Note: You are currently viewing documentation for Moodle 2.9. Up-to-date documentation for the latest stable version of Moodle may be available here: Questiontype class.

Template:Convert question bank Template:Questiontype class

The actual (before moving to activity module) question type class.

The definitions will be put here and the code in the various supplementary page see menu Questiontype class

first draw Pierre Pichet 10:53, 17 March 2007 (CDT)

The proposed modifications could be indicated here so they could be discussed before CVS... /**

  • The default questiontype class.
  • @version $Id: questiontype.php,v 1.45 2007/03/06 18:00:26 tjhunt Exp $
  • @author Martin Dougiamas and many others. This has recently been completely
  • rewritten by Alex Smith, Julian Sedding and Gustav Delius as part of
  • the Serving Mathematics project
  • {@link}
  • @license GNU Public License
  • @package quiz
  • //** */

require_once($CFG->libdir . '/questionlib.php');

class default_questiontype {


* This is the base class for Moodle question types.
* There are detailed comments on each method, explaining what the method is
* for, and the circumstances under which you might need to override it.
* Note: the questiontype API should NOT be considered stable yet. Very few
* question tyeps have been produced yet, so we do not yet know all the places
* where the current API is insufficient. I would rather learn from the
* experiences of the first few question type implementors, and improve the
* interface to meet their needs, rather the freeze the API prematurely and
* condem everyone to working round a clunky interface for ever afterwards.
 class default_questiontype {

function name()

    * Name of the question type
    * The name returned should coincide with the name of the directory
    * in which this questiontype is located
    * @return string the name of this question type.
   function name() {
       return 'default';

function menu_name

    * The name this question should appear as in the create new question
    * dropdown.
    * @return mixed the desired string, or false to hide this question type in the menu.
   function menu_name() {
       $name = $this->name();
       return $menu_name;

function is_manual_graded()

    * @return boolean true if this question can only be graded manually.
   function is_manual_graded() {
       return false;

function is_usable_by_random()

    * @return boolean true if this question type can be used by the random question type.
   function is_usable_by_random() {
       return true;

function create_editing_form($submiturl, $question)

    * Return an instance of the question editing form definition. This looks for a
    * class called edit_{$this->name()}_question_form in the file
    * {$CFG->docroot}/question/type/{$this->name()}/edit_{$this->name()}_question_form.php
    * and if it exists returns an instance of it.
    * @param string $submiturl passed on to the constructor call.
    * @return object an instance of the form definition, or null if one could not be found.
   function create_editing_form($submiturl, $question) {
       global $CFG;
       return new $classname($submiturl, $question);

function display_question_editing_page(&$mform, $question, $wizardnow)

    * This method should be overriden if you want to include a special heading or some other
    * html on a question editing page besides the question editing form.
    * @param question_edit_form $mform a child of question_edit_form
    * @param object $question
    * @param string $wizardnow is  for first page.
   function display_question_editing_page(&$mform, $question, $wizardnow){
       print_heading_with_help(get_string("editing".$question->qtype, "quiz"), $question->qtype, "quiz");

function set_default_options(&$question)

    * @param $question
   function set_default_options(&$question) {

function save_question($question, $form, $course)

   * Saves or updates a question after editing by a teacher
   * Given some question info and some data about the answers
   * this function parses, organises and saves the question
   * It is used by {@link question.php} when saving new data from
   * a form, and also by {@link import.php} when importing questions
   * This function in turn calls {@link save_question_options}
   * to save question-type specific options
   * @param object $question the question object which should be updated
   * @param object $form the form submitted by the teacher
   * @param object $course the course we are in
   * @return object On success, return the new question object. On failure,
   *       return an object as follows. If the error object has an errors field,
   *       display that as an error message. Otherwise, the editing form will be
   *       redisplayed with validation errors, from validation_errors field, which
   *       is itself an object, shown next to the form fields.
   function save_question($question, $form, $course) {
       // This default implementation is suitable for most

       return $question;

function save_question_options($question)

