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GSOC expectations

De MoodleDocs
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The following is expected from our GSOC students:

During the community bonding period

  • Ensure you've introduced yourself in our GSOC 2011 Introductions forum.
  • Create a specification for your project in Moodle Docs and post in an appropriate Using Moodle forum asking for feedback.
  • Post in your blog about your project specification and/or your first impressions of the Moodle community. Tag your entries 'moodle' and 'gsoc'.
  • Attend an online orientation meeting (date to be confirmed).

Each week:

  • Login to and read any forum posts of interest to you.
  • Chat with your mentor(s) and/or with Helen.
  • Participate in the GSOC group chat

During the coding period

  • Refine your specification based on feedback from your mentor and the wider Moodle community.
  • Add subtasks to your tracker issue in roughly chronological order for all your project milestones.
  • Post your code as patches to tracker subtasks initially, alternately changes can be posted to Git with links added to tracker issues.
  • Post regularly in the forums to build a dialogue with the community. Advertise major milestones to maintain community interest and draw in new testers and more feedback.
  • Provide documentation in Moodle Docs.

Each week:

  • Post in your blog summarizing what you've been working on, any problems you've run into, and what you're planning to do next.
  • Have a meeting with your mentor.
  • Participate in the GSOC group chat.

In the final week:

  • Post in your blog a summary of everything you have worked on for GSOC 2011.
  • Add a comment to your tracker issue with the download link to the code for your project.
  • Post in an appropriate Using Moodle forum to inform the community of your project work.
  • Ensure that user documentation for your project is available in Moodle Docs.
  • Share your project code by adding an entry in the Modules and plugins database, including download, discussion and documentation links.

See also