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Committee Manager module

De MoodleDocs
La revisió el 17:20, 24 abr 2011 per Patrick Thibaudeau (discussió | contribucions)
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This plug in enables you to manage committees. It is not a teaching module, it is an academic administration module.


  • Manage members: Add all committee members.
    It is possible to separate member type into :
    • 1. President : Has full edit privileges
    • 2. Co-president : Has full edit privileges
    • 3. Administrator : Has full edit privileges
    • 4. member: Read only
  • Manage events : Add meeting dates.
    • Next event highlighted for easy retrieval.
    • Link available for adding into calendar software such as Outlook or Google Calendars
    • Create agenda for the event.
  • Manage files: Create/Upload private and public folders/files.
    • Private folders/files: Only committee members can view private folders and files. Guests can view public folders/files.
  • Planner: You need to arrange a meeting date, use the planner. It is similar to Doodle. However, it does have extra features.
    • Member can be required to attend.
    • Color coded for easy meeting scheduling. The greener the box (or the higher the percentage) the more available members are for that meeting on the chosen date.
    • One click to create event.
  • Manage Agendas: You can create all meeting agendas and keep all minutes and business arising to date for the committee.


Unzip the file into moodle root/mod/
Log in as administrator and go to notifications. This will install the module.


  • The first step must be performed by a course manager. Turn editing on and in the activity select menu, choose committee manager.
  • Go into the new committee and add members.Note that there are 4 types of members:
    • President: All features enabled
    • Co-president: All features enabled
    • Administrator: All features enabled
    • Member: Read only and group email enabled