
Z MoodleDocs
Wersja z dnia 14:57, 8 gru 2011 autorstwa Helen Foster (dyskusja | edycje) (copying recent changes from 21 wiki)
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The Moodle 'cron' process is a script that runs in the background performing vital tasks at regular intervals (e.g. sending mail). The name comes from the Unix program that normally manages these tasks.

IMPORTANT: Do not skip setting up the cron process for your Moodle. Your site will not work properly without it

Setting up cron on your system

Choose the information for your server type:

Cron settings in Moodle

There are settings within Moodle that control aspects of cron operation:

Remote cron

Using the 'web based' version of cron it is perfectly ok to place the cron process on a different machine to the Moodle server. For example, the cron service on a Unix server can invoke the cron web 'page' on a Windows based Moodle server.

See also

Using Moodle forum discussions: