My home

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My Moodle is a dashboard interface that can be used to show Moodle site users only the courses that they are currently enrolled in, or are teaching.

Activating My Moodle

To enable the My Moodle dashboard (in Moodle 1.7+) so that students only see the courses that they are enrolled in, you must:

  1. Login as a site admin.
  2. Locate the Site Administration block on Moodle's home page.
  3. Click on Appearances and scroll down the menu that appears and click on the My Moodle link.
  4. You may also allow users to create and configure their own sideblocks on the My Moodle dashboard by making sure the button in the upper right-hand side of the page is set to Blocks editing on. If it is currently set to Blocks editing off, just click on it to make this change.
  5. Check the box near the Force users to use My Moodle field and click Save changes at the bottom of the page.

Sticky blocks in My Moodle

The administrator can select which block type (Sticky blocks) will appear when users login and are automatically taken to their My Moodle dashboard:

  1. Login as a site admin.
  2. Locate the Site Administration block on Moodle's home page.
  3. Click on Appearances and scroll down the menu that appears and click on the Sticky blocks link.
  4. Locate the Page type to configure drop-down menu and select My Moodle.
  5. Select the desired block from the Add... drop-down menu that appears within the Blocks sideblock. Configure each block as desired. Each block may also be placed using the arrow icons in the block header.