Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 3.1. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle is probably available here: Getting started for teachers.

Getting started for teachers: Difference between revisions

From MoodleDocs
No edit summary
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{{Teacher documentation}}
<math><math>Insert formula here教师的文件
[[Image:F1 35px.png]] '''Greetings!'''
[[图片:F1的35px.png]] '''您好!'''
The purpose of this page is to give an overview of [[Moodle]] to a new user of Moodle. You can find many links to other pages in the text which will give more technical details and "how to" ideas.  For new users, we would like to point out the Documentation box on the left side of every page in MoodleDocs.  The [[Teacher documentation|Teacher]] link brings up a welcome and a short list of key pages of interest to a teacher, including examples of use.  A list of all teacher documentation articles can also be found under [[:Category:Teacher]] link found at the bottom of most teacher pages.

==Before you start==
在您开始== ==
*We are assuming that your [[Administrator|site administrator]] has set up a Moodle site, and assigned you to a new, blank course where you have [[Teacher role|teacher privileges]].
*You must be [[Log in |logged in]] in order to edit a course and use most of the features described below. We have some tips if you are having [[Can not log in | trouble logging in]].
*您必须在| [[登录登录]],以编辑过程和使用下面描述的大多数功能。我们有一些提示,如果您有[[无法登录|麻烦]]记录。
*You may also experiment on our Moodle site for an hour at a time for free at [].
*As you will discover, your course may look a little different from our presentations.  In general, our content tries to outline different features which you or others may use in their course.

The [[Course settings|course settings]] page offers you many controls. These include who can come into the course, how the course is laid out and other potential functions.  Your [[Administrator|site administrator]] or [[Course creator role|course creator]] may offer you suggestions about these settings. 

Most [[Course homepage|course homepage formats]] are broken into [[Course sections|course sections]] (often by week or topic). [[Adding resources and activities|Resources and activities]] are added to each section. When writing text in Moodle you have a range of [[Formatting options]], including using [[HTML editor|HTML in Moodle]]. The [[Course settings]] are robust and offer different ways to enroll [[Students]] or format the course. 
多数[[课程主页|课程主页格式]]往往是打破一周或主题)为[[课程节|课程节]](。 [[添加资源和活动|资源及活动]]添加到每个部分。当写在Moodle文本有一个[[使用范围包括在Moodle]] [[HTML编辑器| HTML格式选项]]。在[[课程设置]]是强大的,并提供不同的方式参加[[学生]]或格式的过程。

The illustration below shows a new course set up with topic sections in the middle column. In the right and left columns are a few of Moodle's many [[:Category:Block|blocks]] such as "Latest News" or "[[Course administration block|Administration]]". [[#Editing course section|Editing has been turned on]]. The teacher is ready to add resources and activities.
下图显示了一个新的课程设置在中间栏主题部分组成。在左,右列是一个Moodle的很多[[数:类别:座|]如“最新消息”或“] [[课程管理块|行政]]”。 [[#编辑过程中部分|编辑已被开启]]。老师正在准备添加资源和活动。
[[Image:Course edit on new 2.jpg|thumb|center|500px|Example: Teacher's view of a home page of new course, editing turned on]]
[[图片:课程编辑新2.jpg |拇指|中心| 500px |如:教师对新课程的首页,打开编辑]]

==Editing course section==
编辑过程中的一段== ==
[[图片:Turn_edit_on_Student_on_buttons.JPG]] <br>
To add or alter activities or resources a teacher must use the "Turn editing on" button on the course homepage. The same button will also turn editing off. Similarly, the "Turn student view on" button allows the teacher to see the course page as a student would see it.

To add items to a section, you will use the pull down boxes for [[Adding resources and activities|activities and resources]].

When editing has been turned on, a variety of editing icons appear next to all editable objects in the course. Your icons may look different because of your [[Theme]][[Turn editing on|Go here for details about each icon]].  Below is a brief list of common icons.
当编辑已被打开,各种各样的编辑图标旁边显示在编辑过程中的所有对象。看看你的图标可能会因为你的[[主题]]不同。 [[关于|转到编辑转到这里约每个图标]]细节。下面是一个常见的图标简短清单。

