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Edit profile

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 21:54, 16 December 2005 by Helen (talk | contribs) (course admin nav)

Edit profile

First name, surname
The first two fields are quite self-explanatory. The first and last names that you supply should be those that you wish to be known by on the course. They will be used by the tutors to identify you when grading work and responding in forums and other activities.
Email address
The email address should be the address you wish to use to receive acknowledgements and messages from the system, and is also the address that is displayed to your tutors and other users of the moodle site, assuming that you have set the "Email display" option to allow other participants in your course to see your address, so it should be a mail address that you check regularly. Other email display options are to hide your mail address from all users, or to make it available to all users on the moodle system, not just members of the courses you are enrolled in.
Email display
This controls the visibility of the address to others, allowing you to show or hide your email in the class. There are three options: you can set it so that all users (including guests) could see your email, or so that only other students in the class could see your email address, or so that no one could see your email address at all.
Email activated
You can either enable or disable emails being sent to your address.
Email format
For the messages to come into your mailbox, you can choose between "Pretty HTML format" (which means that the messages will be formatted with different fonts and colours to make them easier to read) and "Plain text format" (plain text with no fancy formatting or colours).
Email digest type
This setting allows you to choose how you want to receive any emails you get from forums. There are three possible choices: No digest, complete or subjects.
Forum auto-subscribe
This setting lets you decide if you want email copies of posts that are added to forums. If you set this to subscribe, the system will email you copies of new posts in forums that you join.
Forum tracking
Enabling forum tracking means highlighting the posts you have not read yet, which should improve your forum navigation.
When editing text
This can usually be left on "Use HTML editor (some browsers only)". This allows for text formatting options, but requires newer browsers. If you find your browser is not letting you edit text, change this setting to "Use standard web forms".
City/town; country
These fields are used to further identify you by geographical location.
This field is used to convert time-related messages on the system (such as assignment deadlines) from the server local time to the correct time in whichever zone you have selected.
Preferred language and theme
The E-learning server can display in several different languages and colour themes, which you can choose from in these two options.
In this field you can enter some text about yourself, be it information about your studies, hobbies, qualifications or anything else that does not break the acceptable use policy of this site. This text will be visible to anyone that views your profile.

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