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Book module

De MoodleDocs
La revisió el 12:07, 22 maig 2012 per Helen Foster (discussió | contribucions) (FAQ moved to Book FAQ, tidying up, note)
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Note: The book module is due to be included in core from Moodle 2.3 onwards.

The Book module makes it easy to create multi-page resources with a book-like format. It has been developed and maintained by Petr Škoda.

Previously created websites can be imported directly into the Book module. Books can be printed entirely or by chapter.

The book module allows you to have main chapters and sub chapters, but it goes no deeper. In other words, sub chapters cannot have their own sub chapters, as the module is intended to be a simple resource for teachers and students.

The book module is not interactive. You can, however, link to choices, forums etc., from within a book. Also, Flash movies and other multimedia may be included in a book

See also