Bibliography module

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(Available soon... March2010)

The Bibliography module makes it easy to show and use bibliographic references in your Moodle course. It is contributed by Universidade do Porto, Nuno Barbosa and Susana Leitão. It was built based on the glossary module, using same code design and interface patterns.

It allows you to:

  • Create different bibliography activities in a course
  • Create instances in each bibliography
  • Manually insert new entries in a bibliography activity
  • View bibliographic references by citekey, date, author, instance
  • Comment bibliography entries
  • Let students contribute to bibliography with their own entries
  • Import and export references in bibtex format

You can also install the bibliography filter and the html editor bib icon, which will let you reference to bibliography entries present in your course and automatically add them as a footnote reference list.


There are 3 major steps to install Bibliography module with all its features.

  • Install the activity - which is the the core of the module
  • Install the filter - enabling the inclusion of references from your course bibliographies in your web pages
  • Install the html editor bib icon - which will allow you to easily select the bibliographic reference you want to include on your webpage

Bibliography activity

Will let you manage and show bibliographic entries in your course

  • Select the "" module
  • Uppack the zip file into the /moodle folder of your Moodle site
  • Login to the Moodle site as administrator and
  • In site administration block click on notifications
  • Moodle will install the Bibliography module
  • Add a Bibliography as an activity

Bibliography filter

Will let you reference to your bibliographic entries from any webpage and add them as footnotes.

  • Select the ""
  • Uppack the zip file into /moodle/filter folder of your Moodle site

You may use [bib-citekey] to reference a bibliographic entry with a certain citekey.

HTML editor bib icon

Will let you easily choose the bibliographic reference you want to add to your webpage. The installation of this feature will require changing code in some Moodle files.

  • Add bib icon in html editor

Managing Your Editor Icons Through adminlib.php

To be able to add your bib icon, save your existing copy of adminlib.php (you will find it in the /lib directory) and insert this line:

                    'insertbib' => 'em.icon.bib.gif',

below this line:

                    'insertsmile' => '',

and save. The line can really be placed anywhere in that array, but by providing a specific location it will help when addressing requests for assistance in hiding buttons.

The array is employed by the admin GUI (Site Administration-> Appearance->HTML editor) to provide you the Administrator with the ability to hide buttons in the HTML editor via editorhidebuttons. Once you have installed Bibliography module and added the button, you can use the GUI to hide the insertbib button.