Hinweis: Sie sind auf den Seiten der Moodle 3.1 Dokumentation. Die Dokumentation der aktuellsten Moodle-Version finden Sie hier: Profilfelder.

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Administrator/innen können zusätzliche Profilfelder im Nutzerprofil anlegen und diese in Kategorien zusammenfassen. Das geht auf der Seite Einstellungen > Website-Administration > Nutzerkonten > Nutzerkonten > Profilfelder.

Profilfelder können in Form von Auswahlmenüs, Textbereichen, Texteingabefeldern, als Datums- bzw. Zeitangaben oder Checkboxen bereitgestellt werden. Sie können als erforderlich oder als optional markiert werden. Außerdem können Sie wählen, ob ein Profilfeld auf der Anmeldeseite angezeigt wird oder nicht.

Die zusätzlichen Profilfelder erscheinen im Nutzerprofil, es sei denn, die Einstellung Für wen ist dieses Feld sichtbar ist auf nicht sichtbar gesetzt.

Sie können die Reihenfolge der zusätzlichen Profilfelder verändern, indem Sie in der Profilfeldliste auf der zugehörigen Kategorienseite die Pfeiltasten up.gif und down.gif verwenden.

Um ein neues Profilfeld anzulegen, wählen Sie im Auswahlmenü Neues Profilfeld anlegen den Feldtyp aus.


All new fields must be given a unique Short Name and a Name (this is displayed on the profile page). You may also choose to enter a Description for the field for your own reference.

There are also a number of configuration options common to all custom profile field types:

Is this field required?
This option specifies whether this is a mandatory or optional field for user accounts.
Is this field locked?
This option determines whether once information is populated in this field, it cannot be edited by the user.
Should the data be unique?
If you need the information populated in your field to be unique across the system (such as an ID number) select Yes to this option and the profile page update will perform a validation check on the data entered.
Display on signup page?
Depending on the authentication method in use on your Moodle site, you may have some users creating their own accounts. If you would like this custom field to appear on the registration or signup page, select Yes.
Who is this field visible to?
Each custom field can be given one of three visibility settings:
  • Visible to everyone
  • Not visible
  • Visible to user
The Not visible setting would typically be set by an administrator who wants to hold private data on the users. The Visible to user setting would normally be selected for a field that holds sensitive information, while the Visible to everyone setting can be used for any type of information.

Weitere Einstellungen

There are also a few field type Specific Settings requiring configuration around default value and size.


If the site administrator bulk uploads user data via .csv file, it is essential to use the correct convention to represent the new profile field. The convention is profile_field_shortname

Replace 'shortname' with the actual short name used for the new profile field eg. dob. So the field should read something like profile_field_dob.

Also, you will need to visit Settings > Site Administration > Users > Accounts > User Profile Fields > Create new Profile Field before attempting to upload a file using it. Creating an upload file first with custom profile fields without creating the User Profile Fields first in Site Administration will result in the error profile_field_shortname is not a valid field name.

Uploading Date Field

When upload a custom field that is a Date/Time field, be sure to not include an appostiphe (') or dashes (-). For example, 2004-12-01 should be entered in the .csv upload file as 2004 12 01.


  • House System

Many schools have a 'House' system where students and staff are assigned to a given House. For example, a school has eight houses, named after its founders: Adderton, Coolock, Gorry, Loretto, McAuley, Mercedes, Tighe and Whitty. The site administrator can add a user profile field that offers a 'Menu of choices' to the user. A default value can also be selected. If the administrator decides to bulk upload House data for users via a .csv file, it is important to represent the above array of values as 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 in the file. That is to state, if a user belongs to Adderton House, the value '1' should be entered for the 'House' user profile field in the given record.

  • U.S. States

This can be used to improve ambiguous postal addresses by including (for example) the State.

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