{| border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"
|边境=“1”cellpadding的=“2”4 1 =“0”
| -  
|[[Image:Edit.gif]]|| Edit item ||[[Image:Open.gif]]* || Close/Hide item||[[Image:Delete.gif]] || Delete/Remove  ||[[Image:Move.gif]] ||Move (up/down)
| [[图片:Edit.gif]] | |编辑项目| | [[图片:Open.gif]] * | |关闭/隐藏项目| | [[图片:Delete.gif]] | |删除/删除| | [[图片:Move.gif]] | |移动(上/下)
| -  
||[[Image:All.gif]] * ||See all weeks/topics||[[Image:Closed.gif]]* || Open/Show Item ||[[Image:Right.gif]] || Indent/shift right  ||[[Image:Movehere.gif]] || Move here
| | [[图片:All.gif]] * | |查看全部周/主题| | [[图片:Closed.gif]] * | |打开/显示项目| | [[图片:Right.gif]] | |缩进/右移| | [[图片:Movehere.gif]] | |移到这里
| -  
||[[Image:One.gif]] * || See one week/topic||[[Image:Help.gif]] ||Help || ||   ||[[Image:Marker.gif]] ||Make Current (highlight) week/topic
| | [[图片:One.gif]] * | |查看一周/主题| | [[图片:Help.gif]] | |帮助| | | | | | [[图片:Marker.gif]] | |使电流(突出显示)周/主题

:''TIP:'' Some icons toggle (*). For example, the open eye indicates that the resource is visible to students, while clicking it changes it to a closed eye, making it invisible to students.

==Activity modules==
[[Image:Activity dropdown 1 8.JPG|frame|right|Add an activity drop-down menu - Moodle 1.8.2 ]] There are a number of robust interactive learning [[:Category:Modules|activity modules]] that you may [[Adding_resources_and_activities | add to your course]] with the "Add an activity" drop down menu. If you wish, some or all of these activities can push information to a course [[Grades|gradebook]].
[[图片:活动下拉1 8.JPG |相框|权利|添加活动的下拉菜单 - Moodle的1.8.2]]有一个强大的互动学习[[编号:分类:模块|活动模块]]您可[[Adding_resources_and_activities |添加到您的课程]的“添加活动”下拉菜单]。如果您愿意,部分或所有这些活动可以推动信息一门课程[[等级| gradebook]]

Communication and collaboration may take place using live [[Chat module|Chats]] or asynchronous discussion [[Forum module|Forums]] for conversational activities. You can also use [[Choice module|Choices]] to gain group feedback. Adding [[Wiki module|Wikis]] to your courses is an excellent way to allow students to work together on a collaboratively-authored project.

Work can be uploaded and submitted by students and scored by teachers using [[Assignment module|Assignments]] or [[Workshop module|Workshops]]. These modules have several assessment options, including instructor-assessment, self-assessment, and even peer-assessment. Online [[Quiz module|Quizzes]] offer several options for automatic and manual scoring.  You can even integrate your Hot Potato quizzes by adding a [[Hotpot module|Hotpot]] activity.

[[Lesson module|Lessons]] and [[SCORM module|SCORM]] activities deliver content and offer ways of individualizing your presentation based upon a student's choices. [[Glossary module|Glossaries]] of keywords can be set up by the instructor, and can be configured to allow students to edit, add, or rate entries.
[[课模块|课程]][[符合SCORM模块| SCORM的]]活动提供内容和提供的个性化您的演示后,学生的选择为基础的方法。 [[词汇模块|词汇表]]的关键字,可设立的教练,并且可以配置,让学生进行编辑,添加,或比率的项目。

[[Survey module|Surveys]] and [[Database module|Databases]] are also very powerful additions to any course.

If all of that isn't enough for you then you can also add any number of [[Contributed code|contributed modules]] that are not part of the official Moodle release!


[[Image:Resource pulldown menu 19.JPG|frame|left|Add a resource drop-down menu]]
[[图片:资源下拉菜单19.JPG |相框||添加资源下拉菜单]]

Moodle supports a range of different [[Resources|resource types]] that allow you to include almost any kind of digital content into your courses. These can be added by using the [[Adding_resources_and_activities | add a resource]] dropdown box when editing is turned on.
Moodle支持多种不同的[[资源|资源]],让您可以纳入你的课程几乎任何一种类型的数字内容范围。这些可以通过使用[[Adding_resources_and_activities |添加资源补充]]下拉框中编辑时处于打开状态。

A [[Text page]] is a simple page written using plain text from a link in the course. Text pages aren't pretty, but they're a good place to put some information or instructions. If you are after more options for your new page then you should be thinking about adding a [[Web page]] and making use of Moodle's WYSIWYG editor.

