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De MoodleDocs
La revisió el 11:20, 31 gen 2012 per Mary Cooch (discussió | contribucions) (adding screenshots)
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This page really needs improving. Please see the page comments for suggestions of what to include, then remove this template when you're done.

What is MOOCH?

How do we get onto MOOCH?

  • The Moodle admin can register withMooch via Settings>Site Administration>Registration (You do not have to make your own Moodle publicly visible to be able to access MOOCH courses)


How do teachers access MOOCH?

  • Teachers in courses are then able to add the Community finder block allowing them to search for courses for download or list them as enrollable.
  • Teachers with permission are able to publish courses to MOOCH via the Publish button in Settings>Course Administration.

How do we see courses in MOOCH?

  • Click the link and then choose from the drop down selections


How do we publish courses to MOOCH?

  • In a course, click Settings>Course Administration>Publish


  • Then select the way you wish your course to be available:
