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Die gewählte Bewertungsstrategie legt fest, wie das Bewertungsformular aussieht und wie die Bewertung berechnet wird. Bei der Aktivität Workshop gibt es standardmäßig vier verschiedene Bewertungsstrategien. Weitere Strategien können als zusätzliche Plugins implementiert werden.

Akkumulative Bewertung

Datei:Accumulative assessment form.png
Assessment form using accumulative grading

In this case, the assessment form consists of a set of criteria. Each criterion is graded separately using either a number grade (eg out of 100) or a scale (using either one of site-wide scale or a scale defined in a course). Each criterion can have its weight set. Reviewers can put comments to all assessed criteria.

When calculating the total grade for the submission, the grades for particular criteria are firstly normalized to a range from 0% to 100%. Then the total grade by a given assessment is calculated as weighted mean of normalized grades. Scales are considered as grades from 0 to M-1, where M is the number of scale items.

where is the grade given to the i-th criterion, is the maximal possible grade of the i-th criterion, is the weight of the i-th criterion and is the number of criteria in the assessment form.

It is important to realize that the influence of a particular criterion is determined by its weight only, not the grade type or range used. Let us have three criteria in the form, first using 0-100 grade, the second 0-20 grade and the third using a three items scale. If they all have the same weight, then giving grade 50 in the first criteria has the same impact as giving grade 10 for the second criteria.

Take the case above as an example. Suppose that the third criterion uses scale: 6 levels. An assessor gives grade 90 for the first criterion (or aspect 1), grade 16 for the second criterion and grade 9 very good for the last criterion. And the weights of the three criteria are 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Because for the third criterion, the scale has 6 items and grade 9 very good is the second one of the grade sequence ordered from highest to lowest, grade 9 will be mapped to 4. That is, in the formula above, g3 = 4 and max3 = 5.Then the final grade given by this assessment will be:

Accumulative formula.png


Dieses Bewertungsformular ähnelt dem Formular, das bei der akkumulativen Bewertung verwendet wird, nur dass hier keine Punkte, sondern Kommentare eingetragen werden können. Die Gesamtbewertung für die Einreichung wird immer auf 100% gesetzt. Diese Strategie ist sinnvoll, wenn Sie zu eingereichten Arbeiten ein erstes Feedback geben wollen. Die Autor/innen können dann ihre Arbeiten entsprechend verbessern und erneut einreichen. Für die Bewertung der erneuten Einreichung können Sie dann auch die Bewertungsstrategie ändern und die Arbeit mit einem anderen Bewertungsformular bewerten.

Anzahl der Fehler

Datei:Numoferror assessment form.png
Assessment form using Number of Errors

In Moodle 1.x, this was called Error banded strategy. The assessment form consists of several assertions, each of them can be marked as passed or failed by the reviewer. Various words can be set to express the pass or failure state - eg Yes/No, Present/Missing, Good/Poor, etc.

The grade given by a particular assessment is calculated from the weighted count of negative assessment responses (failed assertions). Here, the weighted count means that a response with weight is counted -times. Course facilitators define a mapping table that converts the number of failed assertions to a percent grade for the given submission. Zero failed assertion is always mapped to 100% grade.

This strategy may be used to make sure that certain criteria were addressed in the submission. Examples of such assessment assertions are: Has less than 3 spelling errors, Has no formatting issues, Has creative ideas, Meets length requirements etc. This assessment method is considered as easier for reviewers to understand and deal with. Therefore it is suitable even for younger participants or those just starting with peer assessment, while still producing quite objective results.

You can edit the original assessment form by following the steps below:

  1. Write down the corresponding description for each assertion in the blank. Then fill in the blanks of word for the error and word for the success. Set the weight for each assertion. As you can see, the grade mapping table is still blank now.
  2. Click the ‘save and close’ button at the end of this page.
  3. Click the ‘Edit assessment form’ link at the shade area titled setup phase in the upper part of this page and view the assessment form again. At this time, you can see that the grade mapping table has already been set. (Note: Initially all the field are blank. You need to choose the right value from each list to make this grading strategy work properly.)

For example, if an assessment form contains three assertions:

Assertion No. Content Pass or failure state Weight
1 Has the suitable title Yes/No 1
2 Has creative ideas Present/Miss 2
3 The abstract is well-written Yes/No 3

In the example above, suppose that a reviewer gives one certain work Yes/Miss/Yes as the assessment. Since the submission only fails to meet the second criterion and the weight of the second criterion is 2, the total number of errors will be 2. Thus the grade for submission given by this assessment is 66%. Suppose that the maximum grade for submission set in grade settings is 100, therefore the final grade for this submission given by this assessment is grade 66.


Detaillierte Informationen zu dieser Bewertungsstrategie finden Sie im Artikel Rubriken.


Besuchen Sie die Moodle Demo Website [1]

Hinweis: Sie müssen sich als Trainer/in anmelden:

   User name: teacher 
   Password: demo

Das Beispiel zeigt einen Workshop mit Rubriken als Bewertungsstrategie. Sie können dort auch Bewertungsformulare ansehen, die andere Bewertungsstrategien verwenden:

  1. Gehen Sie auf die Seite [2].
  2. Im Abschnitt Bewertungen wählen Sie die gewünschte Bewertungsmethode aus.
  3. Klicken Sie auf den Button Speichern und Vorschau unten auf der Seite.
  4. Klicken Sie auf den Link Edit assessment form in der Setup-Phase.

Dann sehen Sie das ursprüngliche Bewertungsformular der gewählten Bewertungsstrategie.