Note: This documentation is for Moodle 2.7. For up-to-date documentation see Usability issues - Tabs.

Development:Usability issues - Tabs

From MoodleDocs

Identification of the tabs

To a large degree this has been done but it would be nice to have a table indicating areas where additional tabs are needed, to evaluate tab order, etc.

The consistent top row is:

  • View
  • Submissions
  • Update activity
  • Assign roles
  • Override permissions

Upload screenshots classification
ID Specific Tabs Justification of tabs order Aditional tabs needed
1 Wiki and other activities and resources Image, layout, spacing, size, etc. Create folder, zip, unzip, rename,etc.
2 Files, Frontpage Site Files Examinar, upload and cancel.
3 Import, Frontpage Questions Examinar and import groups / Choose or upload a file and import this file.
4 Upload users / upload user pictures CVS, enconding, overwrite, etc. Examinar and upload user (pictures)

Possibility of moving tabs using javascript mentioned in the Fluid project (Javascript vs. AJAX)

This is related to support tab layout widgets. I think I might prefer javascript to AJAX as my impression has been that AJAX generally slows the page down especially for large courses. Again, some research on comparing these appoaches could be useful to the developers as we try to figure out how best to implement the tabs.

Circumstances would tabs cause more confusion or not be recommended

It would be recommended to add this tabs and delete the update activity button because the information of the activity is displayed in the same page and accessing with that button increments too much the number of clicks to update.