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Search and replace tool: diferència entre les revisions

De MoodleDocs
Salta a:navegació, cerca
(Managing a Moodle site template, rewording, url update, screenshot)
Línia 1: Línia 1:
Admins can search and replace text e.g. a URL in their Moodle database at <nowiki></nowiki>. A database backup is recommended before running the search and replace ;-)
{{Managing a Moodle site}}

Admins can search and replace text e.g. a URL in their Moodle database at <nowiki></nowiki>. This is useful when a Moodle site is moved from one server to another.
Note: A database backup should be made before running the search and replace.
[[File:search and replace.png]]

Revisió del 15:44, 1 feb 2012

Admins can search and replace text e.g. a URL in their Moodle database at This is useful when a Moodle site is moved from one server to another.

Note: A database backup should be made before running the search and replace.

search and replace.png