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La revisió el 14:19, 5 feb 2007 per Helen Foster (discussió | contribucions) (sending messages, category)
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Site-wide messaging may be disabled/enabled by the Administrator in the permissions section of Administration >> Configuration >> Variables.

Unlike Forums and Chats, Messaging is non-course specific i.e. students may send messages to each other regardless of whether they are enrolled on the same course. Your profile page contains a "Messages" button for opening the Messages window. Alternatively, to encourage the use of messaging in your course, you may wish to add a Messages block and/or an Online Users block to your course page.

To add a Messages block to your course page:

  1. Click on the "Turn editing on" button.
  2. Select Messages from the Add blocks menu.
  3. If appropriate, move the Messages block up and/or left, using the arrow icons under the block title.

Sending messages

To send a message to an individual:

  1. In the Messages window click on the Search tab to search for the person, if appropriate checking the box "Only in my courses", then click on their name. (Aternatively, if the person is listed in the Online Users block, simply click on the "Add/send message" envelope opposite their name.)
  2. Type the message in the pop-up box then click on the "Send message" button.

To send a message to selected course participants (for teachers only):

  1. Click on the Participants link in the People bock on the course page.
  2. Select participants from the list or use the "Select all" button at the bottom of the list.
  3. Choose "Add/send message" from the "With selected users..." drop-down menu.
  4. Type the message then click the "Preview" button.
  5. Assuming you are satisfied with the message, click the "Send" button.

See also