Of course the resource may already exist in electronic form so you may want to [[File or website link|link to an uploaded file or external website]] or simply display the complete contents of a [[Directory|directory]] in your course [[Files|files]] and let your students pick the file themselves. If you have an [[IMS content package]] then this can be easily added to your course.

[[Label]]s allow you to add more information between activity or resource links in your course.

== ==
[[Image:Block add dropdown list teacher 1 8.JPG |thumb|150px|right|Add Block drop-down menu]]
[[图片:座添加下拉列表教师1 8.JPG |拇指| 150像素||添加座下拉菜单]]
[[Image:Administration Block Course 1 9.JPG|thumb|left|Teacher's Course Administration block]]  
[[图片:行政大楼课程1 9.JPG |拇指||教师课程管理块]]
===Blocks seen by students===
=== ===块看到学生
Each course homepage generally contains [[Blocks_%28teacher%29|blocks]] on the left and right with the centre column containing the course content. Blocks may be added, hidden, deleted, and moved up, down and left/right when editing is turned on. Examples of blocks can be seen in the Getting Started image above. [[Latest News block|"Latest News"]], "[[Blogs]]", [[Upcoming Events block|"Upcoming Events"]], and [[Recent Activity block|"Recent Activity"]] are a few examples.
每门课程网页通常包含[[Blocks_%28teacher%29 |块的左,右]]与该中心的课程内容包含列。块可能被添加,隐藏,删除,移动上,下和左/右编辑时是打开的。区块的例子可以看到在图片上面开始使用。 [[最新消息块|“最新消息”]],“[[博客]]”,[[活动预告块|“即将来临的事件”]],和[[最近的活动块|“最近的活动”]]有几个例子。
A wide range of [[Blocks_%28teacher%29#Block_types|over 16 different block types]] can provide additional information or functionality to the learner by the teacher. The standard blocks that come with Moodle are shown on the right.  There are also many contributed developed by Moodlers that an administrator can add to this list.
作者:[[Blocks_%28teacher超过16%广范围的不同类型大厦29#Block_types |]]可以由教师提供额外的信息或功能的学习者。 Moodle的出现的,与标准块显示在右侧。也有许多有助于开发Moodlers,管理员可以添加到这个名单。

===Course administration block===
=== ===课程管理块
A teacher with editing rights will also have a [[Course_administration_block|course administration block]]. This is an important tool for a teacher. It has sub menus for course: [[Course backup|backup]], [[Restore|restore]], [[Assign roles]], [[Grades|grades]], [[Reports|activity logs/reports]], [[Files]] and the useful [[Course settings]].
阿与修改权老师也有一个[[Course_administration_block |课程管理块]]。这是一个教师的重要工具。这对课程分菜单:[[课程备份|备份]][[还原|还原]][[分配角色]][[等级|等级]][[报告|活动日志/报告]][[文件]]和有用的[[课程设置]]

A student's course administration block typically lists only Grades and Profile options.

==General advice==
== ==一般建议

* Subscribe yourself to all of the [[forum]]s in your course so that you can keep in touch with your class activity.
* Encourage all of the students to fill out their [[Edit profile|user profile]] (including photos) and read them all - this will help provide some context to their later writings and help you to respond in ways that are tailored to their own needs. 
*鼓励所有的学生填写自己的[[编辑个人资料|用户配置文件]](包括照片),并宣读了一切 - 这将帮助他们提供一些上下文后来的著作,并帮助您作出回应,这是适合自己的方法自己的需要。
* Use the [[Logs]] link (under Administration) to get access to complete, raw logs. In there you'll see a link to a popup window that updates every sixty seconds and shows the last hour of activity. This is useful to keep open on your desktop all day so you can feel in touch with what's going on in the course.
* Use many reports. [[Reports]] in the Administration block,  [[Recent_activity|Activity Reports]] (next to each name in the list of all people, or from any user profile page). These provide a great way to see what any particular person has been up to in the course.
*使用许多报告。 [[报告]]在行政大楼,[[Recent_activity |活动报告]](明年在所有的人,或任何用户个人资料页的列表,在每个名字)。这提供了一个很好的方式,看看有什么任何特定的人已经占了该课程。
* Respond quickly to students. Don't leave it for later - do it right away. Not only is it easy to become overwhelmed with the volume that can be generated, but it's a crucial part of building and maintaining a community feel in your course.
*快速响应学生。不要离开以后它 - 这样做的时候了。它不仅是容易成为了可以产生量不知所措,但它是建立和维护一个社会中的关键部分,你的课程的感觉。
*Don't be afraid to experiment: feel free to poke around and change things. It's hard to break anything in a Moodle course, and even if you do it's usually easy to fix it.
* Use the [[Navigation bar|navigation bar]] at the top of each page - this should help remind you where you are and prevent getting lost.
*使用[[导航栏|导航栏]在每一页的页首] - 这应该帮助提醒你你在哪里,防止迷路。

