settings to select the activity you want.
  • You can then choose to display a number of highest or lowest scores, and whether to display individuals or groups.
  • The block will display grades from quizzes, assignments, lessons and workshops.
Grades from an assignment displayed as group scores
  • It will also display ratings from forums, glossaries and databases:
Ratings from a forum