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Activity completion

De MoodleDocs
La revisió el 21:03, 27 març 2013 per German Valero (discussió | contribucions) (added link to spanish translation of document)
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Activity completion allows the teacher to set completion criteria in a specific activity's settings. A check (tick) completion-manual-y.png appears against the activity when the student meets this criteria. The criterion might be viewing, receiving a certain score or a student marking it as complete.

Site administration > Advanced settings > Completion tracking must be enabled on the site.

Note: If Completion tracking has been enabled, the teacher will see the Activity completion group in their course settings. However, it is possible to track activity completion without using the Course completion feature. It is also possible to use this feature with the Conditional activities feature. These 3 features can be used separately or in various combinations in an activity.


See also