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We'll use IIS as the web server and MySQL as the database server. Note: It is also possible to use MSSQL server.

We're assuming that IIS has been installed and also that the reader of this text is familiar with IIS configuration.

PHP: see How to install PHP 5.x on Windows Server 2003 with IIS 6 for instructions.

MySQL: download from [1] and install

Then get the standard installation for Moodle from and read the rest at Windows installation

Installation for Windows Server 2003 with IIS and a MSSQL database

The above instructions will help you setup Moodle with MySQL. But what if you want to (or have to) use MSSQL as your database engine?

Installing Moodle on Windows Server 2003 with IIS and MSSQL 2005 is a 9 step process:

1. Setup PHP on the web server

2. Install FastCGI on the web server

3. Configure the PHP script mapping in IIS

4. Create a Moodle application in IIS

5. Configure PHP to work with Microsoft SQL Server 2005

6. Create the Moodle database and database login

Now you're almost ready, but first:

7. Test the PHP configuration - if PHP is not working or has not been configured correctly Moodle will not install.

8. Install Moodle

9. Setup a Moodle Cron Job

When running PHP under the FastCGI module you should use the non-thread-safe version of PHP. You will see a big performance improvement with this combination.

Detailed instructions on how to successfully perform each of the above steps is available on