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Translation FAQ

De MoodleDocs
La revisió el 08:35, 20 set 2010 per Helen Foster (discussió | contribucions) (questions moved from Language FAQ)
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I'd like to help improve an existing language pack. Where do I start?

Please contact the maintainer of the language pack and ask where you can help. See Translation credits for a list of translators. The top name of each language pack is the current language pack maintainer. If you don't get any response, please email

Another option is to check whether your language has a community discussion course - see - and if so, post in a forum.

I've found an error in a language pack. Who do I contact?

Please contact the language pack maintainer. See Translation credits for contact details.

Another option is to check whether your language has a community discussion course - see - and if so, post in a forum.

The month names and days are displayed in English. How can I translate them?

Names of days and months are pulled out of your operating system. The system is configured for Moodle in langconfig.php where you have the strings locale (for -nix type operating systems) and localewin (for Windows operating systems) that should point to the right locale on your server. Your server operating system should support the language (= locale should be installed) - see also Month-name translation problem for an alternative solution.

See also