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La revisió el 18:42, 24 juny 2012 per Mary Cooch (discussió | contribucions) (updating screenshots for 2.3)
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The repository enables users to copy files from Merlot into Moodle.

Enabling the repository (admin settings)

  • Go to Settings > Site administration > Plugins > Repositories > Manage Repositories;
  • Select from the drop down next to "Enabled and visible"


  • Click on "Settings" and give it a customised name (not essential)
  • Add your license key (which may be obtained from here [1] )

Using the repository

  • With the editing turned on in your course, select Add a resource>URL
  • Click "Choose link" next to the External URL box.
  • The repository will be available as a link to search for content.
  • Type in a search term or author and then click the Search button
  • A selection of suggested resources will appear:
Searching the Merlot respository
The search results
  • Click the item you wish to display;choose a licence and click Select this file
  • The resource will appear on your course page with the URL icon.

Repository capabilities

There is just one capability, View the Merlot repository, which is allowed for the default authenticated user role.