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Grader report preferences: diferència entre les revisions

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(change report defaults)
(content moved to Grade settings)
(13 revisions intermèdies per 8 usuaris que no es mostren)
Línia 1: Línia 1:
{{Moodle 1.9}}Location: The "My report preferences" tab in the grader report
#redirect [[Grade settings]]
[[Image:Grade preferences.png|thumb|Grade preferences]]The grade preferences page enables teachers to set preferences for how the grader report is displayed.
==General settings==
===Aggregation view===
Options are:
*Report default (set by an administrator for all courses on the site)
*Full view - all grades and totals are displayed
*Aggregates only - only category and course totals are displayed
*Grades only
The aggregation view can also be controlled from the grader report using the <code>-</code>, <code>+</code> or <code>o</code> buttons next to the course title.
===Quick grading===
This will make the grader report appear with editable boxes for each grade, so you can change them quickly for many students.
===Quick feedback===
This does the same, but for the typed feedback.
===Students per page===
This sets the number of students displayed per page in the grader report. If left empty, the site default (set by an administrator) is used.
===Aggregation position===
To show the aggregation position setting (and other advanced settings) click the "Show advanced" button.
Options are:
*Report default (set by an administrator for all courses on the site)
*First - the course total column is the first column in the grader report
*Last - the course total column is the last column in the grader report
==Change report defaults==
At the top right of the grade preferences page, administrators are provided with a "Change report defaults" link to [[Grader report settings]]. Grader report settings can also be accessed via ''Administration > Grades > Report settings > Grader report''.

Revisió de 06:15, 14 oct 2011

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