

再作成中です - Mitsuhiro Yoshida 2009年3月30日 (月) 09:48 (UTC)

ロケーション: サイト管理 > ユーザ > アカウント > ユーザのアップロード


  • メモ: 最近のバージョンのMoodleでは、サイト管理者による個人的な手動ユーザ登録に加えて、サイト管理者がユーザ登録に関わらなくても良いツールが実装されています。例えば、外部データベースへの接続、またはユーザが独自にアカウントを作成する方法です。詳細は、サイト管理メニューの認証セクションをご覧ください。





  • それぞれの行には、1レコードを含んでください。
  • それぞれのレコードを、カンマ区切りのデータにしてください。
  • 最初の行は特別な行で、フィールド名を含みます。ここでは、ファイル内のデータフォーマットを定義します。
必須フィールド名: これらのフィールドを最初のレコードに含んで、それぞれのユーザに定義してください。

username, password, firstname, lastname, email

Remember that validity checks for the username, password, and email fields will be performed. Usernames can only contain alphabetical letters or numbers and should not contain an underscore; however, a period is permissible. Passwords should meet the requirements specified for the site's Password policy. Emails should be in the format of a valid email.

Default fieldnames: these are optional - if they are not included then the values are taken from the primary admin

institution, department, city, country, lang, auth, timezone

Optional fieldnames: all of these are completely optional. The course names are the "shortnames" of the courses - if present then the user will be enrolled as students in those courses. Group names must be associated to the corresponding courses, i.e. group1 to course1, etc.

idnumber, icq, phone1, phone2, address, url, description, mailformat, maildisplay, htmleditor, autosubscribe, course1, course2, course3, course4, course5, group1, group2, group3, group4, group5, type1, type2, type3, type4, type5

User Profile Field: all the user profile fields or custom profiles shall use the following convention (moodle 1.9): profile_field_<your_custom_field>.

Roles amendments: Note that since roles have been added in Moodle 1.7, there is a new (better) fieldname to use for enrolments and that is role. You can use role field instead of the legacy type field to specify roles directly - use either role short name or id (numeric names of roles are not supported).

  • Commas within the data should be encoded as &#44 - the script will automatically decode these back to commas.
  • For Boolean fields, use 0 for false and 1 for true.
  • Types are used to tell Moodle whether the user is a student or a teacher if a corresponding course exists (e.g. type2 corresponds to course2). 1 = Student, 2 = Editing Teacher, and 3 = Non-editing Teacher. If type is left blank, or if no course is specified, the user is default to student.
  • Force password change: Set the password field for desired users to changeme.
  • Turn email off: The parameter emailstop must be set to 1 if the email address should not work. If you set it to 0 then the email address is switched on. If you want to have all the email addresses active then you do not need the additional parameter in your upload file.
  • For courses, use the short name for the course
  • Note: If a user is already registered in the Moodle user database, this script will return the userid number (database index) for that user, and will enrol the user as a student in any of the specified courses WITHOUT updating the other specified data.

Here is an example of a valid import file:

username, password, firstname, lastname, email, lang, idnumber, maildisplay, course1, group1, type1
jonest, verysecret, Tom, Jones, jonest@someplace.edu, en, 3663737, 1, Junk102, Section 1, 1
reznort, somesecret, Trent, Reznor, reznort@someplace.edu, en_us, 6736733, 0, Junk102, Section 3, 3

(Text copied from Upload users help file.)


By default Moodle assumes that you will be creating new user accounts, and skips records where the username matches an existing account. However, if you set "Update existing accounts" to Yes, the existing user account will be updated.

When updating existing accounts you can change usernames as well. Set "Allow renames" to Yes and include in your file a field called oldusername.

Warning: any errors updating existing accounts can affect your users badly. Be careful when using the options to update.


Prior to Moodle 1.9, the file must have the same encoding as your language pack. In Moodle 1.7 and 1.8 it is always UTF-8.

Moodle 1.9

In Moodle 1.9 onwards, the encoding may be selected.

Upload users preview

Upload users preview in Moodle 1.9



If you use a spreadsheet program such as Excel to create your .csv file, check the resulting output in a text editor before you upload it. It is possible to get trailing commas on each line from an empty field if you have added and deleted columns of information prior to saving the final file. Also check the character encoding. A csv file is a simple text file (ASCII or Unicode) that can be used to upload user accounts.

Also, Excel translates passwords that begin with - (minus) or + (plus) as zero. Even when saving as .csv and saying "Yes" to "Keep this format, and leave out any incompatible features." Check for this before uploading, as a zero halts the upload process.


The country should be written as a two letter code, e.g. BE for Belgium, NL for the Netherlands, and should be written in capitals. If not, it gets abbreviated to two letters, which can cause an invalid country entry in the database.


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