   * Saves question-type specific options
   * This is called by {@link save_question()} to save the question-type specific data
   * @return object $result->error or $result->noticeyesno or $result->notice
   * @param object $question  This holds the information from the editing form,
   *                          it is not a standard question object.
   function save_question_options($question) {
       return null;

function replace_question_in_attempts($oldquestionid, $newquestion, $attemtps)

   * Changes all states for the given attempts over to a new question
   * This is used by the versioning code if the teacher requests that a question
   * gets replaced by the new version. In order for the attempts to be regraded
   * properly all data in the states referring to the old question need to be
   * changed to refer to the new version instead. In particular for question types
   * that use the answers table the answers belonging to the old question have to
   * be changed to those belonging to the new version.
   * @param integer $oldquestionid  The id of the old question
   * @param object $newquestion    The new question
   * @param array  $attempts       An array of all attempt objects in whose states
   *                               replacement should take place
   function replace_question_in_attempts($oldquestionid, $newquestion, $attemtps) {
       echo 'Not yet implemented';

function get_question_options(&$question)

   * Loads the question type specific options for the question.
   * This function loads any question type specific options for the
   * question from the database into the question object. This information
   * is placed in the $question->options field. A question type is
   * free, however, to decide on a internal structure of the options field.
   * @return bool            Indicates success or failure.
   * @param object $question The question object for the question. This object
   *                         should be updated to include the question type
   *                         specific information (it is passed by reference).
   function get_question_options(&$question) {
       if (!isset($question->options)) {
           $question->options = new object;
       // The default implementation attaches all answers for this question
       $question->options->answers = get_records('question_answers', 'question', $question->id, 'id ASC');
       return true;

function delete_states($stateslist)

   * Deletes states from the question-type specific tables
   * @param string $stateslist  Comma separated list of state ids to be deleted
   function delete_states($stateslist) {
       /// The default question type does not have any tables of its own
       // therefore there is nothing to delete
       return true;

function delete_question($questionid)

   * Deletes a question from the question-type specific tables
   * @return boolean Success/Failure
   * @param object $question  The question being deleted
   function delete_question($questionid) {
       /// The default question type does not have any tables of its own
       // therefore there is nothing to delete
       return true;

function actual_number_of_questions($question)

   * Returns the number of question numbers which are used by the question
   * This function returns the number of question numbers to be assigned
   * to the question. Most question types will have length one; they will be
   * assigned one number. The 'description' type, however does not use up a
   * number and so has a length of zero. Other question types may wish to
   * handle a bundle of questions and hence return a number greater than one.
   * @return integer         The number of question numbers which should be
   *                         assigned to the question.
   * @param object $question The question whose length is to be determined.
   *                         Question type specific information is included.
   function actual_number_of_questions($question) {
       // By default, each question is given one number
       return 1;

function create_session_and_responses(&$question, &$state, $cmoptions, $attempt)

