Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 2.9. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle may be available here: Moodle Mobile.

Moodle Mobile

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 09:39, 14 October 2016 by Helen Foster (talk | contribs) (removing mention of Windows Phone Store)
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Moodle Mobile is the Moodle official mobile application for Android and iOS, developed and maintained by Moodle HQ. It's available in Google Play and Apple Market. Note that the app requires Moodle versions 2.4 and later and works with Android 4.1 and iOS 7.


  • mobile01.png

    See your courses at glance

    Your courses are listed with easy access to contents, participants, grades and notes. A useful filter field lets you find a particular course quickly. New: If your token expires during a session, you're prompted to re-enter your password and continue.

  • 02connectwithcourseparticipants.png

    Connect with course participants

    New: Infinite scrolling improves access to the participant view, with the complete user profile now displayed and available from every page.

  • 10PulltoRefresh.png

    Pull to refresh (New)

    Most screens will allow you to pull to refresh, improving the experience of real time participation

  • 11OrientationResolution.png

    Orientation and Resolution support

    The app displays well whethe in Portrait or landscape, IOS or Android and whatever your screen resolution.

  • 03coursecontent.png

    Easily access course content

    View course activities and and download materials for offline use. New: Work through Books and IMS Content packages directly in the app, and use the local mobile plugin to make Choices and engage in live chat sessions (simple or Ajax.) Resources downloading status is preserved even when changing sections or pages.

  • 04ActivityCompletionCheckboxes.png

    Activity completion (New)

    Progress can be tracked now from your device with the arrival of the Activity completion functionality in the app. Automatic completion is registered, and students can also manually mark a task complete on their mobille.

  • 05Grades.png

    Grades and grading

    A Grades link for each course gives fingertip access to the grades table and teachers can view assignment submissions on the move.

  • 06Notes.png


    Teachers can view site, course and personal notes about their students and add notes about users.

  • 07Messages.png

    Message participants

    Send and view private messages to colleagues and students from the Messages link in the side tab

  • 08Calendar.png

    Keep up to date with calendar events

    Site, course and user events can be viewed from the Calendar link,ensuring you never miss that important session. New: Calendar events can now be viewed offline and infinite scrolling improves is available.

  • 09PrivateFiles.png

    View and upload to your Private files

    Easily see the contents of your private files and upload media to them on the go. New: App storage is no longer limited to 5MB. It can be up to 50MB or dependent on your SD card.

  • 12Notifications.png


    Keep up to date with notifications. The app supports both local (Calendar events) and Push (messages, forum posts, submitted assignments etc) notifications. See Mobile app notifications for more information on enabling these. New: Infinite scrolling is available and local notifications have multi-site support.

Features Quick list

Comparison of features for different versions
  • Responsive design for phone and tablets
  • Upload a picture into your private file area
  • Record an audio file and upload it into your private file area
  • Record a video and upload it into your private file area
  • Send a private message to a course participant (can be done offline)
  • Take a personal note about a course participant (can be done offline)
  • Add a course participant to your phone contact
  • Call a course participant touching the phone number
  • Locate a course participant address on Google map
  • Download and view some course resources
  • Quick access to your course contents
  • View calendar events
  • Reminder notifications for calendar events
  • Mobile Push notifications
  • Remote layout/style customization (see below)
  • View all your past private messages and notifications
  • Browse and download your private and course files
  • View forum discussions
  • Private messaging between users
  • Calendar integration with warning reminders as local notifications
  • Upload any type of file from your device to your Moodle private files area
  • View the book module and IMS CP
  • View site, course and personal users notes
  • View your activity and course total grades in a course
  • * Support for sites using CAS or Shibboleth as auth methods
  • * Participate in choices
  • * Participate in chats
  • * Create new discussions and posts in forums

Note (1): All features indicated (*) require the Moodle Mobile additional features plugin to be installed.

Note (2) : Moodle Mobile is not a replacement of the MyMobile or Bootstrap/Simple theme. Moodle Mobile offers offline contents, camera & audio features and Push notifications connected to the user messaging preferences. You can use Moodle Mobile app in combination with a Mobile theme.

Style customization

The app can also retrieve your custom styles from your Moodle site. Since the app is a HTML5 app, you can apply safely any CSS, CSS2 and CSS3 style.

In your Moodle installation go to Plugins / Web services / Mobile and enter in the mobilecssurl field a valid URL pointing to a CSS file containing your custom styles.

The CSS should be placed inside your Moodle installation (in your custom theme or inside a local plugin)

Once the user is logged in the app, there is a periodical process that retrieves your remote CSS files for applying your custom styles.

Notice that on the first time a user opens the app, he will see the default "orange" style. Your custom styles will be applied once the user has added a site in the app.

See for documentation.


Over 15 languages are currently supported:

  • Arabic, Basque, Catalan, Chinese, Czech , Dutch, English, French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Mexican spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish

Moodle sites must be enabled for the app to access them

For Moodle 3.0 and onwards Mobile services are automatically enabled for new installations using SSL Certificates (https)

Moodle 2.4 or above is mandatory.

The administrator of your Moodle site must enable mobile access as follows:

  • In Administration > Site administration > Plugins > Web services > Mobile tick the 'Enable web services for mobile devices' checkbox, then click the button to save changes.

If your site uses a SSL certificate it must be a trusted certificate. For security reasons the app doesn't work with self-signed certificates.

This presentation is a good guide for creating a Moodle Mobile ready course/site: Tips for creating Moodle Mobile friendly courses sites - MoodleMoot Spain 2014

Installing the Moodle Mobile app

The Moodle Mobile app is available in Google Play, Apple Store, and the Windows Phone Store. See Moodle Mobile for links.

You can also install the app directly from your mobile device by searching for "Moodle Mobile" with author/owner "Moodle Pty Ltd".

Testing the app on a demo site

In the login screen, type "teacher" or "student" in the Username field and click the Add button. You will be logged automatically to the Mount Orange Moodle School demo site You can use the Moodle School demo site - for testing the app.


If you connect to your Moodle site and update/create/delete anything, and then go to your mobile app, the content will not be displayed. You will have to wait a couple of minutes. The cache time for the app is currently 5 minutes.

You can refresh the contents of the Mobile app using the refresh button (top right in the left orange menu)

There are developer options for purging the cache at any time (Settings -> Development)

How to report a bug

  1. Log in to the Moodle Mobile tracker (you'll need to create a tracker account if you've not done so previously)
  2. Check whether the issue has already been reported by searching all the issues
  3. If not, report the bug by clicking the 'Create Issue' link at the top right of the page, selecting 'Moodle Mobile' as the project
  4. Add a detailed description then click the Create button
  5. Attach the following files to the issue by selecting 'Attach Files' in the 'More actions' dropdown menu:
    • 'Device information' - this can be found in the app (Settings -> Development -> Device info, you can send yourself this information by email using the e-mail button at the bottom)
    • App Log (Settings -> Development -> Show Log, again you can send yourself this information by email)

Help and support

See also