==Example installations & courses==
== ==为例设施及课程
It might be useful to have a look at some sites where Moodle is being used to deliver courses - obviously this is only useful where access is open to anyone.
它可能是有用的在一些地方Moodle是被用来寻找网站提供的课程 - 显然这是唯一有用的地方,任何人均可进入。

[ demonstration site] that has at least 2 courses.
[ Moodle.org示范站点]具有至少2个疗程。

[ course for developers].
[ Moodle.org为开发]游。

[ IGCSE Computing] - Moodle site with Secondary (Middle School) ICT and staff training resources under creative commons license.
[的IGCSE计算] - Moodle站点与中学(高中)信息通信技术和人员培训资源许可下风景。

[ Moodle at Aiken High School] (USA secondary school).
[在艾肯高中](美国中学 Moodle的)。

[ INGOTs] Moodle site to support INGOTs which are open source inspired courses which are fully accredited (by QCA in UK).
[] Moodle的站点,以支持锭是开源的启发课程,完全由英国资格与课程局认可的()。

[ Preston] Moodle site geared for teachers. Guests can enter some courses.  Generally uses many different graphic approaches.
[普雷斯顿] Moodle站点面向教师。客人可以输入一些课程。通常使用许多不同的图形方法。

== See also ==
*[[Teacher documentation]]
* [[教师文档]]
*['s home page] has a great search tool. It searches all of the site, including the Forums and Moodle documentation (where you are now).  This search tool is different than others you will see.
* [ Moodle.org的主页]有一个强大的搜索工具。它搜索网站的所有人,包括论坛和Moodle的文件(如你现在)。这比其他搜索工具不同的是你会看到。

[[cs:Rukověť učitele]]
[[政务司司长:Rukověť učitele]]
[[es:Documentación para Profesores]]
[[eu:Irakasleentzako lehen urratsak]]
[[fi:Opettajan opas]]
[[fr:Documentation enseignant]]
[[it:Documentazione per Docenti]]
[[nl:Documentatie voor leraren]]
[[nl的:Documentatie的voor leraren]]
[[de:Erste Schritte für Trainer]]

Revision as of 05:54, 12 April 2010

<math><math>Insert formula here教师的文件 图片:F1的35px.png 您好! 此网页的目的是让公众对Moodle的概述了Moodle的新用户。你可以找到在文本将给予更多的技术细节和“其他许多网页的链接如何”的想法。对于新用户,我们想指出,每个在MoodleDocs页面左侧文件框中。在教师链接带来了欢迎和使用的例子,包括对利益的关键网页老师短名单。文件的所有老师的文章列表也可以在:分类:教师连结找到发现大多数教师页面的底部。

在您开始== ==

  • 我们假设你的网站管理员已成立了一个Moodle的网站,并指派你到一个新的空白当然,你必须教师特权
  • 您必须在| 登录登录,以编辑过程和使用下面描述的大多数功能。我们有一些提示,如果您有麻烦记录。
  • 您也可以在我们的实验在一个Moodle站点免费[1]为1小时。
  • 你会发现,你当然可以从我们的看起来有点不同的表现。在一般情况下,我们的内容尝试不同的特点,概述您或他人使用其课程。



多数课程主页格式往往是打破一周或主题)为课程节(。 资源及活动添加到每个部分。当写在Moodle文本有一个使用范围包括在Moodle HTML格式选项。在课程设置是强大的,并提供不同的方式参加学生或格式的过程。

下图显示了一个新的课程设置在中间栏主题部分组成。在左,右列是一个Moodle的很多[[数:类别:座|块]如“最新消息”或“] 行政”。 编辑已被开启。老师正在准备添加资源和活动。 拇指|中心| 500px |如:教师对新课程的首页,打开编辑

