ELIS Report scheduling

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Wersja z dnia 22:42, 28 lut 2014 autorstwa Michael Reilly 2 (dyskusja | edycje)
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ELIS reports can be scheduled to run at future dates and intervals and automatically emailed to selected users. To schedule ELIS reports navigate to the Program Management block > Reports > Schedule Reports. A screen appears with all of the ELIS reports grouped by type. Each report name is linked so users can click on on the report to view the report. To the right of each report is a schedule icon that links to the jobs (schedule) screen for each report.

Scheduling Reports screens can be reached via the report itself and via the Program Management block as well.

elis scheduling reports.png

The next image shows the scheduling screen for the programs report. From this screen you can select existing jobs (scheduled reports) and run/copy/delete the jobs with the options in the drop down menu. Select the New job button to schedule new jobs.

elis schedulereport newjob.png

Explanation of Schedule Report table and actions:

  1. Current scheduled jobs –
    • Label: User can select the job name to edit the job parameters.
    • Owner: The user who created the scheduled job.
    • Last Run at: Displays the time the job last ran.
    • Will run next at: Displays the next scheduled time for the job.
    • Modified: Displays when job was created or last edited.
    • With selected: enables users to select a job or jobs and perform one of the following actions:
    • Run selected job(s) now: runs the job at the current time.
    • Copy selected job(s): makes an exact copy of a selected job and names it "Current Name -- Copy 1".
    • Delete selected job(s): deletes the jobs that are selected. A confirmation screen will be displayed.
  2. Back to the report list: Select this button to return to the report list to scheduled a job for a different report.
  3. New job button: Select this button to open the scheduling interface to schedule a new job. This opens the schedule wizard, with six steps to complete the setup.

Step 1: Label and describe the job. The label field is the only required entry for this step.

elis schedulereport step1.png

Step 2: Set the time when the report will run. The Recurrence field for this step has two options. The first option is simple recurrence, it has been selected in the following image. The Simple recurrence settings provide three options for setting when the report will run. Only one can be used per job.

Explanation of settings:
Time Zone: Select the time zone to be used for scheduling this report.
Start: Select whether the report job starts now (when the report setup is complete) or on a particular date.
Recurrence: Select either Simple Recurrence or Calendar Recurrence, both types of recurrence cannot be selected together.

Simple recurrence:
  • Once per day, every day, indefinitely (until options are changed or report is deleted) OR
  • Once per day, until a particular date OR
  • A set number of times
    • Enter how many times the report will run.
    • Enter how often each run occurs in hours, days, or months.
    • In the image below the report is set to run 5 times, every 7 days. So a report would be generated once a week for 5 weeks.

Simple Recurrence:

elis schedulereport step2 simple.png

Calendar recurrence:
  • End date: select the date when the report should stop running. Select the Enable checkbox to enter an end date.
  • Time: Use the drop downs to enter the time. The hours drop down uses a 24 hour format. For example, in the following image the time setting is 16:55 or 04:55 PM.
  • Days: select whether the report runs every day, only on specific week days, or specific month days.
    • If week days is selected, select which days.
    • If Month days is selected, enter a number for the day of the month the report should run. For example, 15 for the 15th.. If the report should run on more than one month day, enter day numbers separated by commas. For example, "1, 15" would run on the first and fifteenth day of each month.
  • Months: Select the months in which the report runs. For example, if the report is scheduled to run on January and July only, and the Month days is set to 15, then it runs on Jan 15 and July 15. If the report was set to run every Friday (in the Week Days) then it would run every Friday in July and January.

Calendar Recurrence:

elis schedulereport step calendar.png

Step 3: Set the report Parameters. The filters used for scheduling the report are the same as the filters used to manually run the report. The filter shown in the following image is for the Curricula Report, which has two fields in the standard filter and a Show Advanced button that will open additional fields.

Each report requires different parameters. For reports with several parameters you might want to test the parameters before scheduling the report.

elis schedulereport step3.png

Step 4: Set the report output format. There are two options, PDF or CSV format. One choice is required.

elis schedulereport step4.png

Step 5: Enter the email address of the user(s) that will receive the report. This field is required and a valid email address must be entered to continue. Separate multiple email addresses with a comma. An optional email message can also be entered.

elis schedulereport step5.png

Step 6: Confirm the settings from the previous steps. This page produces a summary of the information entered in the previous five steps. Review the summary and then select the Finish button to complete the report schedule. If changes need to be made, select the Previous button.

elis-schedulereport step6.png

A report schedule confirmation is displayed after selecting the Finish button on the Confirmation screen.

elis schedulereports returnlink.png

The Return to scheduled jobs link, shown in previous image, will reopen the jobs screen for the programs report. This screen shows all the scheduled jobs for this report, the job just added above is the second job in the list below. Select the report label (name) in the list to edit the report schedule.

elis reports scheduledjobs.png

When the report is run the designated user(s) receives the report via email.