Note: This documentation is for Moodle 2.7. For up-to-date documentation see Profiling PHP.

Development:Profiling PHP

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Revision as of 10:51, 16 November 2010 by Tim Hunt (talk | contribs)

PHP has two significant profilers. One is XDebug. Tthis is well known and understood and it's trace output is supported by tools like KCachegrind. The other is xhprof, a profiler released by facebook's engineering team, designed for capturing profile traces on live servers.


Xdebug is a powerful PHP debugging tool. The first release of Xdebug was in 2002, since that it keeps growing and remains popular among PHP developers. Among its major features are stack and function tracing, code coverage analysis, remote debugging and scripts profiling. As the page topic suggests, we will focus on its profiling feature, which provides developer with detailed information about the script performance, helps identifying which parts of the code are slow. Collected information is being stored in cachegrind compatible file and can be analysed using one of external tools, such as KCachegrind, WinCacheGrind, xdebugtoolkit or web-based analyser Webgrind. Xdebug is simple to install and operate, it does not require code changes.

Installing Xdebug extension

The first step that has to be done is installing Xdebug extension. This procedure depends on the OS you are using, but general idea is to obtain Xdebug php extension and specify full path to it using zend_extension setting in php.inf file. Official Xdebug installation documentation explains its installation on Windows, installing through PEAR/PECL and compiling from source. Xdebug has been packaged for many Linux distributions, so it can be installed using corresponding package management tool. On Debian or Ubuntu, for example one would need to execute:

# apt-get install php5-xdebug

This will put in default php modules directory and create /etc/php5/conf.d/xdebug.ini file with single line:


Note that this is equal to specifying the same line in php.inf, example above just reflects split php configuration.

Once the Xdebug extension is installed and specified in php configuration, one may restart the webserver and information about Xdebug should appear in phpinfo() function output. If not, make sure that zend_extension line is not commented out, extension file exists in specified location and refer to webserver logs for more details.

Configuring Xdebug Profiler

When Xdebug extension is installed, it is time to configure profiling functionality. There are number of parameters related to profiling, all of them start with xdebug.profiler_ prefix. First of all, profiler should be enabled. There are two ways of doing it. One way is keeping it always enabled, so profiling information will be generated on every page request:


Another way is making Xdebug writing profiling information on demand by triggering it with GET/POST or COOKIE variable named XDEBUG_PROFILE:

xdebug.profiler_enable_trigger = 1

I prefer this option for several reasons: profiling data files are relatively large especially on complex scripts and you may run out of disk-space pretty quick, it allows generating profiling information only when you need it, thus it is easier to find the generated file in output directory, finally, on demand profiling can be done on production servers, though it is not recommended. If you have enabled xdebug.profiler_enable_trigger option, make sure that xdebug.profiler_enable is disabled, otherwise this will lead to dump file being generated on each request.

Whatever method of profiling enabling you have chosen, profiling data files will be generated on each request (or request with a trigger parameter) in directory specified with xdebug.profiler_output_dir directive. By default is it set to /tmp, but you may change it to any more suitable location.


Generated file will be named in accordance with xdebug.profiler_output_name setting. This setting can handle some specifiers and use them in the file name. Default name pattern is cachegrind.out.%p; in the actual file name %p will be replaced with process ID value. The fill list of specifier can be found here. I recommend more intuitive naming, so that it is easier to find the file you have just generated in the bunch of others:


With this naming pattern, timestamp and script name will be reflected in the file name.

That is all what you will need for profiling. My XDebug configuration file looks like:


When you are done with configuration, it is time to test it. First of all, the webserver has to be restarted, so that the new config will come into effect. Now assuming that Xdebug was configured to use a trigger for script profiling, open any php page on your server in your browser having added XDEBUG_PROFILE parameter to request string:


or if it already has some parameters, just add our trigger to the end:


As a result, the new file should be generated in directory you specified with xdebug.profiler_output_dir directive:


Analyzing Xdebug profiling files

As it was pointed out earlier, profiling data is recoded in cachegrind format, so it can be analysed using one of external tools, such as KCachegrind, WinCacheGrind, xdebugtoolkit or web-based analyser Webgrind. Using these tools is pretty simple. I prefer KCachegrind which has a feature to show the matching code if web-server is run on the same box. Xdebug profiler documentation page has a section about KCachegrind that worth reading for everyone who starts using KCachegrind.


Compared to XDebug, XHProf aims to have the minimum impact on execution times and require relatively little space to store a trace, so you can run it live without a noticeable impact on users and without filling disks. The trade off with XHProf is in slightly less detail and a trace format that needs it's own GUI to visualize (which ships with XHProf). The reason you'd want to profile in a live environments (vs. on development) is certain categories of problem may only been seen live, e.g. (data related) what happens when the user table grows 100 times, the impact on "login.php" or (service related) server to server HTTP requests. Did a presentation once XHProf - Facebook's PHP profiler which explains in more detail - Penny saw the talk which is how I ended up writing this.

See also

XHProf articles:

Xdebug articles:
