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Course administration tests

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Note: This list is a work in progress. See QA testing if you'd like to help writing new QA tests and if you have any questions or comments on any aspect of our QA testing process, please post in the Testing and QA forum.

This page lists Moodle features with links to corresponding QA tests.

If you'd like to help with Moodle testing, see QA testing.

Course settings

  • MDLQA-89 A teacher can set a course full name, short name and summary
  • MDLQA-114 A teacher can set one of 4 course formats
  • MDLQA-116 A teacher can set the number of course sections and the course start date
  • MDLQA-117 A teacher can choose whether hidden course sections are shown collapsed
  • MDLQA-118 A teacher can set the number of news items which appear in the latest news block
  • MDLQA-119 A teacher can set whether students can view their gradebook and activity reports
  • MDLQA-120 A teacher can set a maximum upload file size for the course
  • MDLQA-121 If enabled by an administrator, a teacher can select a course theme
  • MDLQA-122 A teacher can set a course language
  • MDLQA-137 A teacher can manually enrol users in the course
  • MDLQA-139 A teacher can enable self-enrolment in a course
  • MDLQA-140 A teacher can enable guest access to a course
  • MDLQA-141 A teacher can set whether a course is available to students

Roles and permissions

  1. Users may be assigned a role, such as student or teacher in the course, module or block context (plus additional contexts if allowed by the user's role).
  2. Users with a particular role in the course are listed on the participants page unless their role assignment is hidden.
  3. The permissions for a role may be overridden in the course, module or block context (plus additional contexts if allowed by the user's role) to allow, prevent or prohibit a particular capability.


  1. The Grader report displays course grades for teachers with mouse-over tooltips, highlighted rows and columns, sortable columns and a horizontal scrollbar.
  2. A teacher can edit individual grades.
  3. A teacher can set preferences for how the grader report is displayed.
  4. Grades may be organised into categories and subcategories.
  5. A teacher can set one of 9 possible options for aggregating grades within a category.
  6. Within a category, the lowest x grades may be dropped or the highest x grades kept.
  7. A teacher can set a multiplicator (factor by which all grades will be multiplied) or an ofset (number that will be added to every grade).
  8. A teacher can create a Scale for use in the course.
  9. A teacher can edit the Grade letters used in the course.
  10. Grades may be imported via CSV or XML file.
  11. Grades may be exported to Excel spreadsheet, OpenDocument spreadsheet, plain text file or XML file.

Groups and groupings

  • MDLQA-142 A teacher can organise students into groups within a course
  • MDLQA-143 A group may be given a description and a picture
  • MDLQA-144 A group enrolment key may be used to automatically add users to the group
  • MDLQA-145 Groups may be created automatically by a teacher
  • MDLQA- Groups may also be uploaded via a text file.
  • MDLQA- There are three group modes settings - no groups, separate groups (each group can only see their own group, others are invisible) and visible groups (each group works in their own group, but can also see other groups).
  • MDLQA- The group mode can be defined at two levels - course level (selected setting will be the default group mode for all activities defined within that course) or activity level.
  • MDLQA- If the group mode at course level is forced, then the option to define the group mode for individual activities is not available.
  • MDLQA- Groups may be organised into Groupings within a course.
  • MDLQA- An activity may be assigned to a particular grouping only. Users in other groups will not be able to view the activity.

Backup and restore

  • A teacher can backup a course
  • A teacher can import data from another course

See Moodle QA Backup Component for links to master copies of the above tests.

  1. The backup may include all (site) users, course users or none.
  2. The backup may include user files (e.g. assignment submissions), course files or site files used in the course (e.g. files linked to from questions in the question bank).
  3. The backup may include course activity logs or grade histories.
  4. Selected role assignments may be backed up in order to copy a custom role from one Moodle site to another.
  5. A backup may be restored to a new course or to an existing course, either adding data to it or deleting it first.
  6. All or selected activities may be restored with or without user data (conditional upon the backup file including the data).


  1. The Reset course feature allows calendar events, course activity logs and/or course notes to be deleted.
  2. Users may be unassigned selected roles and local role assignments and permissions overrides deleted.
  3. Grades, grade items and grade categories may be deleted.
  4. Groups and groupings may be deleted or group and grouping members removed.
  5. Assignment submissions, chat messages, choice responses, database entries, forum posts, glossary entries, lesson attempts, quiz attempts, SCORM attempts, survey responses may be deleted.
  6. Comments and ratings from selected activity modules may be deleted.


  1. Course activity logs may be generated for all/selected participants, all/selected dates, all/selected activities, all/selected actions (view, add, update, delete, all changes).
  2. Logs may be displayed on a page or downloaded in text, ODS or Excel format.
  3. Live logs of course activity from the past hour may be generated, showing actions, participant names and IP addresses.
  4. Participation reports may be generated for selected activities, looking back over a selected time period, for users with a selected role, showing all/selected actions (view, post).
  5. A message may be sent to all/selected/all with no actions participant report subjects.
  6. An outline report, complete report, the day's logs, all logs may be generated for a particular user via the Activity reports tab in their profile page.


The question bank is complex. Features are listed on a separate page.

See also