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Amazon S3 repository

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The Amazon S3 repository enables users to copy files from Amazon S3 into Moodle.

How to set up Moodle with Amazon S3

Set up Amazon S3

You need to set up an account with Amazon Web Services and activate a Simple Storage Service (S3) instance. You will also need to set up private and public access keys so that your Moodle can be authenticated to access the files.

Enable Amazon S3 in Moodle

Go to Settings > Site administration > Plugins > Repositories > Manage Repositories

Enable the Amazon S3 repository:

  • Either: Enabled and visible (What does this mean?)
  • Or: Enabled and hidden (What does this mean?)

Once enabled, you can go to:

Located in Settings > Site administration > Plugins > Repositories > Amazon S3 or Settings > Site administration > Plugins > Repositories > Manage Repositories > Amazon S3 > Settings

  • Repository plugin name
  • Access key - Generated by your Amazon S3 account
  • Secret key - Generated by your Amazon S3 account

Repository capabilities

There is just one capability, View amazon s3 repository, which is allowed for the default authenticated user role.

See also

Using Moodle forum discussions: