Online users block

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Block online users.gif

The Online Users block shows a list of users who have been logged into the current course. This block can be added or deleted by a teacher. The list is updated on a regular basis(the default is every 5 minutes). The time frame can be modified for the entire Moodle site in Administration >> Configuration >> Blocks >> Online Users by the site administrator.

Note that even though a user may have been logged into a course within the last 5 minutes, it does not necessarily mean that this user is still online.

  • Bold type indicates a teacher
  • If you hold the cursor over somebody's name, you will see how long ago that person was last "seen" in the course
  • If you click on the envelope icon next to somebody's name, you will be able to send a private message to that person (using Moodle's messaging system)
  • You must keep your messaging window open to receive notice of messages being sent to you

Within the messaging window you can:

  • Add or Remove Contact with another person logged into the course (if the face icon is showing, you have contact)
  • Block or Unblock Contact with another person (if the green dot is showing, you have Unblocked contact)
  • View your Message History with another person (the message history is only for the person whose messaging window you have open)

Note that if you close the messaging window, your current messages will be removed from the window and become part of the messaging history.

See also