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Restrict access settings: diferència entre les revisions

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(Restrict access is a standard part of many activity and resource settings like "common module settings".)
Cap resum de modificació
Línia 1: Línia 1:
The restrict access area is found in most Moodle activities and resource settings. They allows the teacher to set open and closed dates, if desired.  It also allows the teacher to have set grade conditions for access [[Conditional activities]].
The restrict access area is found in most Moodle activities and resource settings. They allows the teacher to set open and closed dates, if desired.  It also allows the teacher to set grade conditions for access [[Conditional activities]].
[[File:Restrict access form.PNG|Example of a Restrict access setting]]

Revisió del 00:22, 22 jul 2011

The restrict access area is found in most Moodle activities and resource settings. They allows the teacher to set open and closed dates, if desired. It also allows the teacher to set grade conditions for access Conditional activities.

Example of a Restrict access setting