   * Creates empty session and response information for the question
   * This function is called to start a question session. Empty question type
   * specific session data (if any) and empty response data will be added to the
   * state object. Session data is any data which must persist throughout the
   * attempt possibly with updates as the user interacts with the
   * question. This function does NOT create new entries in the database for
   * the session; a call to the {@link save_session_and_responses} member will
   * occur to do this.
   * @return bool            Indicates success or failure.
   * @param object $question The question for which the session is to be
   *                         created. Question type specific information is
   *                         included.
   * @param object $state    The state to create the session for. Note that
   *                         this will not have been saved in the database so
   *                         there will be no id. This object will be updated
   *                         to include the question type specific information
   *                         (it is passed by reference). In particular, empty
   *                         responses will be created in the ->responses
   *                         field.
   * @param object $cmoptions
   * @param object $attempt  The attempt for which the session is to be
   *                         started. Questions may wish to initialize the
   *                         session in different ways depending on the user id
   *                         or time available for the attempt.
   function create_session_and_responses(&$question, &$state, $cmoptions, $attempt) {
       // The default implementation should work for the legacy question types.
       // Most question types with only a single form field for the student's response
       // will use the empty string  as the index for that one response. This will
       // automatically be stored in and restored from the answer field in the
       // question_states table.
       $state->responses = array(
                => ,
       return true;
   * Restores the session data and most recent responses for the given state
   * This function loads any session data associated with the question
   * session in the given state from the database into the state object.
   * In particular it loads the responses that have been saved for the given
   * state into the ->responses member of the state object.
   * Question types with only a single form field for the student's response
   * will not need not restore the responses; the value of the answer
   * field in the question_states table is restored to ->responses[]
   * before this function is called. Question types with more response fields
   * should override this method and set the ->responses field to an
   * associative array of responses.
   * @return bool            Indicates success or failure.
   * @param object $question The question object for the question including any
   *                         question type specific information.
   * @param object $state    The saved state to load the session for. This
   *                         object should be updated to include the question
   *                         type specific session information and responses
   *                         (it is passed by reference).
   function restore_session_and_responses(&$question, &$state) {
       // The default implementation does nothing (successfully)
       return true;
   * Saves the session data and responses for the given question and state
   * This function saves the question type specific session data from the
   * state object to the database. In particular for most question types it saves the
   * responses from the ->responses member of the state object. The question type
   * non-specific data for the state has already been saved in the question_states
   * table and the state object contains the corresponding id and
   * sequence number which may be used to index a question type specific table.
   * Question types with only a single form field for the student's response
   * which is contained in ->responses[] will not have to save this response,
   * it will already have been saved to the answer field of the question_states table.
   * Question types with more response fields should override this method and save
   * the responses in their own database tables.
   * @return bool            Indicates success or failure.
   * @param object $question The question object for the question including
   *                         the question type specific information.
   * @param object $state    The state for which the question type specific
   *                         data and responses should be saved.
   function save_session_and_responses(&$question, &$state) {
       // The default implementation does nothing (successfully)
       return true;
   * Returns an array of values which will give full marks if graded as
   * the $state->responses field
   * The correct answer to the question in the given state, or an example of
   * a correct answer if there are many, is returned. This is used by some question
   * types in the {@link grade_responses()} function but it is also used by the
   * question preview screen to fill in correct responses.
   * @return mixed           A response array giving the responses corresponding
   *                         to the (or a) correct answer to the question. If there is
   *                         no correct answer that scores 100% then null is returned.
   * @param object $question The question for which the correct answer is to
   *                         be retrieved. Question type specific information is
   *                         available.
   * @param object $state    The state of the question, for which a correct answer is
   *                         needed. Question type specific information is included.
   function get_correct_responses(&$question, &$state) {
       /* The default implementation returns the response for the first answer
       that gives full marks. */
       if ($question->options->answers) {
           foreach ($question->options->answers as $answer) {
               if (((int) $answer->fraction) === 1) {
                   return array( => $answer->answer);
       return null;
   * Return an array of values with the texts for all possible responses stored
   * for the question
   * All answers are found and their text values isolated
   * @return object          A mixed object
   *             ->id        question id. Needed to manage random questions:
   *                         it's the id of the actual question presented to user in a given attempt
   *             ->responses An array of values giving the responses corresponding
   *                         to all answers to the question. Answer ids are used as keys.
   *                         The text and partial credit are the object components
   * @param object $question The question for which the answers are to
   *                         be retrieved. Question type specific information is
   *                         available.
   // ULPGC ecastro
   function get_all_responses(&$question, &$state) {
       if (isset($question->options->answers) && is_array($question->options->answers)) {
           $answers = array();
           foreach ($question->options->answers as $aid=>$answer) {
               $r = new stdClass;
               $r->answer = $answer->answer;
               $r->credit = $answer->fraction;
               $answers[$aid] = $r;
           $result = new stdClass;
           $result->id = $question->id;
           $result->responses = $answers;
           return $result;
       } else {
           return null;
   * Return the actual response to the question in a given state
   * for the question
   * @return mixed           An array containing the response or reponses (multiple answer, match)
   *                         given by the user in a particular attempt.
   * @param object $question The question for which the correct answer is to
   *                         be retrieved. Question type specific information is
   *                         available.
   * @param object $state    The state object that corresponds to the question,
   *                         for which a correct answer is needed. Question
   *                         type specific information is included.
   // ULPGC ecastro
   function get_actual_response($question, $state) {
      // change length to truncate responses here if you want
      $lmax = 40;
      if (!empty($state->responses)) {
             $responses[] = (strlen($state->responses[]) > $lmax) ?
              substr($state->responses[], 0, $lmax).'...' : $state->responses[];
      } else {
          $responses[] = ;
      return $responses;
   // ULPGC ecastro
   function get_fractional_grade(&$question, &$state) {
       $maxgrade = $question->maxgrade;
       $grade = $state->grade;
       if ($maxgrade) {
           return (float)($grade/$maxgrade);
       } else {
           return (float)$grade;