编辑过程中的一段== == 图片:Turn_edit_on_Student_on_buttons.JPG


当编辑已被打开,各种各样的编辑图标旁边显示在编辑过程中的所有对象。看看你的图标可能会因为你的主题不同。 转到编辑转到这里约每个图标细节。下面是一个常见的图标简短清单。

(|边境=“1”cellpadding的=“2”4 1 =“0” !宽度=“30”|图标 !宽度=“120”|效果 !宽度=“30”|图标 !宽度=“120”|效果 !宽度=“30”|图标 !宽度=“120”|效果 !宽度=“30”|图标 !宽度=“140”|效果 | - | 图片:Edit.gif | |编辑项目| | 图片:Open.gif * | |关闭/隐藏项目| | 图片:Delete.gif | |删除/删除| | 图片:Move.gif | |移动(上/下) | - | | 图片:All.gif * | |查看全部周/主题| | 图片:Closed.gif * | |打开/显示项目| | 图片:Right.gif | |缩进/右移| | 图片:Movehere.gif | |移到这里 | - | | 图片:One.gif * | |查看一周/主题| | 图片:Help.gif | |帮助| | | | | | 图片:Marker.gif | |使电流(突出显示)周/主题 |)



相框|权利|添加活动的下拉菜单 - Moodle的1.8.2有一个强大的互动学习活动模块您可[[Adding_resources_and_activities |添加到您的课程]的“添加活动”下拉菜单]。如果您愿意,部分或所有这些活动可以推动信息一门课程 gradebook



课程 SCORM的活动提供内容和提供的个性化您的演示后,学生的选择为基础的方法。 词汇表的关键字,可设立的教练,并且可以配置,让学生进行编辑,添加,或比率的项目。









== ==座 拇指| 150像素|右|添加座下拉菜单 拇指|左|教师课程管理块 === ===块看到学生 每门课程网页通常包含块的左,右与该中心的课程内容包含列。块可能被添加,隐藏,删除,移动上,下和左/右编辑时是打开的。区块的例子可以看到在图片上面开始使用。 “最新消息”,“博客”,“即将来临的事件”,和“最近的活动”有几个例子。    作者:[[Blocks_%28teacher超过16%广范围的不同类型大厦29#Block_types |]]可以由教师提供额外的信息或功能的学习者。 Moodle的出现的,与标准块显示在右侧。也有许多有助于开发Moodlers,管理员可以添加到这个名单。

=== ===课程管理块 阿与修改权老师也有一个课程管理块。这是一个教师的重要工具。这对课程分菜单:备份还原分配角色等级活动日志/报告文件和有用的课程设置


== ==一般建议

  • 订阅自己的论坛所有的S,使您可以与您保持联系课堂活动在您的课程。
  • 鼓励所有的学生填写自己的用户配置文件(包括照片),并宣读了一切 - 这将帮助他们提供一些上下文后来的著作,并帮助您作出回应,这是适合自己的方法自己的需要。
  • 使用日志链接(在管理)来获得完成,原记录。在那里你会看到一个链接,一个弹出窗口每60秒更新显示了活动的最后一个小时。这是有益的桌面上打开所有的日子,所以你可以在触摸感觉怎么回事的课程。
  • 使用许多报告。 报告在行政大楼,活动报告(明年在所有的人,或任何用户个人资料页的列表,在每个名字)。这提供了一个很好的方式,看看有什么任何特定的人已经占了该课程。
  • 快速响应学生。不要离开以后它 - 这样做的时候了。它不仅是容易成为了可以产生量不知所措,但它是建立和维护一个社会中的关键部分,你的课程的感觉。
  • 不要害怕尝试:随意闲逛和变化的东西。很难在一个Moodle课程打破任何东西,即使你做的通常很容易修复。
  • 使用[[导航栏|导航栏]在每一页的页首] - 这应该帮助提醒你你在哪里,防止迷路。

== ==为例设施及课程 它可能是有用的在一些地方Moodle是被用来寻找网站提供的课程 - 显然这是唯一有用的地方,任何人均可进入。



[2] - Moodle站点与中学(高中)信息通信技术和人员培训资源许可下风景。

[在艾肯高中](美国中学 Moodle的)。

[3] Moodle的站点,以支持锭是开源的启发课程,完全由英国资格与课程局认可的()。

[4] Moodle站点面向教师。客人可以输入一些课程。通常使用许多不同的图形方法。


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