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Other users

De MoodleDocs
La revisió el 16:48, 17 feb 2012 per Helen Foster (discussió | contribucions) (path edit)
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Users can be assigned a role in a course without enrolling them in Settings > Course administration > Users > Other users.

This means they can carry out tasks relevant to their permissions but they don't appear in the Participants list. An example of this would be assigning a user to a Principal, Manager or Helpdesk type role to provide them access without confusing the participants list.

This page also lists users who have been assigned a similar role at Site or Category level.

Note: By default, the only role which can be assigned to other users is the manager role. To enable other roles, such as teacher to be assigned, the capability moodle/course:view should be allowed for the role.

Assign Others Link


See also