Aquesta pàgina forma part de la documentació de Moodle en català, tot i que no ha estat traduïda encara. Podeu contribuir obertament a les tasques de traducció. Podeu consultar la Guia d'edició de la documentació i també participar ens els debats del fòrum de traductors de la documentació a

MoodleDocs:Guidelines for contributors

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You are welcome to contribute to MoodleDocs. Find something that can be improved, either in content, grammar or formatting, and fix it!

Contributing to MoodleDocs

  • If you've not done so already, please create an account or login.
  • Please note that all contributions are released here under GNU Free Documentation License 1.2.
  • Moodle 1.6 will have a button on each page that links to pages in the wiki with the same path as the pages in Moodle. You can see this already on in fact.
  • Please note that the Moodle help files will remain in each language pack and so their text need not be included in this documentation.
  • You are welcome to create pages for additional documentation. Simply type [[New page]] and follow the link to start editing the new page. Please choose a short name (just one or two words) and capitalize the first word only.

See also

External links