Attention : vous consultez actuellement la documentation dédiée aux versions 2.x de Moodle. La documentation pour les versions 3.x de Moodle est consultable ici : Nouveautés de Moodle 3.0 et celle pour Moodle 4.x est consultable là : Nouveautés de Moodle 3.0.

Nouveautés de Moodle 3.0

De MoodleDocs
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Moodle 3.0 allie popularité et efficacité en offrant des options améliorées d'installation de plugins, quatre nouveaux types de questions dans l'activité test, des améliorations dans l'édition des cours et plusieurs autres fonctionnalités.

Vidéos sur Moodle 3.0 (en anglais): Moodle 3.0 highlights screencasts.

Tous les détails techniques de la version 3.0: Moodle 3.0 release notes.

Pour enseignants

  • TempDDImage.png

    Glisser-déposer sur image

    The Drag and drop onto image question type is one of four new question types added to core in Moodle 3.0. Students drag either text or small images onto a background picture uploaded by the teacher.

  • TempDDM1.png

    Marqueurs à glisser-déposer

    The Drag and drop markers question type is one of four new question types added to core in Moodle 3.0. Students drag text markers to a location predefined by the teacher on a background image.

  • WorkshopAllParticipants.png

    Workshop submissions report

    You can now view all participants and filter to see who has and has not submitted to a workshop during the submission phase. Read more...

  • TempUploaded.png

    Show the date a file was uploaded

    A new File setting means teachers can now display the date a file resource was uploaded or changed, giving students a better user experience.

  • betterfiltering.png

    Improved filtering options

    On the Enrolled users screen, course participants may be filtered by last course access and not in any group. The no group option is also available from the Groups overview screen.

  • TempEditsections.png

    Easier section editing

    Options for editing, highlighting, hiding and deleting sections are now combined into one action menu streamlining the course page and simplifying the editing process. Read more...

For administrators

  • TempDashboard.png

    Reset Dashboard and profiles for all users

    A new 'Reset' button on the default Dashboard and profile pages means administrators can now specify blocks on these pages and apply the changes to everyone on the site.

  • TempPlugins.png

    Major improvements to plugins upgrading

    The interface and functionality for installing and upgrading plugins has been greatly enhanced.

  • TempTags.png

    Better handling of tags

    The Manage tags page interface has been brought up to date and teachers may now tag courses from the Edit settings page. Read more...

  • TempUpgradekey.png

    A new key for safer upgrading

    An upgrade key can now be defined which will prevent non-authenticated users accessing the upgrade screen. Find our more...

For all users

  • AttoTable1.png

    Atto editor improvements

    Now you can more easily add and configure tables when editing text and there are some new equations in the equation editor Read more...

  • TempDeleteMessage.png

    Delete messages

    Unwanted messages may be deleted from your list (although they remain for the recipient) There is a new associated event message/delete Read more...

For Moodle mobile

(Note that you can get many of these features working even on older Moodle versions by installing the Moodle Mobile additional features plugin for your Moodle site)

  • MobileChoice.png


    Students may now enter and change Choices from within the app

  • MobileappChat.png


    It's possible to engage in Chat on the move, from the app

  • MobileSurvey.png


    Surveys may now be taken using the app

  • coursesearchmobile.png

    Search courses

    App users can search courses

  • enrolmemobile.png

    Self enrol

    Following a course search, app users may enrol themselves into chosen courses.