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Mòdul Realimentació

De MoodleDocs
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The Feedback module allows you to create and conduct surveys to collect feedback. Unlike the Survey tool it allows you to write your own questions, rather than choose from a list of pre-written questions.

The Feedback module is included in Moodle 2.0, but disabled by default.

The long term plan is to replace Feedback with a new module combining the best of Questionnaire, Feedback and Survey. See Development:Survey 2 brainstorm

Enabling Feedback

  • As an administrator, go to Settings>Site Administration>Plugins>Activity modules>Manage activities
  • Turn on the eye of "Feedback"


  • Go to Settings>Site Administration>Plugins>Blocks>Manage blocks
  • Turn on the eye of "Feedback" here to in order to have Feedback as a block.

See also