Mentees block

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Szablon:Moodle 1.8 A Mentees block is...

The Mentees block, from Moodle 1.8 onwards, may be added to the site front page or to My Moodle. It provides a mentor with quick access to their mentee(s) profile page(s).

Adding the Mentees block

To the site front page:

  1. On the site front page click "Turn editing on"
  2. Choose Mentees from the Add a block drop-down menu
  3. If required, give the Mentees block a title by following the block configuration/edit link

To My Moodle:

  1. Access My Moodle configuration via Administration > Appearance > Sticky blocks
  2. Choose Mentees from the Add a block drop-down menu
  3. If required, give the Mentees block a title by following the block configuration/edit link

Block visibility

The mentees block does not become visible until individual “mentors” have been assigned a role that enables them to mentor other users who become their "mentees" (e.g., a parent mentoring a child, or a tutor mentoring a student). To assign a mentor to a mentee, the mentor must first be assigned a role that allows that mentor permission to view relevant user information (moodle/user:viewdetails set to allow). After having been assigned a role that grants viewing permission, the mentor’s role must then be assigned to the mentee/user whose information they wish to view.

Mentor users logging on to the site will then be presented with a mentees block containing names and links to information about the individual users the mentor has been granted authorization to view.

Example usage

The Parent role is an example of a role which utilizes the Mentees block.

See also