   * Checks if the response given is correct and returns the id
   * @return int             The ide number for the stored answer that matches the response
   *                         given by the user in a particular attempt.
   * @param object $question The question for which the correct answer is to
   *                         be retrieved. Question type specific information is
   *                         available.
   * @param object $state    The state object that corresponds to the question,
   *                         for which a correct answer is needed. Question
   *                         type specific information is included.
   // ULPGC ecastro
   function check_response(&$question, &$state){
       return false;
   * Prints the question including the number, grading details, content,
   * feedback and interactions
   * This function prints the question including the question number,
   * grading details, content for the question, any feedback for the previously
   * submitted responses and the interactions. The default implementation calls
   * various other methods to print each of these parts and most question types
   * will just override those methods.
   * @param object $question The question to be rendered. Question type
   *                         specific information is included. The
   *                         maximum possible grade is in ->maxgrade. The name
   *                         prefix for any named elements is in ->name_prefix.
   * @param object $state    The state to render the question in. The grading
   *                         information is in ->grade, ->raw_grade and
   *                         ->penalty. The current responses are in
   *                         ->responses. This is an associative array (or the
   *                         empty string or null in the case of no responses
   *                         submitted). The last graded state is in
   *                         ->last_graded (hence the most recently graded
   *                         responses are in ->last_graded->responses). The
   *                         question type specific information is also
   *                         included.
   * @param integer $number  The number for this question.
   * @param object $cmoptions
   * @param object $options  An object describing the rendering options.
   function print_question(&$question, &$state, $number, $cmoptions, $options) {
       /* The default implementation should work for most question types
       provided the member functions it calls are overridden where required.
       The layout is determined by the template question.html */
       global $CFG;
    * Print history of responses
    * Used by print_question()
   function history($question, $state, $number, $cmoptions, $options) {
       $history = ;
       return $history;

