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{{Managing a Moodle site}}
The ancient’s ideal state put the philosophers as the suitable and perfect leader to people of that sate at that time. Machiavelli’s realism came to contradict with the ancient idealism regarding power, ruling and style of life. Machiavelli realism came after the ancients ignore the truth about the human which is based on selfishness, brutality and ungratefulness. In the Prince, Machiavelli presents new life-style of ruling for a strong and stable state. Machiavelli’s advices are innovative from the ancient way of ruling (idealism) to bring order and stability.  
The following admin tools can be managed by an administrator in ''Settings > Site administration > Plugins > Admin tools > Manage admin tools''.

*[[Upgrade tool|Assignment upgrade helper]] (new in Moodle 2.3)
*Blog visibility upgrade
*[[Permissions|Capability overview]] - in ''Site Administration > Users > Permissions > Capability report''
*[[Migration from MyISAM to InnoDB|Convert to InnoDB]]
*[[Database transfer]]
*[[Search and replace|DB search and replace]]
*Health center
*[[Language customization]] in ''Settings > Site administration > Language> Language customization''
*[[Language packs]] in ''Settings > Site administration > Language > Language packs''
*Multilang upgrade
*[[:dev:PHPUnit|PHPUnit tests]] (new in Moodle 2.3)
*[[:dev:Profiling PHP|Profiling runs]]
*[[Question engine upgrade helper]]
*Random course generator
*[[Reducing spam in Moodle|Spam cleaner]] in ''Settings > Site administration > Reports > Spam cleaner''
*[[Location|Timezones updater]] in ''Settings > Site administration > Location > Update timezones''
*[[:dev:Unit test API|Unit tests]] in ''Site administration > Development > Unit tests''
*[[Roles settings|Unsupported role assignments]] in ''Settings > Site administration > Users > Permissions > Unsupported role assignments''
*[[Upload users|User upload]] in ''Settings > Site administration > Users > Accounts > Upload users''
*[[:dev:XMLDB editor|XMLDB editor]] in ''Site administration > Development > XMLDB editor''

