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Viewing a discussion

De MoodleDocs
La revisió el 15:18, 17 jul 2008 per chris collman (discussió | contribucions) (Reformat with headers)
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Forum view options

A discussion thread may be displayed in four ways. Use the pulldown menu at the top of each forum page to select a display type:

Displays of posts

Display replies flat, with oldest first

The discussion will be displayed in one line and the chronological order from the oldest to the newest.

Display replies flat, with newest first

The discussion will be displayed in one line and the chronological order from the newest to the oldest.

Display replies in threaded form

Only the post starting the discussion will be displayed in its full form; replies will be reduced to the headlines (including information about its author and date of release) and organized chronologically; moreover, replies will be shifted towards the right so that only replies to the same post were in the same line.

Display replies in nested form

All posts are displayed in their full forms; replies will be reduced to the headlines (including information about its author and date of release) and organized chronologically; moreover, replies will be shifted towards the right so that only replies to the same post were in the same line.


  • You may also move the whole discussion to any other forum in the course. To do that, use the 'Move this discussion to...' field positioned in the right-side corner above the discussion thread.