   * Prints the score obtained and maximum score available plus any penalty
   * information
   * This function prints a summary of the scoring in the most recently
   * graded state (the question may not have been submitted for marking at
   * the current state). The default implementation should be suitable for most
   * question types.
   * @param object $question The question for which the grading details are
   *                         to be rendered. Question type specific information
   *                         is included. The maximum possible grade is in
   *                         ->maxgrade.
   * @param object $state    The state. In particular the grading information
   *                          is in ->grade, ->raw_grade and ->penalty.
   * @param object $cmoptions
   * @param object $options  An object describing the rendering options.
   function print_question_grading_details(&$question, &$state, $cmoptions, $options) {
       /* The default implementation prints the number of marks if no attempt
       has been made. Otherwise it displays the grade obtained out of the
       maximum grade available and a warning if a penalty was applied for the
       attempt and displays the overall grade obtained counting all previous
       responses (and penalties) */
   * Prints the main content of the question including any interactions
   * This function prints the main content of the question including the
   * interactions for the question in the state given. The last graded responses
   * are printed or indicated and the current responses are selected or filled in.
   * Any names (eg. for any form elements) are prefixed with $question->name_prefix.
   * This method is called from the print_question method.
   * @param object $question The question to be rendered. Question type
   *                         specific information is included. The name
   *                         prefix for any named elements is in ->name_prefix.
   * @param object $state    The state to render the question in. The grading
   *                         information is in ->grade, ->raw_grade and
   *                         ->penalty. The current responses are in
   *                         ->responses. This is an associative array (or the
   *                         empty string or null in the case of no responses
   *                         submitted). The last graded state is in
   *                         ->last_graded (hence the most recently graded
   *                         responses are in ->last_graded->responses). The
   *                         question type specific information is also
   *                         included.
   *                         The state is passed by reference because some adaptive
   *                         questions may want to update it during rendering
   * @param object $cmoptions
   * @param object $options  An object describing the rendering options.
   function print_question_formulation_and_controls(&$question, &$state, $cmoptions, $options) {
       /* This default implementation prints an error and must be overridden
       by all question type implementations, unless the default implementation
       of print_question has been overridden. */
       notify('Error: Question formulation and input controls has not'
              .'  been implemented for question type '.$this->name());
   * Prints the submit button(s) for the question in the given state
   * This function prints the submit button(s) for the question in the
   * given state. The name of any button created will be prefixed with the
   * unique prefix for the question in $question->name_prefix. The suffix
   * 'submit' is reserved for the single question submit button and the suffix
   * 'validate' is reserved for the single question validate button (for
   * question types which support it). Other suffixes will result in a response
   * of that name in $state->responses which the printing and grading methods
   * can then use.
   * @param object $question The question for which the submit button(s) are to
   *                         be rendered. Question type specific information is
   *                         included. The name prefix for any
   *                         named elements is in ->name_prefix.
   * @param object $state    The state to render the buttons for. The
   *                         question type specific information is also
   *                         included.
   * @param object $cmoptions
   * @param object $options  An object describing the rendering options.
   function print_question_submit_buttons(&$question, &$state, $cmoptions, $options) {
       /* The default implementation should be suitable for most question
       types. It prints a mark button in the case where individual marking is
       allowed. */
       if (($cmoptions->optionflags & QUESTION_ADAPTIVE) and !$options->readonly) {
           echo '<input type="submit" name="';
           echo $question->name_prefix;
           echo 'submit" value="';
           print_string('mark', 'quiz');
           echo '" class="submit btn"';
           echo ' />';

