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Documentation philosophy: diferència entre les revisions

De MoodleDocs
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Línia 3: Línia 3:
* Every page in Moodle could have a help button in standard locations (in the header and footer).
* Every page in Moodle could have a help button in standard locations (in the header and footer).
* The link this button contains would be automatically generated based on the page URL you are currently on: eg: - this "master" page will be in English
* The link this button contains would be automatically generated based on the page URL you are currently on: eg: - this "master" page will be in English
* The corresponding pages in other languages will have similar urls, but containing the language code, e.g. for Spanish language this could be or
* Each documentation page will have its versions in other languages. If a page in a language other than English does not have any content, it will either be pre-filled with the English content, or will contain a link to the English version.

Revisió del 19:24, 16 juny 2005

The following are the ideas for the structure of Moodle Documentation:

  • Every page in Moodle could have a help button in standard locations (in the header and footer).
  • The link this button contains would be automatically generated based on the page URL you are currently on: eg: - this "master" page will be in English
  • Each documentation page will have its versions in other languages. If a page in a language other than English does not have any content, it will either be pre-filled with the English content, or will contain a link to the English version.