==See also==

*[[:dev:Admin tools|Admin tools developer documentation]]
In The Prince, Machiavelli says.
* MDL-29029
” Above all, do not be upset if you are supposed to have those vices a ruler needs if he is going to stay securely in power, for, if you think about it, you will realize there are some ways of behaving that are supposed to be virtuous, but would lead to your downfall, and others that are supposed to be wicked, but will lead to your welfare and peace of mind.”(Machiavelli, the Prince, 448)
This passage is so pompous for it brings up a significant question, which is “Do virtues brings the good to the person or not?” From my understanding to contents of this passage, I realize that the virtue always brings the benefits to the person if it is used in the right time, but if it is not used in the right time it might not be called a virtue. That way there is a difference between virtues and vices, because virtues cannot lead to someone’s downfall, and here we must pay attention that Machiavelli said the behaving supposed to be good, and he didn’t say that is virtuous. Machiavelli reveals many characters in his letter The Prince, these righteous characters have political knowledge that let them change the design throughout the world. Thus, he did not give us a full description on what a virtue is or what it supposed to be, but all what he depends on is the history in defining virtue. According to Plato, good men are born virtuous, while Machiavelli’s method was to observe the facts. In the Prince, different examples have been given by Machiavelli to support his idea about citizens who became leaders by fortune or will, and they lost their principality so fast. Francisco Sforza is the first example that Machiavelli set for a new prince to follow. Francisco used the right methods and skills to move from the citizen’s level to the duke’s level without trouble. Another example is Cesare Borgia, who Machiavelli cannot find anyone other than Borgia to be imitated, actually he is referring to imitate his actions not his virtues. After Machiavelli described Cesare Borgia by telling his story from the beginning to the end, Machiavelli could not find anything to criticize, not only he idealizes the duke, but he refers his mistakes to his terrible luck and awful fortune.
Machiavelli freed his virtue from the ethical actions, and that is an innovation. Moral virtue almost never exists in Machiavelli’s book “The Prince,” but the nearest to be described as a moral virtue is in The Prince, chapter 8 when he starts talking about Agathocles of Sicily  how he gained the ranks,  and power and killed all the fellow friends in power to gain his power.  Nevertheless, he lacks virtue, especially the ethical virtue. “One ought not, of course, course, to call it a virtue, to massacre one’s fellow citizens, to betray one’s friends, to break one’s word, to be without mercy and without religion, by such means one can acquire power but not glory." The prince can attain power by the means of evil where cruelty plays a role in planting fear between the citizens, so as the prince will gain power. Machiavelli contradiction with the ancients (Aristotelian ethics) for the ancients presents the moral virtues which are the virtues of charity and humility, while Machiavelli came up with the civic virtues that replaces the ethical virtue.
According to Machiavelli, prudence is an important virtue that controls the ruler’s life to be successful. Prudence is the power to predict and conclude what is coming in the future and avoid it if it is bad. According to Aristotle, prudence is born in the human..  Machiavelli says that the prince should gain the trust from the people, especially during war. Followers trust will give the prince power to concentrate on war and not worry about problems from inside the city.
“So if you see it is not difficult for a wise ruler to keep his subjects loyal during siege, both at the beginning, and as it continues, providing they are not short of food and of arms.”
“I conclude, then, that the ruler need not to worry much about conspiracies as long as the people wish him well; but if the people are hostile to him and hate him, then he should fear everything and everyone.”(Machiavelli, The Prince, 453)
Machiavelli states that: if the prince wants a solid state, the followers supposed to be a part of this states, which means that they are supposed to be a part of the political life in that state. That does not prevent the Prudence’s reasoning which motivate the prince to be cruel sometimes.
Machiavelli’s virtue is presented as a physical force.  In chapter six of The Prince, Machiavelli shows us the archer metaphor “He should do as prudent archers do when the place they plan to hit appears too distant, and knowing how far the strength of their bow carries; they set their aim much higher than the place intended” (Machiavelli 430). Machiavelli says here that he wants the prince to act like a smart and wise archer who is about to hit a target that seems to be far, so he aims higher because with the aid of the height, he can hit his target. Machiavelli says that the prince must have a reputation of strength, but this reputation is so brittle if the prince does not have the real strength.
” nothing is as fragile as a reputation for strength that does not correspond to one’s actual capabilities.”(Machiavelli 446).
The really virtuous prince is the prince who imitates the ancient kings and learns from them that’s why Machiavelli advice the prince to read history books. “Such theorizing is not enough. Every ruler should read history books, and in them, he should study the actions of admirable men.”(Machiavelli447).
Machiavelli praises the Popes for strengthening the church, and he advises the prince to be like the popes, but he neglects the moral role the church. I think that Machiavelli praising the strength of the popes because at that time, no one can question or doubt the church in any way.

[[Category:Site administration]]
All virtuous leaders in The Prince are successful leaders who succeed in achieving their goals, but on the contrary, I could not find one virtuous leader in Machiavelli’s that failed to achieve goals. Machiavelli relies on skill virtue as an advice to new leaders. Machiavelli states that the leader or ruler who acquires a principality by his own virtue is hard to lose so fast, but if the leader acquires a principality by fortune or someone handed it to him because of goodwill. He will most likely lose it as fast as he gains it.
[[es:Herramientas administrativas]]

Revisió del 02:13, 24 abr 2013

The ancient’s ideal state put the philosophers as the suitable and perfect leader to people of that sate at that time. Machiavelli’s realism came to contradict with the ancient idealism regarding power, ruling and style of life. Machiavelli realism came after the ancients ignore the truth about the human which is based on selfishness, brutality and ungratefulness. In the Prince, Machiavelli presents new life-style of ruling for a strong and stable state. Machiavelli’s advices are innovative from the ancient way of ruling (idealism) to bring order and stability. 