   * Return a summary of the student response
   * This function returns a short string of no more than a given length that
   * summarizes the student's response in the given $state. This is used for
   * example in the response history table
   * @return string         The summary of the student response
   * @param object $question
   * @param object $state   The state whose responses are to be summarized
   * @param int $length     The maximum length of the returned string
   function response_summary($question, $state, $length=80) {
       // This should almost certainly be overridden
       $responses = $this->get_actual_response($question, $state);
       if (empty($responses) || !is_array($responses)) {
           $responses = array();
       if (is_array($responses)) {
           $responses = implode(',', $responses);
       return substr($responses, 0, $length);
   * Renders the question for printing and returns the LaTeX source produced
   * This function should render the question suitable for a printed problem
   * or solution sheet in LaTeX and return the rendered output.
   * @return string          The LaTeX output.
   * @param object $question The question to be rendered. Question type
   *                         specific information is included.
   * @param object $state    The state to render the question in. The
   *                         question type specific information is also
   *                         included.
   * @param object $cmoptions
   * @param string $type     Indicates if the question or the solution is to be
   *                         rendered with the values 'question' and
   *                         'solution'.
   function get_texsource(&$question, &$state, $cmoptions, $type) {
       // The default implementation simply returns a string stating that
       // the question is only available online.
       return get_string('onlineonly', 'texsheet');
   * Compares two question states for equivalence of the student's responses
   * The responses for the two states must be examined to see if they represent
   * equivalent answers to the question by the student. This method will be
   * invoked for each of the previous states of the question before grading
   * occurs. If the student is found to have already attempted the question
   * with equivalent responses then the attempt at the question is ignored;
   * grading does not occur and the state does not change. Thus they are not
   * penalized for this case.
   * @return boolean
   * @param object $question  The question for which the states are to be
   *                          compared. Question type specific information is
   *                          included.
   * @param object $state     The state of the question. The responses are in
   *                          ->responses. This is the only field of $state
   *                          that it is safe to use.
   * @param object $teststate The state whose responses are to be
   *                          compared. The state will be of the same age or
   *                          older than $state. If possible, the method should
   *                          only use the field $teststate->responses, however
   *                          any field that is set up by restore_session_and_responses
   *                          can be used.
   function compare_responses(&$question, $state, $teststate) {
       // The default implementation performs a comparison of the response
       // arrays. The ordering of the arrays does not matter.
       // Question types may wish to override this (eg. to ignore trailing
       // white space or to make "7.0" and "7" compare equal).
       return $state->responses === $teststate->responses;
   * Checks whether a response matches a given answer
   * This method only applies to questions that use teacher-defined answers
   * @return boolean
   function test_response(&$question, &$state, $answer) {
       $response = isset($state->responses[]) ? $state->responses[] : ;
       return ($response == $answer->answer);
   * Performs response processing and grading
   * This function performs response processing and grading and updates
   * the state accordingly.
   * @return boolean         Indicates success or failure.
   * @param object $question The question to be graded. Question type
   *                         specific information is included.
   * @param object $state    The state of the question to grade. The current
   *                         responses are in ->responses. The last graded state
   *                         is in ->last_graded (hence the most recently graded
   *                         responses are in ->last_graded->responses). The
   *                         question type specific information is also
   *                         included. The ->raw_grade and ->penalty fields
   *                         must be updated. The method is able to
   *                         close the question session (preventing any further
   *                         attempts at this question) by setting
   *                         $state->event to QUESTION_EVENTCLOSEANDGRADE
   * @param object $cmoptions
   function grade_responses(&$question, &$state, $cmoptions) {
       // The default implementation uses the test_response method to
       // compare what the student entered against each of the possible
       // answers stored in the question, and uses the grade from the
       // first one that matches. It also sets the marks and penalty.
       // This should be good enought for most simple question types.
       $state->raw_grade = 0;
       foreach($question->options->answers as $answer) {
           if($this->test_response($question, $state, $answer)) {
               $state->raw_grade = $answer->fraction;
       // Make sure we don't assign negative or too high marks.
       $state->raw_grade = min(max((float) $state->raw_grade,
                           0.0), 1.0) * $question->maxgrade;
       // Update the penalty.
       $state->penalty = $question->penalty * $question->maxgrade;
       // mark the state as graded
       return true;

