Note: This documentation is for Moodle 2.7. For up-to-date documentation see Full report of recent activity.

Full report of recent activity

From MoodleDocs
Revision as of 12:20, 8 September 2007 by chris collman (talk | contribs) (added word ")

The block called Recent activity has a link called "Full Report of Recent Activity" for teachers. This will lead to a screen which has a time filter and organizes activity by course sections.

Block recent activity 18.JPG

Advanced Search

The advance search button or link has more filter options. These include selecting all or a specific: participant, activity, since date. It also allows the list to be sorted in course order, oldest to recent or recent to oldest date. There is a link to return to the Normal search screen.

Block recent activity 18 advanced.JPG

See also

