ELIS Data Hub importing programs

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Wersja z dnia 03:34, 7 mar 2014 autorstwa Michael Reilly 2 (dyskusja | edycje)
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On the Course fields tab you can set the program properties for your import. Because the course.csv file can create five different ELIS items - courses, classes, programs, tracks, and user sets, the file mapping contains more information. Go to the Administration block > Site Administration > Plugins > Local plugins > Data Hub plugins > Version 1 ELIS import > Field mapping > Course fields tab.

elis datahub coursefieldmapping.png
elis datahub coursefieldmapping2.png

If you make changes to any property values, be sure to select the Save changes button.

The following table has the standard course fields that can be included in the program import files. ELIS custom fields can also be included.

action: This is a required field. Enter create, update, or delete.
context: This is a required field. Enter curriculum. We use curriculum for the context field even though curricula are now called programs in ELIS 2.0.
idnumber: This is a required field.Enter the program id number.
This is a required field for program creation. Enter the name of the program.
The description of the program if it has one.
reqcredits: The credits required to complete the program.
The amount of time the user has to complete the program.
How often the program is run.
priority: When a student is in more than one program, the priority controls which is displayed first.

The required fields for creating programs are:

  1. action
  2. context
  3. idnumber
  4. name

The required fields for updating or deleting programs are:

  1. action
  2. context
  3. idnumber

ELIS Data Hub tells ELIS what needs to be done with imported data via the Actions column. The sample csv file below illustrates this function. The following example is a course file with all 5 course contexts being added. Row 2 is creating a program/curriculum with 2 required credits.

elis coursefileimage2.png

Note: The two Moodle template courses identified in the course "link" field have to be added to the site before the file will run successfully. To run the file without adding Moodle template courses delete the four values in the "link" column.

Importing/Processing Data Hub Files

ELIS Data Hub import files can be scheduled to automatically process or can be manually processed. Import files should be scheduled to process in most instances, docs for scheduling imports are here ELIS Importing and processing files. Manual processing should be used for testing small files only. Manual processing is currently limited to 28 seconds of processing time in our standard Data Hub installs. Scheduled processing will continue imports on subsequent cron runs when processing takes to long, manual processing does not do this.

The sample file being used here is simple enough to process manually. To manually process files go to the Administration block > Site Administration > Plugins > Local plugins > Data Hub plugins > Manage Plugins. Under the Import Plugins section go to the Version 1 ELIS import row and select the "Go" link in the Run manually column.

elis datahub manuallyrunjoblink.png

Select the "Choose a file" button. Select a file to process and then select the Run Now button.

elis datahub manaullyrunjob.png

Once the file is processed there will be a brief log message stating whether or not the file import was successful.

A complete log of all actions is kept in the logs file, as well as (optionally) emailed to an address or addresses each time the Data Hub script runs. Logs can be accessed from the Administration block > Site Administration > Reports > Data Hub logs link.

For information about scheduling imports to automatically process go to this page ELIS Importing and processing files.