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Recoil Theme

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Recoil Theme
Type Theme
Maintainer(s) Joseph Conradt name


Recoil is a 3 column theme for Moodle 2.4 (More versions soon to come). It mainly features a simplistic feel using drop shadows and gradients. The layout itself contains no images, all effects are done in CSS.


To install the Recoil theme, follow these steps:

  • Extract and upload to your Moodle code in the folder moodle/theme.
  • Log in as an Administrator in your Moodle site, you should be prompted to update the database. (Note that you may have to go to the home page).
  • While still logged in as an Administrator, go to Site administration->Appearance->Themes->Theme selector.
  • Near the Default theme choose change theme.
  • Scroll down and find Recoil, choose use theme.