In The Prince, Machiavelli says. ” Above all, do not be upset if you are supposed to have those vices a ruler needs if he is going to stay securely in power, for, if you think about it, you will realize there are some ways of behaving that are supposed to be virtuous, but would lead to your downfall, and others that are supposed to be wicked, but will lead to your welfare and peace of mind.”(Machiavelli, the Prince, 448) This passage is so pompous for it brings up a significant question, which is “Do virtues brings the good to the person or not?” From my understanding to contents of this passage, I realize that the virtue always brings the benefits to the person if it is used in the right time, but if it is not used in the right time it might not be called a virtue. That way there is a difference between virtues and vices, because virtues cannot lead to someone’s downfall, and here we must pay attention that Machiavelli said the behaving supposed to be good, and he didn’t say that is virtuous. Machiavelli reveals many characters in his letter The Prince, these righteous characters have political knowledge that let them change the design throughout the world. Thus, he did not give us a full description on what a virtue is or what it supposed to be, but all what he depends on is the history in defining virtue. According to Plato, good men are born virtuous, while Machiavelli’s method was to observe the facts. In the Prince, different examples have been given by Machiavelli to support his idea about citizens who became leaders by fortune or will, and they lost their principality so fast. Francisco Sforza is the first example that Machiavelli set for a new prince to follow. Francisco used the right methods and skills to move from the citizen’s level to the duke’s level without trouble. Another example is Cesare Borgia, who Machiavelli cannot find anyone other than Borgia to be imitated, actually he is referring to imitate his actions not his virtues. After Machiavelli described Cesare Borgia by telling his story from the beginning to the end, Machiavelli could not find anything to criticize, not only he idealizes the duke, but he refers his mistakes to his terrible luck and awful fortune. Machiavelli freed his virtue from the ethical actions, and that is an innovation. Moral virtue almost never exists in Machiavelli’s book “The Prince,” but the nearest to be described as a moral virtue is in The Prince, chapter 8 when he starts talking about Agathocles of Sicily how he gained the ranks, and power and killed all the fellow friends in power to gain his power. Nevertheless, he lacks virtue, especially the ethical virtue. “One ought not, of course, course, to call it a virtue, to massacre one’s fellow citizens, to betray one’s friends, to break one’s word, to be without mercy and without religion, by such means one can acquire power but not glory." The prince can attain power by the means of evil where cruelty plays a role in planting fear between the citizens, so as the prince will gain power. Machiavelli contradiction with the ancients (Aristotelian ethics) for the ancients presents the moral virtues which are the virtues of charity and humility, while Machiavelli came up with the civic virtues that replaces the ethical virtue. According to Machiavelli, prudence is an important virtue that controls the ruler’s life to be successful. Prudence is the power to predict and conclude what is coming in the future and avoid it if it is bad. According to Aristotle, prudence is born in the human.. Machiavelli says that the prince should gain the trust from the people, especially during war. Followers trust will give the prince power to concentrate on war and not worry about problems from inside the city. “So if you see it is not difficult for a wise ruler to keep his subjects loyal during siege, both at the beginning, and as it continues, providing they are not short of food and of arms.” “I conclude, then, that the ruler need not to worry much about conspiracies as long as the people wish him well; but if the people are hostile to him and hate him, then he should fear everything and everyone.”(Machiavelli, The Prince, 453) Machiavelli states that: if the prince wants a solid state, the followers supposed to be a part of this states, which means that they are supposed to be a part of the political life in that state. That does not prevent the Prudence’s reasoning which motivate the prince to be cruel sometimes. Machiavelli’s virtue is presented as a physical force. In chapter six of The Prince, Machiavelli shows us the archer metaphor “He should do as prudent archers do when the place they plan to hit appears too distant, and knowing how far the strength of their bow carries; they set their aim much higher than the place intended” (Machiavelli 430). Machiavelli says here that he wants the prince to act like a smart and wise archer who is about to hit a target that seems to be far, so he aims higher because with the aid of the height, he can hit his target. Machiavelli says that the prince must have a reputation of strength, but this reputation is so brittle if the prince does not have the real strength. ” nothing is as fragile as a reputation for strength that does not correspond to one’s actual capabilities.”(Machiavelli 446). The really virtuous prince is the prince who imitates the ancient kings and learns from them that’s why Machiavelli advice the prince to read history books. “Such theorizing is not enough. Every ruler should read history books, and in them, he should study the actions of admirable men.”(Machiavelli447). Machiavelli praises the Popes for strengthening the church, and he advises the prince to be like the popes, but he neglects the moral role the church. I think that Machiavelli praising the strength of the popes because at that time, no one can question or doubt the church in any way.

All virtuous leaders in The Prince are successful leaders who succeed in achieving their goals, but on the contrary, I could not find one virtuous leader in Machiavelli’s that failed to achieve goals. Machiavelli relies on skill virtue as an advice to new leaders. Machiavelli states that the leader or ruler who acquires a principality by his own virtue is hard to lose so fast, but if the leader acquires a principality by fortune or someone handed it to him because of goodwill. He will most likely lose it as fast as he gains it.