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Quiz user with unlimited time role

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The role of Quiz user with unlimited time allows a user unlimited time to attempt a quiz which has a time limit set.

Role set-up

  1. Access Administration > Users > Permissions > Define roles.
  2. Click the button "Add a new role".
  3. Give the role a name e.g. Quiz user with unlimited time, short name and description.
  4. Change the capability mod/quiz:ignoretimelimits to allow.
  5. Click the button "Add a new role".

Role assignment

This role may be assigned in the system, course or module context, depending upon whether the user should have unlimited time in all quizzes in every course, all quizzes in selected courses or just in selected quizzes.

To allow a user unlimited time in all quizzes:

  1. Access Administration > Users > Permissions > Assign system roles.
  2. Choose the quiz user with unlimited time role to assign.
  3. Select a user in the potential users list, and use the left-facing arrow button to add it to the existing users list.


This method only allows you to give that student unlimited extra time. Or at least, if you do this, Moodle will not impose any time limit. If you need to give a specific amount of extra time, say 50% extra, you will need to enforce that some other way. For example, you could use an invigilator to monitor the student. Or you could point out to the student that Moodle tracks how long they spend on each quiz attempt, and ask them to monitor themselves.

See also