Line 6: |
Line 6: |
| *[[Override permissions]] | | *[[Override permissions]] |
| *[[Allow role overrides]] | | *[[Allow role overrides]] |
| *The capability [[Capabilities/moodle/role:override|moodle/role:override]] | | *The capability |
| | |
| [[Category:Capabilities|Role]]
| |
| [[Category:Roles]]
| |
| | |
| [[[Capabilities classified as "safe"]]]
| |
| '''Gradebook'''
| |
| Import grades from CSV gradeimport/csv:view
| |
| |
| Publish import grades from XML gradeimport/xml:publish
| |
| |
| Import grades from XML gradeimport/xml:view
| |
| | |
| '''Course'''
| |
| | |
| Edit and manage entriesmoodle/blog:manageentries
| |
| | |
| View blog entriesmoodle/blog:view
| |
| | |
| Manage any calendar entriesmoodle/calendar:manageentries
| |
| | |
| Manage group calendar entriesmoodle/calendar:managegroupentries
| |
| | |
| Manage own calendar entriesmoodle/calendar:manageownentries
| |
| | |
| Hide/show activitiesmoodle/course:activityvisibility
| |
| | |
| Send a message to many peoplemoodle/course:bulkmessaging
| |
| | |
| Manage groupsmoodle/course:managegroups
| |
| | |
| Manage scalesmoodle/course:managescales
| |
| | |
| Control section visibilitymoodle/course:sectionvisibility
| |
| |
| Set current sectionmoodle/course:setcurrentsection
| |
| | |
| Enable/disable email addressmoodle/course:useremail
| |
| | |
| View coursesmoodle/course:view
| |
| | |
| View hidden activitiesmoodle/course:viewhiddenactivities
| |
| |
| View hidden coursesmoodle/course:viewhiddencourses
| |
| |
| View hidden sectionsmoodle/course:viewhiddensections
| |
| |
| View participantsmoodle/course:viewparticipants
| |
| |
| View scalesmoodle/course:viewscales
| |
| | |
| Hide/show coursesmoodle/course:visibility
| |
| |
| Lock grades or itemsmoodle/grade:lock
| |
| | |
| Manage letter gradesmoodle/grade:manageletters
| |
| |
| Manage grade outcomesmoodle/grade:manageoutcomes
| |
| |
| Unlock grades or itemsmoodle/grade:unlock
| |
| | |
| View own gradesmoodle/grade:view
| |
| | |
| Manage notesmoodle/notes:manage
| |
| | |
| View notesmoodle/notes:view
| |
| | |
| Add new questionsmoodle/question:add
| |
| | |
| Edit all questionsmoodle/question:editall
| |
| | |
| Edit your own questionsmoodle/question:editmine
| |
| | |
| Edit question categoriesmoodle/question:managecategory
| |
| |
| Move all questionsmoodle/question:moveall
| |
| |
| Move your own questionsmoodle/question:movemine
| |
| |
| Use all questionsmoodle/question:useall
| |
| |
| Use your own questionsmoodle/question:usemine
| |
| | |
| View all questionsmoodle/question:viewall
| |
| | |
| View your own questionsmoodle/question:viewmine
| |
| |
| Override safe permissions for othersmoodle/role:safeoverride
| |
| | |
| Switch to other rolesmoodle/role:switchroles
| |
| | |
| Unassign own rolesmoodle/role:unassignself
| |
| | |
| View hidden role assignmentsmoodle/role:viewhiddenassigns
| |
| |
| Access all groupsmoodle/site:accessallgroups
| |
| | |
| Always see full names of usersmoodle/site:viewfullnames
| |
| |
| View user profilesmoodle/user:viewdetails
| |
| | |
| '''Assignment'''
| |
| | |
| Grade assignmentmod/assignment:grade
| |
| | |
| Submit assignmentmod/assignment:submit
| |
| | |
| View assignmentmod/assignment:view
| |
| | |
| '''Chat'''
| |
| | |
| Talk in a chatmod/chat:chat
| |
| | |
| Delete chat logsmod/chat:deletelog
| |
| |
| Read chat logsmod/chat:readlog
| |
| | |
| '''Choice'''
| |
| | |
| Record a choicemod/choice:choose
| |
| | |
| Delete responsesmod/choice:deleteresponses
| |
| |
| Download responsesmod/choice:downloadresponses
| |
| |
| Read responsesmod/choice:readresponses
| |
| | |
| '''Database'''
| |
| | |
| Approve unapproved entriesmod/data:approve
| |
| |
| Write commentsmod/data:comment
| |
| | |
| Manage commentsmod/data:managecomments
| |
| | |
| Manage entriesmod/data:manageentries
| |
| | |
| Rate entriesmod/data:rate
| |