   * Includes configuration settings for the question type on the quiz admin
   * page
   * TODO: It makes no sense any longer to do the admin for question types
   * from the quiz admin page. This should be changed.
   * Returns an array of objects describing the options for the question type
   * to be included on the quiz module admin page.
   * Configuration options can be included by setting the following fields in
   * the object:
   * ->name           The name of the option within this question type.
   *                  The full option name will be constructed as
   *                  "quiz_{$this->name()}_$name", the human readable name
   *                  will be displayed with get_string($name, 'quiz').
   * ->code           The code to display the form element, help button, etc.
   *                  i.e. the content for the central table cell. Be sure
   *                  to name the element "quiz_{$this->name()}_$name" and
   *                  set the value to $CFG->{"quiz_{$this->name()}_$name"}.
   * ->help           Name of the string from the quiz module language file
   *                  to be used for the help message in the third column of
   *                  the table. An empty string (or the field not set)
   *                  means to leave the box empty.
   * Links to custom settings pages can be included by setting the following
   * fields in the object:
   * ->name           The name of the link text string.
   *                  get_string($name, 'quiz') will be called.
   * ->link           The filename part of the URL for the link. The full URL
   *                  is contructed as
   *                  "$CFG->wwwroot/question/type/{$this->name()}/$link?sesskey=$sesskey"
   *                  [but with the relavant calls to the s and rawurlencode
   *                  functions] where $sesskey is the sesskey for the user.
   * @return array    Array of objects describing the configuration options to
   *                  be included on the quiz module admin page.
   function get_config_options() {
       // No options by default
       return false;
   * Returns true if the editing wizard is finished, false otherwise.
   * The default implementation returns true, which is suitable for all question-
   * types that only use one editing form. This function is used in
   * question.php to decide whether we can regrade any states of the edited
   * question and redirect to edit.php.
   * The dataset dependent question-type, which is extended by the calculated
   * question-type, overwrites this method because it uses multiple pages (i.e.
   * a wizard) to set up the question and associated datasets.
   * @param object $form  The data submitted by the previous page.
   * @return boolean      Whether the wizard's last page was submitted or not.
   function finished_edit_wizard(&$form) {
       //In the default case there is only one edit page.
       return true;
   * Prints a table of course modules in which the question is used
   * TODO: This should be made quiz-independent
   * This function is used near the end of the question edit forms in all question types
   * It prints the table of quizzes in which the question is used
   * containing checkboxes to allow the teacher to replace the old question version
   * @param object $question
   * @param object $course
   * @param integer $cmid optional The id of the course module currently being edited
   function print_replacement_options($question, $course, $cmid='0') {
       // Disable until the versioning code has been fixed
       if (true) {
    * Print the start of the question editing form, including the question category,
    * questionname, questiontext, image, defaultgrade, penalty and generalfeedback fields.
    * Three of the fields, image, defaultgrade, penalty, are optional, and
    * can be removed from the from using the $hidefields argument.
    * @param object $question The question object that the form we are printing is for.
    * @param array $err Array of optional error messages to display by each field.
    *          Used when the form is being redisplayed after validation failed.
    * @param object $course The course object for the course this question belongs to.
    * @param boolean $usehtmleditor Whether the html editor should be used.
    * @param array $hidefields An array which may contain the strings,
    *          'image', 'defaultgrade' or 'penalty' to remove the corresponding field.
   function print_question_form_start($question, $err, $course, $usehtmleditor, $hidefields = array()) {
       global $CFG;
       // If you edit this function, you also need to edit random/editquestion.html.
       if (!in_array('image', $hidefields)) {
           make_upload_directory("$course->id");    // Just in case
           $coursefiles = get_directory_list("$CFG->dataroot/$course->id", $CFG->moddata);
           foreach ($coursefiles as $filename) {
               if (mimeinfo("icon", $filename) == "image.gif") {
                   $images["$filename"] = $filename;
    * Print the end of the question editing form, including the submit, copy,
    * and cancel button, and the standard hidden fields like the sesskey and
    * the question type.
    * @param object $question The question object that the form we are printing is for.
    * @param string $submitscript Extra attributes, for example 'onsubmit="myfunction"',
    *          that is added to the HTML of the submit button.
    * @param string $hiddenfields Extra hidden fields (actually any HTML)
    *          to be added at the end of the form.
   function print_question_form_end($question, $submitscript = , $hiddenfields = ) {
       global $USER;
       // If you edit this function, you also need to edit random/editquestion.html.
    * Call format_text from weblib.php with the options appropriate to question types.
    * @param string $text the text to format.
    * @param integer $text the type of text. Normally $question->questiontextformat.
    * @param object $cmoptions the context the string is being displayed in. Only $cmoptions->course is used.
    * @return string the formatted text.
   function format_text($text, $textformat, $cmoptions = NULL) {
       $formatoptions = new stdClass;
       $formatoptions->noclean = true;
       $formatoptions->para = false;
       return format_text($text, $textformat, $formatoptions, $cmoptions === NULL ? NULL : $cmoptions->course);

/// BACKUP FUNCTIONS ////////////////////////////

    * Backup the data in the question
    * This is used in question/backuplib.php
   function backup($bf,$preferences,$question,$level=6) {
       // The default type has nothing to back up
       return true;

/// RESTORE FUNCTIONS /////////////////

    * Restores the data in the question
    * This is used in question/restorelib.php
   function restore($old_question_id,$new_question_id,$info,$restore) {
       // The default question type has nothing to restore
       return true;
   function restore_map($old_question_id,$new_question_id,$info,$restore) {
       // There is nothing to decode
       return true;
   function restore_recode_answer($state, $restore) {
       // There is nothing to decode
       return $state->answer;
   //This function restores the question_rqp_states
   function restore_state($state_id,$info,$restore) {
       // The default question type does not keep its own state information
       return true;