| | |
| View presets from all usersmod/data:viewalluserpresets
| |
| |
| View entriesmod/data:viewentry
| |
| | |
| View ratingsmod/data:viewrating
| |
| | |
| Write entriesmod/data:writeentry
| |
| | |
| '''Forum'''
| |
| | |
| Add newsmod/forum:addnews
| |
| | |
| Create attachmentsmod/forum:createattachment
| |
| | |
| Delete any posts (anytime)mod/forum:deleteanypost
| |
| |
| Delete own posts (within deadline)mod/forum:deleteownpost
| |
| |
| Edit any postmod/forum:editanypost
| |
| | |
| Initial subscriptionmod/forum:initialsubscriptions
| |
| | |
| Manage subscriptionsmod/forum:managesubscriptions
| |
| |
| Move discussionsmod/forum:movediscussions
| |
| | |
| Rate postsmod/forum:rate
| |
| | |
| Reply to newsmod/forum:replynews
| |
| | |
| Reply to postsmod/forum:replypost
| |
| | |
| Split discussionsmod/forum:splitdiscussions
| |
| | |
| Start new discussionsmod/forum:startdiscussion
| |
| | |
| Throttling appliesmod/forum:throttlingapplies
| |
| | |
| View any ratingsmod/forum:viewanyrating
| |
| | |
| View discussionsmod/forum:viewdiscussion
| |
| | |
| View hidden timed postsmod/forum:viewhiddentimedposts
| |
| |
| Always see Q and A postsmod/forum:viewqandawithoutposting
| |
| |
| View ratingsmod/forum:viewrating
| |
| | |
| View subscribersmod/forum:viewsubscribers
| |
| | |
| '''Glossary'''
| |
| | |
| Approve unapproved entriesmod/glossary:approve
| |
| | |
| Create commentsmod/glossary:comment
| |
| | |
| Export entriesmod/glossary:export
| |
| | |
| Import entriesmod/glossary:import
| |
| | |
| Manage categoriesmod/glossary:managecategories
| |
| | |
| Manage commentsmod/glossary:managecomments
| |
| | |
| Manage entriesmod/glossary:manageentries
| |
| | |
| Rate entriesmod/glossary:rate
| |
| | |
| View ratingsmod/glossary:viewrating
| |
| | |
| Create new entriesmod/glossary:write
| |
| | |
| '''Hot Potatoes Quiz'''
| |
| | |
| Attempt a quizmod/hotpot:attempt
| |
| | |
| Delete quiz attemptsmod/hotpot:deleteattempt
| |
| |
| Modify gradesmod/hotpot:grade
| |
| | |
| View reportsmod/hotpot:viewreport
| |
| | |
| '''LAMS'''
| |
| | |
| Manage LAMS activitiesmod/lams:manage
| |
| | |
| Participate in LAMS activitiesmod/lams:participate
| |
| |
| '''Lesson'''
| |
| | |
| Manage a lesson activitymod/lesson:manage
| |
| |
| '''Quiz'''
| |
| | |
| Attempt quizzesmod/quiz:attempt
| |
| |
| Delete quiz attemptsmod/quiz:deleteattempts
| |
| |
| Get email confirmation when submittingmod/quiz:emailconfirmsubmission
| |
| |
| Get email notification of submissionsmod/quiz:emailnotifysubmission
| |
| |
| Grade quizzes manuallymod/quiz:grade
| |
| | |
| Ignores time limit on quizzesmod/quiz:ignoretimelimits
| |
| | |
| Manage quizzesmod/quiz:manage
| |
| | |
| Preview quizzesmod/quiz:preview
| |
| | |
| View quiz informationmod/quiz:view
| |
| | |
| View quiz reportsmod/quiz:viewreports
| |
| | |
| '''SCORM/AICC'''
| |
| | |
| Save tracksmod/scorm:savetrack
| |
| |
| Skip overviewmod/scorm:skipview
| |
| |
| View reportsmod/scorm:viewreport
| |
| |
| View scoresmod/scorm:viewscores
| |
| |
| '''Survey'''
| |
| | |
| Download responsesmod/survey:download
| |
| |
| Respond to surveymod/survey:participate
| |
| |
| View responsesmod/survey:readresponses
| |
| |
| '''Wiki'''
| |
| | |
| Manage wiki settingsmod/wiki:manage
| |
| | |
| Override locked pagesmod/wiki:overridelock
| |
| |
| Edit wiki pagesmod/wiki:participate
| |
| | |
| '''Workshop'''
| |
| | |
| Manage settingsmod/workshop:manage
| |
| | |
| Participate in workshopmod/workshop:participate
| |
| | |
| '''RSS Client'''
| |
| | |
| Create private RSS feedsblock/rss_client:createprivatefeeds
| |
| |
| Create shared RSS feedsblock/rss_client:createsharedfeeds
| |
| | |
| Manage any RSS feedsblock/rss_client:manageanyfeeds
| |
| | |
| Manage own RSS feedsblock/rss_client:manageownfeeds
| |
| | |
| '''Block'''
| |
| | |
| View blockmoodle/block:view
| |